Saturday, August 31, 2019
Maersk Doha Communcation Report
1 – Shannon and Weaver’s Communications model seems to be a perfect fit for the Maersk Doha’s problems on board as there were several instances when language caused miscommunications between crew members and messages where delivered incorrectly. This highlights that not all messages received are identical to the message that was sent or to put it in simpler terms it can almost be described as a game of Chinese whispers. First off we are told that when the emergency occurred and the chief engineer was not informed quickly enough. This could be down to the incompetence of the engineers or more likely that there was a lack of communication commodities available to them. We were also told that the chief engineer was in a difficult position when it came to communication as he spoke a different language from the rest of the crew. This then created a hindrance upon the crew who were tasked with trying to understand and relay what the chief engineer was saying and along with the background noise, this proved to be difficult and thus caused confusion. 2- A big problem was the communication barrier between the engineering and deck departments. If a structured communications procedure had been in place, the damage could and probably would have been limited to a minimum. Problems arose as the engine crew didn’t report to the chief engineer and the chief didn’t report to the captain. Obviously if the senior staff are not made aware of the problems then they can’t be solved in a proper manor. It’s of utmost importance that the correct procedure where carried out when dealing with safety issues. On this occasion a threat occurred due to an inexperienced crew, reluctant to communicate with their superiors. All departments should have been working towards a joint goal instead there seemed to be departmental friction and the link of horizontal communication was inadequate. Having an inexperienced first and second engineer helped lead to not only mechanical problems occurring but also further problems in communication. The shipping company had decided all crew had a satisfactory level of English but this was not the case and the language barrier acted as a catalyst to the reason the fire was not dealt with properly. 4 – It is clear that there were problems in all directional flows. The downward communication was ineffective. The chief engineer should have asserted his authority and created a line of communication between his staff. Although the language barrier sometimes prevented proper flow in information there should have been procedures in place in case of emergency to insure the crew could contact him with any problems. The upward communication was also found inadequate as the crew should have been responsible enough to notify the chief engineer that there was a fire in the economiser and that perhaps due to their naivety and lack of experience they did not want to alert the chief and been seen as incompetent. The engineers where not familiar with the machinery and should have contacted the chief as early as possible. On the other hand the chief is also guilty of miscommunication when it came to the deck department. It is imperative that both departments work together and help as much as possible and it’s also necessary to regularly keep up to date with each other’s departments. This is the reason companies create procedures and flow charts that must be adhered by whilst on board. If the system was flawed then the chief should have designed a new communication procedure in order to keep communication flowing between all involved 4 – Its clear to say that the communication environment is heavily affected by the presence of so much background noise. There were problems with both the technical and social aspects of noise. Semantic barriers also lead to a negative influence on the environment. The information required regarding the economiser was available to the crew but due to this being from the ships previous owner and it not being endorsed by ZMA, there was confusion regarding what documents and procedures were to be followed. If ZMA had constructed their own policy, adding any information they did not carry over from the previous owner, this might have helped avoid the ensuing problems.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Cell Phone and driving
The purpose of the client card is for you to gain information as to what the client is using on their ace as well as any medications they may be taking that can affect the service. Do Not perform a wax service if your client is allergic to wax, taking certain medications, or using facial products that may cause their face to thin or burn while waxing. Once the consultation is complete you may now begin your waxing services. O us session. Prepare everything in advance before bring client back to the waxing area.Begin by first laying out all of your materials needed for waxing such as; hand sanitized, tweezers, eye brow comb, cotton, wax strips, scissors, and wooded applicator sticks. Briefly discuss with client the shape they are desiring. Have your client to lean back in the chair and relax. Examine the area and make your own assessment as to what the client needs. Communicate your findings and once agreed upon you may start the service. Start by sanitation your hands. Next apply pre cleaner solution to cotton balls to cleanse the brow area.Allow 3 to 5 seconds to dry, now brush brows In the direction that they grow In using the eyebrow brush/comb. Next dip the wooden stick into wax and apply underneath the brow using a thin layer of wax In the same direction of brow. Quickly apply a strip of muslin to waxed area. Rub the muslin strip with your two pointer fingers In same direction of eye brows. Hold outer corner of eye taunt and pull the strip In the opposite direction. Next repeat the waxing steps listed above for above brow, and center of brows.When finished apply wax remover to cotton balls to remove wax. Now use the brush end of comb to smooth brows. Remove any unwanted hairs that may still remain with tweezers and If needed use scissors to trim eyebrow length. Once you have achieved desired shape, apply cooling gel to eyebrows to help cool down area. At this time you may hand the mirror to the client, to let them see the finished results of their eyebrow wax service. Educate them on how often they should come back In to have them redone.Thank them for coming In and let them know that you look forward to seeing them back In 3 to 4 weeks. In conclusion eyebrow waxing may not be the most enjoyable service to have done, but when you are prepared, experienced, and customers love your work, the ending results makes It all worthwhile. Cell Phone and driving By larboard cotton balls to cleanse the brow area. Allow 3 to 5 seconds to dry, now brush brows in he direction that they grow in using the eyebrow brush/comb.Next dip the wooden stick into wax and apply underneath the brow using a thin layer of wax in the same with your two pointer fingers in same direction of eye brows. Hold outer corner of eye taunt and pull the strip in the opposite direction. Next repeat the waxing steps Remove any unwanted hairs that may still remain with tweezers and if needed use Educate them on how often they should come back in to have them redone. Thank them for coming in and let them know that you look forward to seeing them back in 3 the ending results makes it all worthwhile.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
BHS 400 STRESS MANAGEMENT (Module 2-CBT) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
BHS 400 STRESS MANAGEMENT (Module 2-CBT) - Essay Example Stress can affect both personal and professional life. Jeanne Segal, PhD, in his article ‘Raising Emotional Intelligence’ says that â€Å"people lose their confidence and become irritated or withdrawn when they feel overwhelmed making them less productive and effective in their work†. ( ¶ 5) Though cost cutting strategies are essential in the current competitive world, as a chief financial officer, I would like to bring the board’s attention to the benefits of educating the stress management techniques to our employees. A person under stress, either from the family or from the work place can never concentrate on his works and hence his productivity will be considerably reduced. Moreover working under the control of a stressful mind, can create lot of accidents at the work place which can create damages to the company and other workers as well. Creativity of a worker will be lost if he is under the control of any sort of stress. â€Å"A healthy workplace provides mutual benefits for employers and employees within a common belief that good health practices by both will lead to individual and organizational self-fulfillment and productivity. Health promotion is the process of enabling employees to increase control over and to improve their physical, emotional and social health†. (Work-Life stress management) In my opinion a little spending on training of employees for managing their work place stress can contribute immensely to the overall gain of the company. Moreover such training will educate the employees in how to manage their stress in an effective manner which will make them capable of managing their stress both at home and work place. As per Clarity Seminars (located at Silicon Valley and San Francisco Bay Area), after a stress management training course the employees will be able to;†Understand and communicate more effectively with difficult co-workers, Manage challenging work situations with
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Strategies for Building Effective Relationships Paper Essay
Strategies for Building Effective Relationships Paper - Essay Example These strategies are developed to increase motivation and work performance of the employees. Strong relationship of company with its organizational members is build by putting many efforts. Good relationship helps to satisfy all the staffs of the company. It facilitates the firm to retain its employees. Strategies in this case are designed by considering employees needs and requirements. In this case study, as a new product development manager I have to implement strategies for improving the condition of my uncle’s business. In my uncle’s business employees play an important role in organizational growth and success. Therefore maintaining a good relationship with them is an important responsibility of the company. Strategies of the company need to be decided according to that. As a product development project leader I have joined my uncle’s business. The company is into mid size manufacturing business. Presently the business condition is very bad. Employees and other organizational members are not satisfying with business functions. I mainly handle operational activities of the company. I have analyzed the company’s situation and have come to the conclusion that revenue of the organization has significantly dropped in past few years. The organizational members of this business did not implement any new ideas in business operation and development process. There is no such project manager present to manage and look after the works of various projects. As a result business functions are not executed properly. Project leaders were there but they left the company because of serious conflict with their supervisors and managers. For all of these reason employees are getting de-motivated in this company and this leads to deterioration of the company . My uncle’s business needs to be organized in an effective way so that the company develops a strong relationship with its
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Entrepreneurship - Essay Example Palmer is found to treat the people recruited as general partners who would help him to manage the funds. In case he would have treated his partners as limited, the entire burden of fund management had fallen on him. Thus, he can be taken as an example of a true entrepreneur in promoting a good teamwork. The case study of Maclean Palmer can be regarded as an ideal model for business entrepreneurship in the Venture Capital market. Maclean Palmer by dearth in the field of private equity investment is found successful in identifying a business opportunity and working out a plan to explore the opportunity cited. His decision to design the 200 million US Dollars on Equity Investment came from his interest to work on the area of minority business development. To this end, Palmer is seen to invite suggestions from Wanda Felton of Credit Suisse First and David Mazza of Grove Street Advisors to gain business expertise. Palmer considers the combination of expertise of the scholar minds with his rich experience of the equity market as a successful option in business entrepreneurship. It is seen that most of the minority business managers recruited were from business schools like Wharton and Harvard. Moreover, with the recommendation of Felton senior business executives were also taken in. Felt on in this context observes the marriage of the young and scholar minds with experienced people will certainly pave the way to business success. Palmer is found to give more importance on his people rather than on the experience and qualification parameters. He is observed to give considerable stress to form an environment of spontaneous teamwork. In regards to the opportunity cited by Maclean Palmer, David Mazza of Grove Street Advisors states that the decision to move into non-traditional investment sources was a profitable business decision taken by Maclean Palmer. It is because as Mazza
Monday, August 26, 2019
Philosophy and Social Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Philosophy and Social Justice - Essay Example According to the report findings unemployment usually happens when employers do not give a chance to people who are mere undergraduates to prove themselves at work, or when there is no one who y helps others get a job. A just society is not one where people would only selfishly think that each one should struggle for himself. A just society is where people struggle not only for themselves but for others as well. Lastly, racism only exists if there is a selfish view that one’s race is more superior to another. In short, the just society that I imagine is one without selfishness.As the discussion stresses the philosophy of Confucius is the means to achieve my idea of a just society. According to Confucius, â€Å"If [the people] be led by virtue, and uniformity sought to be given them by the rules of propriety, they will have the sense of honor and respect, and moreover will become good†. This philosophy known as ethical humanism is one where what is being drawn out is the natural kindness in people. This philosophy is based on the idea of Ren, â€Å"a humane principle rooted in empathy and feeling for others†. This means that society operates by learning the rules of propriety. If such rules are learned, what happens is that the people who learn these rules naturally develop honor and respect for themselves and for each other. If this philosophy of Confucius is taught to and instilled in the youth of the society, this society will most likely become what is ideally just.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
War on Drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
War on Drugs - Essay Example On the one hand, the "war on drugs" helps criminal justice system to control illegal drug trade and reduce a number of drug addicts. The creation of the threat estimate is a logical and orderly examination of all the factors which when combined give shape to the threat. The circularity of effects should be dear. As American communities changed, fear of the unfamiliar and unknown, and consequently that of crime, rose. As a result, when people encounter illegal acts they are more likely to call the police, out of fear, whereas in the past, when the situation did not contain the element of unfamiliarity, the issue would be handled informally. So increasing fear is a cause of acceleration in reported crime when the actual incidence of crime has remained stable. In contrast to this view, "many critics claim that current drug control strategy is not only unnecessarily punitive but also largely ineffective". The majority of survey respondents str not satisfied with the present situation, ch aracterizing information/intelligence exchange as being "hit or miss," with actual "intelligence business" being conducted by personal contact and investigator meetings-in short, on a case by case basis. They cited limited connectivity between existing and planned networks and limited integration of federal efforts with those of state and local. Some investigators query systems but are reluctant to provide information to input. Fears of 'claim jumping' lucrative cases have prompted previously cooperative agencies to act much more cautiously." Additionally, "guarding drug intelligence and concealing major. â€Å"The current "prosecute-or-extradite" system functions through national prosecutions aided by ad hoc international cooperation. It leaves the enforcement of narcotics laws to individual nation-states, as nations may choose to assert jurisdiction and prosecute drug traffickers within their national justice systems, to extradite them to a requesting state, or to avoid taking an y action" (Mcconville 2000, p. 75). In addition, "the war on drugs" becomes a real burden for criminal justice system and prisons. Crowding in penal institutions may produce the most volatile situation of all. Many prisoners do not have a chance to be put on parole, so the effects of crowding apply steady pressure on them. That pressure is exacerbated by the violence, racism, and sense of hopelessness found in prisons. Crowding affects prison life in two ways: control of the prison population is more difficult as individual disciplinary problems and major disturbances increase, and individual deterioration is fostered (Miller, 2004). Prisoners living in crowded facilities for sustained periods commit suicide, die, are murdered, create disturbances, become ill, and have interpersonal problems more often than inmates not living in crowded surroundings. Both the actual amount of living space available to each inmate and the total number of men or women incarcerated are related to the negative impacts of imprisonment. Larg e institutions produce more severe physical and psychological effects than smaller facilities (The War on Drugs
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 21
Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example This is a secondary source. This book stressed that parenting style affects children’s emotional and social development. It explored different parenting styles. Using several studies, it showed that authoritative parenting is effective in raising children with positive attitudes and prosocial behaviors. Bernstein (2011) noted the limitations of these studies, including their inability to find cause-and-effect connections and they did not sufficiently include the individual traits of children in their research designs. He emphasized that the fit between parenting style and children’s individual traits will determine the most successful parenting style. Bornstein, M.H., and Zlotnik, D. (2009). Parenting styles and their effects. In J.B. Benson (Ed.), Social and emotional development in infancy and early childhood (pp.280-293). California: Academic Press. This is a secondary source. This chapter reviewed parenting styles and their outcomes on children’s development. It discussed the causes of parenting styles. It showed that authoritative parenting is the most successful parenting style in raising socially responsible and successful children, at least among European American children. This chapter explained the particular characteristics of authoritative parenting that improved the outcomes for children, where the main point is that these parents are more equipped to manage stress and to discipline their children. Evans, W. (2012, April 1). Authoritative parenting is best for young adults, studies say. Deseret News. Retrieved from This is a secondary source. It summarized the findings of a study from Jeffrey Jensen Arnett. Findings showed that authoritative parenting is best for adolescents because the latter want some space to exert their free will and to make decisions on their own. Children from permissive and authoritarian
Friday, August 23, 2019
What were the political and intellectual outlooks of the civilizations Essay
What were the political and intellectual outlooks of the civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia How did geography influence the religious outlooks of these two civilizations - Essay Example Like Mesopotamia, Egypt was also dominated by a major river: the Nile, which was central to its life (Pollock, 1999). According to Trigger (2003), city-states in Mesopotamia, after successfully resisting incoporation into larger political systems for more than fifteen hundred years, were not transformed into territorial states, but absorbed into regional kingdoms. Unlike a hegemonic city-state system, the â€Å"Inka†empire was organized as a series of provinces ruled by the Inka upper class. Governorships were not allowed to become hereditary. Provinces were governed from administrative centres which were new foundations. Local rulers who in the central highlands were mostly descended from the hereditary chiefs, administered largely rural populations. Their executive powers were subject to the approval of the provincial governor. To reduce the power of conquered groups, they were sent as colonists to far-off regions of the Inka state, and replaced by reliable settlers from older parts of the kingdom (Patterson, 1987). In contrast to the situation in Mesopotamia, where urban development played a prominent role in shaping the civilization, most people in ancient Egypt continued to live in small, largely self-sufficient villages. Although the reasons for this are complex and include fundamental differences in political organization (Trigger, 2003), the greater uniformity and stability of natural resources and correspondingly lower risks associated with agriculture in Egypt were significant (Wenke, 1989). In Mesopotamia, political entities were most often small-scale competitive polities rather than centralized regional states (Pollock, 1999). Politically centralized territorial entities were the exception rather than the rule, and most were of short duration. Contrastingly, in Egypt, after the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt around the end of the fourth millennium, it remained a politically centralized state comprising of a great geographical
Eczema Nursing Presentation PowerPoint Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Eczema Nursing - PowerPoint Presentation Example With relation to the differential diagnosis, a range of conditions need to be differentiated including psoriasis, fungal infections, scabies, scarlet fever, pityriasis rosea, measles, tinea corporis and squamous cell carcinoma. Introduction/Definition Eczema or dermatitis is a disorder in which the skin is inflamed (especially epidermis) along with the development of vesiculation sometimes in acute phases. It has been derived from the Greek word meaning to ‘boil out’, and hence medical practitioners consider it to look like the skin is boiling out. The condition is usually acute in nature, but can be a chronic inflammatory disorder of the skin causing pruritius, redness, vesiculation, which finally become encrusted, hemorrhagic, thickened and scales off (Vorvick, 2009). Some of the common types include:- Allergic contact eczema – Following contact with a foreign substance such as a poison, lotion, etc, there is a local allergic reaction Atopic dermatitis – It is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder and often accompanied with other disorders such as asthma and hay fever. It is commonly seen on the arms and at the back of the knees, and flare up periodically Contact eczema – the reaction is localised when a allergen is contact causing itching, redness and swelling Seborrheic eczema- Commonly called as dandruff and is a mild skin inflammatory disorder arising due to unknown reasons and causing scaling, redness and itching of the scalp and face Neurodermatitis – This is characterised by scratching or picking of the skin resulting in development of rashes Stasis dermatitis – Develops from congestion of the veins of the legs resulting in irritation of the overlying skin Dyshidrotic eczema – Commonly occurs on the palms and soles and is seen as deep-seated skin lesions Perioral eczema – Bumpy rash and ulcers that develop around the mouth Nummular eczema – This is a coin-shaped lesion that develops in an irritated portion of the skin causing scaling, itching and encrusting (MedicineNet, 2011). Pathophysiology The exact cause of eczema and dermatitis is still not clearly known, but it may be a result of interplay of host, genetic and environmental factors. Further, stress and various emotional disorders can worsen or exacerbate the condition especially atopic dermatitis (Mayo Clinic, 2011). Most of the eczema occurs due to a hypersensitivity reaction of the skin, causing chronic skin inflammation (Lehrer, 2009). Some of the eczemas are autoimmune conditions and some of them are genetically transmitted, running in families. Atopic dermatitis is known to be transmitted through a genetic route and is often associated with asthma and hay fever. However, this association is often being questioned, as not all individuals with atopic dermatitis have asthma and hay ever, and not all individuals with asthma and hay fever have atopic dermatitis. However, both these conditions tend to run i n families, and this may be due to common genetic trait being carried on (Mayo Clinic, 2011). Such disorder appears on trivial inflammation of the skin. Allergic eczemas are usually common and the individual may also have other allergic conditions such as asthma, hay fever, etc (DIS, 2011). There are several exacerbating factors for
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Character study of Rosalind from As You Like It Essay Example for Free
Character study of Rosalind from As You Like It Essay Rosalind, throughout William Shakespeares As You Like It, uses her ability to control language to attain her goals. Using creative speech, Rosalind enables herself to control and manipulate every situation that she is involved with, especially those concerning Orlando and Phoebe. Rosalind dominates many scenes in As You Like It and, ultimately, everything that Rosalind wants to occur does. She even changes her identity to do so. By using ingenious language, Rosalind facilitates the accomplishment of all of her objectives throughout the play. The first situation in which Rosalind displays her dominance in language is in the Forest of Ardenne, disguised as Ganymede, a male. She, knowing that Orlando is yearning for her love, comments on his obvious unrequited love, saying, Then there is no true lover in the forest; else sighing every minute and groaning every hour would detect the lazy for of time as well as a clock. (111) By implying that Orlandos love is not true love, she immediately inspires Orlando to prove her wrong. Orlando, becoming a little suspicious, inquires why her accent is not rough as a result of her living in the secluded forest her entire life. She retorts almost immediately with an elaborate story in which she states, But indeed and old religious uncle of mine taught me to speak, who was in his youth an inland man, one that knew courtship too well, for there he fell in love. I have heard him read many lectures against it. Although a lie, Rosalind uses this sly and deceptive speech to give herself the exc use to sound educated and the ability to discuss love. Rosalind sets up this situation from the beginning, enabling herself to discreetly mention true love in order to get Orlandos full attention. Rosalind goes on to obtain Orlandos undivided attention by saying, There is a man that haunts the forest that abuses our young plants with carving Rosalind on their barks, hands odes upon hjawthrons and elegies on brambles, all, forsooth, the name of Rosalind. If I could meet that fancy-monger, I would give him some good counsel, for he seems to have the quotidian of love upon him. (113). Rosalind proclaims herself as an expert of love in order to give herself an excuse to meet with Orlando and help him cope with his situation She knows Orlando will surely agree to meet with her to discuss his love. He says that he is truly in love, but Rosalind states that there is none of my uncles marks upon you. He taught me how to know a man in love. Orlando retorts, I would I could make thee believe I love. By implying that Orlando may not even be in love at all, and promoting herself as an expert, she is enabling herself to counsel Orlando. She leads Orlando to want to prove he is in love with Rosalind. The major fact that she is interested in is observing how deeply Orlando is in love with her and how desperate he is to be with her. By leading Orlando on to believe that she is an expert when it comes to matters that concern true love, Rosalind allows herself to find out what Orlando is thinking about her from a third person, and unbiased, perspective. Rosalind also creatively uses language to manipulate situations that contain Phoebe, Silvius, and her own disguised character, Ganymede. Although Silvius deeply loves Phoebe, she continues to reject his brutally. However, Ganymede gets involved to defend Silvius, saying to Phoebe, Who might be your mother, that you insult, exult and all at once over the wretched? What though you have no beauty-as, by my faith, I see no more in you than without candle may go dark to bed-must you be therefore proud and pitiless? (131). Ganymede goes onto criticizes Phoebe even more by saying, Tis not your inky brows, you black silk hair, your bugle eyeballs, nor your cheek of cream that can entame my spirits to your worship. However, instead of getting Phoebe to realize she should appreciate Silvius love, Ganymede unintentionally obtains Phoebes love. Phoebe states to Ganymede, Sweet youthm I pray you chide a year together. I had rather hear you chide than this man [Silvius] woo. 133. Phoebe becomes attracted to Ganymede not realizing that Ganymede is really Rosalind, a woman. Rosalind, realizing this, continues to insult and criticizes Phoebe. She knows that she can eventually trick Phoebe into loving Silvius. Seeing an opportunity, Ganymede continues to insult Phoebe in order to continue to attain her love. Also, Rosalind sees that Silvius love for Phoebe is deep and true, despite that Phoebe rejects and ignores him. She sees the opportunity to manipulate Phoebe into loving Silvuis. As a result, she continues to lead Phoebe on, preparing for the time in which she ahs the chance cajole her to love Silvius. Rosalind uses her creative language one final time in dealing with the weddings. She is able, through the use of witty language, to arrange each marriage, and those who are involved, to her liking. Orlando reveals to Ganymede that he can no longer love by thinking, and now, more than ever, needs to be with Rosalind. Ganymede then responds by saying, I have since I was three year old, conversed with a magician most profound in his art and yet not damnable. If you do love Rosalind so near the heart as your gesture cries out, when your brother marries Aliena shall you marry her By assuring Orlando that Rosalind would marry him the next day, Ganymede then proceeds with the second part of her plan. She realizes that Phoebe has an attraction towards her as Ganymede She uses this fact to persuade Phoebe to marry her, with one stipulation. If Phoebe for some reason decides that she does not want to marry Ganymede, Phoebe would then be obligated to marry Silvius. Ganymede obtains Phoebes agreement on their marriage, stating, If you do refuse to marry me, Youll give yourself to this most faithful shepherd [Silvius]. Ganymede goes on to state: [To Silvius] I will help you if I can. [To Phoebe] I would love you if I could-Tomorrow meet me all together. I will marry you if I ever marry a woman, and Ill be married tomorrow. [To Orlando] I will satify you and you shall be married tomorrow. Eventually, Ganymede reveals herself as Rosalind, and, accompanied by Hymen, prepares to marry Orlando. Aliena reveals herself to be Celia and weds Oliver. Phoebe, realzing that her lover, Ganymede, is really a female, then agrees to wed Silvius as a part of he pact with Rosalind.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The goals of the marketing department
The goals of the marketing department THE MARKETING DEPARTMENT was the department where I did my internship. I spent six weeks in this department. In these six weeks I came to know that what are the practical consequences of marketing n how to make it more impressive. In Gondal Group of Industries the Marketing department was established in Nov 1999. I worked under Marketing and sales officer Mr. Khalid Rohail. There are mainly three departments in Gondal Group Industries Fiber Glass Steel Concrete These three departments are working at their best .I did my internship in fiber glass department n as far as I concerned to only this department so I got a little look of others.. In this department I worked with every designation member and analyzed, observed and learned about the responsibilities and activities associated with them. Lets talk about them one by one. 2.2- Hierarchy of Marketing Department Marketing Marketing is the process by which companies create customer interest in goods or services. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business development.throug marketing the relationship between customer and company and it makes the customer satisfied by the products. Gondal industry offers that in order to satisfy its organizational objectives, Gondal industry should anticipate the needs and wants of consumers and satisfy these more efficiently than competitors. In the consumer-driven approach, consumer wants are the drivers of all strategic marketing decisions. No strategy is pursued until it passes the test of consumer Objectives of Marketing Department The objectives of marketing department in gondal group of industry are the identification, anticipation and satisfaction of customer or consumer. so marketing department is responsible for the analysis of needs and demands of the consumer and then fulfill their requirement process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements by the products the company is offering and also take feedback of the product to ensure that the main objective is achieved or not. To understand and work in the marketing department, it is very important that one should know about the marketing research process. After learning all the steps of the Marketing Research Process, marketing can be possible. Marketing strategy It is a process by which a firm or an organization concentrates on its resources available and its limitations and the opportunities available for them so that the sale can be increased and the advantage of it can be taken according to needs and according to desire. A marketing strategy should be centered on the key concept that customer satisfaction is the main goal. Key part of the general corporate strategy Marketing strategy is a method of focusing an organizations energies and resources on a course of action which can lead to increased sales and dominance of a targeted market niche. A marketing strategy combines product development, promotion, distribution, pricing, relationship management and other elements; identifies the firms marketing goals, and explains how they will be achieved, ideally within a stated timeframe. Marketing strategy determines the choice of target market segments, positioning, marketing mix, and allocation of resources. It is most effective when it is an integral component of overall firm strategy, defining how the organization will successfully engage customers, prospects, and competitors in the market arena, corporate strategies, corporate missions, and corporate goals. As the customer constitutes the source of a companys revenue, marketing strategy is closely linked with sales. A key component of marketing strategy is often to keep marketing in line wit h a companys overarching mission statement. Basic theory: Target Audience Proposition/Key Element Implementation Tactics and actions A marketing strategy can serve as the foundation of a marketing plan. A marketing plan contains a set of specific actions required to successfully implement a marketing strategy. For example: Use a low cost product to attract consumers. Once our organization, via our low cost product, has established a relationship with consumers, our organization will sell additional, higher-margin products and services that enhance the consumers interaction with the low-cost product or service. A strategy consists of a well thought out series of tactics to make a marketing plan more effective. Marketing strategies serve as the fundamental underpinning of marketing plans designed to fill market needs and reach marketing objectives. Plans and objectives are generally tested for measurable results. A marketing strategy often integrates an organizations marketing goals, policies, and action sequences (tactics) into a cohesive whole. Similarly, the various strands of the strategy, which might include advertising, channel marketing, promotion and public relations can be orchestrated. Many companies cascade a strategy throughout an organization, by creating strategy tactics that then become strategy goals for the next level or group. Each one group is expected to take that strategy goal and develop a set of tactics to achieve that goal. This is why it is important to make each strategy goal measurable. Marketing strategies are dynamic and interactive. They are partially planned and partially unplanned. Types of strategies Marketing strategies may differ depending on the unique situation of the individual business. However there are a number of ways of categorizing some generic strategies. A brief description of the most common categorizing schemes is presented below: Strategies based on market dominance In this scheme, firms are classified based on their market share or dominance of an industry. Typically there are four types of market dominance strategies: Leader Challenger Follower Nicher Organizational Structure: strategy on the dimensions of strategic scope and strategic strength. Strategic scope refers to the market penetration while strategic strength refers to the firms sustainable competitive advantage. The generic strategy framework (porter 1984) comprises two alternatives each with two alternative scopes. These are Differentiation and low-cost leadership each with a dimension of Focus-broad or narrow. Product differentiation (broad) Cost leadership (broad) Market segmentation (narrow) Organizational Structure- This deals with the firms rate of the new product development and business model innovation. It asks whether the company is on the cutting edge of technology and business innovation. There are three types: Pioneers Close followers Late followers Organizational Structure- In this scheme we ask the question, How should the firm grow? There are a number of different ways of answering that question, but the most common gives four answers: Horizontal integration Vertical integration Diversification Intensification A more detailed scheme uses the categories Prospector Analyzer Defender Reactor Marketing warfare strategies This scheme draws parallels between marketing strategies and military strategies. Strategic models Marketing participants often employ strategic models and tools to analyze marketing decisions. When beginning a strategic analysis, the 3Cs can be employed to get a broad understanding of the strategic environment. An Ansoff Matrix is also often used to convey an organizations strategic positioning of their marketing mix. The 4Ps can then be utilized to form a marketing plan to pursue a defined strategy. There are many companies especially those in the Consumer Package Goods (CPG) market that adopt the theory of running their business centred on Consumer, Shopper Retailer needs. Their Marketing departments spend quality time looking for Growth Opportunities in their categories by identifying relevant insights (both mindsets and behaviours) on their target Consumers, Shoppers and retail partners. These Growth Opportunities emerge from changes in market trends, segment dynamics changing and also internal brand or operational business challenges. The Marketing team can then prioritize these Growth Opportunities and begin to develop strategies to exploit the opportunities that could include new or adapted products, services as well as changes to the 7Ps. Real-life marketing Real-life marketing primarily revolves around the application of a great deal of common-sense; dealing with a limited number of factors, in an environment of imperfect information and limited resources complicated by uncertainty and tight timescales. Use of classical marketing techniques, in these circumstances, is inevitably partial and uneven. Thus, for example, many new products will emerge from irrational processes and the rational development process may be used (if at all) to screen out the worst non-runners. The design of the advertising, and the packaging, will be the output of the creative minds employed; which management will then screen, often by gut-reaction, to ensure that it is reasonable. For most of their time, marketing managers use intuition and experience to analyze and handle the complex, and unique, situations being faced; without easy reference to theory. This will often be flying by the seat of the pants, or gut-reaction; where the overall strategy, coupled with the knowledge of the customer which has been absorbed almost by a process of osmosis, will determine the quality of the marketing employed. This, almost instinctive management, is what is sometimes called coarse marketing; to distinguish it from the refined, aesthetically pleasing, form favoured by the theorists. SECTION # 3 3.0- SWOT Analysis of Marketing Department Strengths in the SWOT Analysis are attributes or characteristics within the organization that are considered to be important to the execution and ultimate success of the project. Examples of strengths that are often cited are factors such as experienced management, state of the art manufacturing facilities, and a solid profit line already in place. Weaknesses in the SWOT Analysis formula have to do with internal factors that could prevent the achievement of a successful result to the project. Factors such as a weak internal communication system, unhealthy levels of rivalry between departments, lack of raw materials, and inadequate funding for the project are often cited as weaknesses that can threaten to derail a project before it even begins. The third classification of factors in the SWOT analysis is Opportunities. This classification has to do with external elements that will prove helpful in achieving the goals set for the project. Factors of this type could be the positive perception of the company by the general public, a network of vendors who are willing to work with the company to achieve success with the project, and market conditions that will help to make the project desirable to the market at large, or at least a significant segment. Last, the final essential component for the SWOT Analysis is Threats. Here, external factors that could threaten the success of the business venture or project are listed and addressed. Among the possible threats that will be critical to any SWOT analysis is a negative public image, the lack of vendors who can supply raw materials for the project, and no readymade market for the final product of the project. Strengths The company has a very well balanced and realistic incentive program. It also focuses on giving additional benefits to its employees apart from the basic remuneration. This results in employees giving their Heart and Soul in working for their employer. The Marketing practices greatly enhance its image as a company that wants to contribute towards the society in every possible way. As the main focus is on developing better image not just to sale its products. Description of every product is written in its manual whereas the competitors dont do so this thing results in increase of customer loyalty and also profits. Weaknesses Marketing department lacks staff and it is very difficult for the Marketing Manager to do the right things for their organization and it takes much time for normal working of the organization. The Marketing Department is not up to the mark for the proper marketing system and implementation of that system. Gondal Group of Industries uses old methods of marketing practices. Gondal Group of Industries dont properly advertise their products on popular TV channels. Due to lack of advertisement activities most of the consumers dont know what to buy from Gondal and how to buy and also where to buy. These all things should be told in the advertisement and the advertisement should be played on popular TV channels and on radio F.M. the latest technology of media should be used to advertising the products of Gondal Group of Industries. Marketing Department has not functioning products packing program. All the products are delivered to the customers without proper packaging. There should be a proper packaging for all the products and that should be attractive so that it could increase attractiveness and also the customers. The employees are working along with their concise and conservative knowledge. There are no refresher courses for their training. Due to this employees feel difficult to set their working environment. Employees have developed a psychology that promotion criteria procedures of the Marketing Department of the company are not justified. Here is a lack of reward and proper incentives for the manual workers. The employees working more efficiently and effectively are receiving the same rewards as the others. These efficient employees are also not obliged with some appreciation. Employees are leaving the jobs, so that is why there is a lack of experienced employees in the organization, which leads to a shortfall in production. The working hours for the labor are not right and accurate. The working hours are so much awkward that the labor force feels so much exertion, after continuously working. There are frequent conflicts among the laborers which causes stoppage of work and which ultimately lead to shortfall in production. The authorities assigned to the workers are being misused by them. Perhaps the employees are using the companys resources for their own interest and misusing the authority assigned to them. There is a lack of co-ordination among employees. Employees are not in well exchanging their ideas, methods of production and their skill among each other so that their ideas are reserved to only a single person and the whole system is not enjoying it. There is an incorrect assignment of work in the organization. The jobs assigned to the workers do not match with their skills, mental as well as physical capabilities , which ultimately leads to short fall in production. The employees have adopted the satisfying behavior due to which they are not working as planning, and are just deceiving the management. Opportunities There are a number of opportunities that are available in areas of Marketing for Gondal Group of Industries during the course of their future activities. These are: The company can discover great potential through the future graduates as every generation is being taught in more effective manner that leads to better growth. Being a growing company in the employment rankings of Pakistan Gondal Group of Industries can recruit the cream of graduates every year and utilize their improved knowledge and abilities. There is an opportunity to create the best image of the company in the mind of customers by adding the value added services. The company should also use billboards for their advertising which is a very popular and common way of advertising now a days and the company should use it. With the expansion in the company business in Pakistan, the Marketing department can be expended in order to manage diversity of workforce. Threats There are also many threats that can b faces to Gondal Group of Industries Marketing department. Which are given below? Due to entering of new companies in industry the competition has been enhanced. Like other areas marketing departments is facing the threat of customers switching from Gondal Group of Industries to other companies. The big and regular customers are being attracted by the other companies multinational companies. This is all due to proper marketing, the company with proper marketing department practicing all the marketing rules and regulations not only attracts the customer but also creates loyal customers for itself which is a very good sign for that company. The company is currently acting upon the policy of downsizing which threaten the environment of the bank Employees feel insecurity in doing their jobs and work, hence affecting the overall performance of employees negatively. SECTION # 4 RECCOMENDATIONS Following are some recommendations for Gondal Group of Industries, which I personally feel can be useful for the organization, its employees and the customers. And which helps the organization to improve its effectiveness and efficiency in highly competitive world. The Marketing department should be vast. There should be training centers for employees and workers. In training refreshing courses should be adequate and more frequent. Advanced training should b given to employees which enhance their skills. Marketing Department may advice and train employees for one window operation in order to reduce the time and conserve the resources. Executives and employees should be trained on continuous basis to give them knowledge about the current market trends and new marketing concepts. The promotional criteria by the Marketing Department should be defined and be as per rules. The proper and competitive evaluation of the methods and procedures adopted by other competitors will enhance the performance of Marketing Department. Gondal Group of Industries should use all the techniques and methods that are required by a big firm like that to handle all its Marketing activities in an efficient manner. This is the era of Information Technology. The functions and procedures of the Company should be converted from manual to the automatic. It will enhance the performance of the Marketing Department and ultimately of the company Marketing Department should allocate resources for this purpose. Pay packages may be revised in the light of profit earned by the organization. Gondal Group of Industries has a formal environment which can be changed to more relax and friendly environment. To establish core competence and to bring competitiveness, Gondal Group of Industries should implement numerous effective marketing plans to improve the performance of its various departments. Supervisors must manage employee performance well in order for Gondal Group of Industries to accomplish its mission and achieve its goals. There should be effective communication system .Establishing and maintaining effective communications with each Employee not only requires good oral and written communications Skills, but it also includes the ability to establish good working Relationships. To communicate effectively with employees, Supervisors must establish an environment that promotes an open Door atmosphere, the sharing of ideas, and employee involvement in decision making processes. When the Marketing manager is going to prepare the Marketing Plan he must get information about work to employees that will it be easy for employees to do work effectively. Employees should be known that what is expected to them and how it will be measured. So KPAs and performance measures should be well communicated to employees. Credible measures of performance that employees understand and accept are critical for achieving high level performance. Measuring employee accomplishments, using both qualitative and quantitative measures, provides the information that supervisors and employees need in order to monitor performance. Feedback should inform, enlighten, and suggest improvements to employees regarding their performance. Supervisors should describe specific work related behavior or results they observe as close to the event as possible. Using their coaching skills, supervisors evaluate and address the developmental needs of their employees and help them select diverse experiences to gain necessary skills. Supervisors and employees create development plans that might include training, new assignment, job enrichment, self study or work details Competencies should be observable, measurable Patterns of skills, knowledge, abilities, behaviors and other Characteristics that an individual needs to perform work roles or Occupational functions successfully. Gondal Group of Industries must allocate high budget for marketing activities. For online Resume submission time to time to have excellent application pool not only at the time of Job position Give detail for every advertisement of job opportunities along with detail about job description and career path, status of advertised job opportunities along with compensation packages to manifest potential candidates because this all not possible through newspaper advertisement and we have competitive edge of offering excellent compensation package to Mgt. Trainees so we should get benefit of this strength. There should be complete pre-defined program along with orientations modules and contents supposed to be highlighted and discussed by every department. Marketing department require to develop Orientation program and specific course contents for every department along with department managers, discussed and highlighted during orientation training and upgraded with the passage of time as for as changes takes place. And should be handover to every department and its one copy will remain to Marketing department orientation program file CONCLUSIONS The six weeks spent in Gondal Group of Industries, (By-pass) Gujrat were, no doubt a source of great learning for me. Its my quite first experience to do work practically in some organization. This practical training program did not only help me to acquire loads of knowledge about the predominant functions performed by company, but also imparted a lot of training as regards the set of behavioral traits which distinguish a particular person from the rest of the lot in a professional environment. All from the above discussion I conclude that Gondal Group of Industries Company is facing direct competition with many brands assembled by different companies. No doubt Gondal Group of Industries is a hi tech company but the working substances are the human being .It goes without saying that Marketing are the most important in the organization and so does the Marketing Department .It integrate all the activities and functions of the company like product manufacturing, packaging, advertising, customer feedback, designing attractive packing of the product, continuous improvement in the product according to the needs and wants of customers. Marketing Department plays the key role in the product, place, innovation, price of the product and promotion of the employees actually it assign the specified duties to the specified persons in this age of specialization. Marketing manager should be well versed and confident in his field. He should be humanize, well natured and have go face reading capabilities .All this ensures his success .He should be of the notion victory is not everything but the way of fighting is. Another famous marketing quotation is Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read. All departments are working together and they want to create a work environment in which employees can improve their minds, continuously learn, gain professional growth and feel inspired by similarly motivated individuals. Gondal Group of Industries takes pride in providing the best possible working environment. Especially the marketing department is being improved at a very fast speed and soon it will be best in business. The company is hiring more professional and hardworking marketing experts to improve their marketing department and their marketing plan, so that the company could get some more fame and popularity among customers and become a solid treat for its competitors. They take a constant interest in ones progress by conducting evaluations and offering the support and resources one needs.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Database Management System In An Organization
Database Management System In An Organization A DBMS Database Management System is a commercial software program used to control, manipulate and maintain the Database by enabling users to access, store, organize, modify, retrieve, secure and provide integrity of data in a database. A DBMS accepts request from users or applications and instructs the operating system to transfer the appropriate data as shown in the diagram below. Figure 1: database management (Source: Wikipedia (2011) defines Database Management System as a set of computer programs that controls the creation, maintenance, and the use of a database. It allows organizations to place control of database development in the hands of database administrators (DBAs) and other specialists. A DBMS is a system software package that helps the use of integrated collection of data records and files known as databases. It allows different user application programs to easily access the same database. DBMSs may use any of a variety of database models, such as the network model or relational model. In large systems, a DBMS allows users and other software to store and retrieve data in a structured way. Instead of having to write computer programs to extract information, user can ask simple questions in a query language. Thus, many DBMS packages provide Fourth-generation programming language (4GLs) and other application development features. It helps to specify the logical organization for a database and access and use the information within a database. It provides facilities for controlling data access, enforcing data integrity, managing concurrency, and restoring the database from backups. A DBMS also provides the ability to logically present database information to users. Examples: Microsoft Access, My SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and FileMaker Pro are all examples of database management systems. (Wikipedia, 2011). Microsoft Access: Microsoft Office Access, previously known as Microsoft Access, is a relational database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft jet database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately. In mid-May 2010, the current version Microsoft Access 2010 was released by Microsoft in Office 2010; Microsoft Office Access 2007 was the prior version. My SQL: MySQL is a relational database management system that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. It is named after developer Michael Widenius daughter, my. The SQL phrase stands for Structured Query Language. Microsoft SQL Server: Microsoft SQL Server is a relational model database server produced by Microsoft. Its primary query languages are T-SQL and ANSI S SQL. Oracle: The Oracle Database (commonly referred to as Oracle RDBMS or simply as Oracle) is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS), produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. FileMaker Pro: FileMaker Pro is a cross-platform relational database application from FileMaker Inc., formerly Claris, a subsidiary of Apple Inc. It integrates a database engine with a GUI-based interface, allowing users to modify the database by dragging new elements into layouts, screens, or forms. Advantages Singh (2009) illustrates advantages and disadvantages of DBMS. A true DBMS offers several advantages over file processing. The principal advantages of a DBMS are the followings: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Flexibility: Because programs and data are independent, programs do not have to be modified when types of unrelated data are added to or deleted from the database, or when physical storage changes. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Fast response to information requests: Because data are integrated into a single database, complex requests can be handled much more rapidly then if the data were located in separate, non-integrated files. In many businesses, faster response means better customer service. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Multiple access: Database software allows data to be accessed in a variety of ways (such as through various key fields) and often, by using several programming languages (both 3GL and nonprocedural 4GL programs). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lower user training costs: Users often find it easier to learn such systems and training costs may be reduced. Also, the total time taken to process requests may be shorter, which would increase user productivity. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Less storage: Theoretically, all occurrences of data items need be stored only once, thereby eliminating the storage of redundant data. System developers and database designers often use data normalization to minimize data redundancy. Warehouse of information, where large data can be stored. Systematic storage meaning data can be stored in the form of tables. Change of schema meaning it is not platform dependent tables can be edited to add new ones without hampering the applications. No language dependence meaning use of various languages on various platforms. Table joins meaning data can be in two or more tables and can be put into one table this enables easy retrieval of data. Data security meaning DBMS secures all your data. The data independence and efficient access of data Easy in data administration or data management. Provides concurrent access, recovers the data from the crashes. Disadvantages A database system generally provides on-line access to the database for many users. In contrast, a conventional system is often designed to meet a specific need and therefore generally provides access to only a small number of users. Because of the larger number of users accessing the data when a database is used, the enterprise may involve additional risks as compared to a conventional data processing system in the following areas. Confidentiality, privacy and security. Data quality. Data integrity. Enterprise vulnerability may be higher. The cost of using DBMS. Confidentiality, Privacy and Security When information is centralised and is made available to users from remote locations, the possibilities of abuse are often more than in a conventional data processing system. To reduce the chances of unauthorised users accessing sensitive information, it is necessary to take technical, administrative and, possibly, legal measures. Most databases store valuable information that must be protected against deliberate trespass and destruction. Data Quality Since the database is accessible to users remotely, adequate controls are needed to control users updating data and to control data quality. With increased number of users accessing data directly, there are enormous opportunities for users to damage the data. Unless there are suitable controls, the data quality may be compromised. Data Integrity Since a large number of users could be using a database concurrently, technical safeguards are necessary to ensure that the data remain correct during operation. The main threat to data integrity comes from several different users attempting to update the same data at the same time. The database therefore needs to be protected against inadvertent changes by the users. Enterprise Vulnerability Centralising all data of an enterprise in one database may mean that the database becomes an indispensible resource. The survival of the enterprise may depend on reliable information being available from its database. The enterprise therefore becomes vulnerable to the destruction of the database or to unauthorised modification of the database. The Cost of using a DBMS Conventional data processing systems are typically designed to run a number of well-defined, pre-planned processes. Such systems are often tuned to run efficiently for the processes that they were designed for. Although the conventional systems are usually fairly inflexible in that new applications may be difficult to implement and/or expensive to run, they are usually very efficient for the applications they are designed for. The database approach on the other hand provides a flexible alternative where new applications can be developed relatively inexpensively. The flexible approach is not without its costs and one of these costs is the additional cost of running applications that the conventional system was designed for. Using standardised software is almost always less machine efficient than specialised software. Cost of hardware and software meaning having to upgrade the hardware used for file based system it is very costly. Cost of data conversion meaning its costly to convert data of data files into database and have to hire database and system designers. Cost of staff training meaning organization has to be aid a lot of amount for the training of staff to run dms. Database damage meaning all data stored into a single file if database is damaged due to electric failure or database is corrupted on a storage media meaning all valuable data may be lost forever. It also takes a lot of time and effort to get DBMS started. Benefits of a Database Management System in an organization As discuss by the Ezinearticles (2011), organizations often times find themselves in a dilemma on how they can effectively serve the needs of their members. At the same time, they also enter a situation wherein there is difficulty in handling data, given the sheer volume of information. More often than not, the results of these instances are not anything but desirable; confusion, chaos, mismanagement, lost confidence by members, etc. To solve these problems, organizations turn to information technology (IT) experts for answers. With many years of experience in coming up with solutions for businesses and other entities, IT professionals have what it takes to come up with an effective data management and accreditation system that will be used by organizations. There must also be enhanced accessibility to the said system, which means that members from other locations can still gain entry into the system, regardless of elements such as time and geography. Investing on the services of IT consultants is, however, not like buying something from a store. It entails huge sums of money to come up with a good data management and accreditation system for an organization, aside from engaging the professional services of IT experts. Fortunately, IT experts can help minimize the cost through the creation of a database system based on existing resources being held by the organization. Investing on the services of IT experts and having a good data and accreditation management system may seem to be too costly, but the long-term benefits are worthy to be seen. By having a good database system, it will be much easier for organizations to deal with their members because of enhanced access to information. The placement of additional pieces of information can be done better if there is a good data management system. Having a good data and accreditation management system empowers members of an organization. This is possible because they have the ability to gain the necessary information about things that matter to them as members. They conduction of business with the organizations intervention is made faster and more efficient if a good data management system is in place. There is no reason for organizations to hesitate when it comes to investing on a good data and accreditation management system. The long-term benefits of having one are far greater than the costs, and will be very helpful to the organization and their members in the long run. Improved strategic use of corporate data. Reduced complexity of the organizations information systems environment. Reduced data redundancy and inconsistency. Enhanced data integrity. Application-data independence. Improved security. Reduced application development and maintenance costs. Improved flexibility of information systems. Increased access and availability of data and information. (Blurtit, 2011). Prospects in DBMS and Career Opportunities The work of a database administrator (DBA) varies according to the nature of the employing organisation and the level of responsibility associated with the post. The work may be pure maintenance or it may also involve specialising in database development. Prospects, the UKs official career website (2011) states that jobs available in this field are: Senior Database Architect Database Architect design and builds database structure and objects that best support operational and analytics application. Tests and debug physical database objects for performance and troubleshooting. * Design and implement optimal star and snowflake schema in the database * Communicate and collaborate with team members and management on the designed database structures and schemas * Write and present eloquently with the appropriate audience perspective in mind * Support troubleshooting of production issues of existing application as warranted * Participate in collaborative discussions with team members to monitor progress against enhancement queue and bug resolution. * Stay proactive in identifying potential risks/issues due to the overall application design and make recommendations. Database Administrator This position requires a Top Secret Security Clearance. This position will support a US Air Force Contract. The successful candidate will be responsible for planning, coordinating and administering computerized databases, including base definition, structure, documentation, long and short range requirements, operational guidelines, protection and logical-physical database design. Formulates and monitors policies, procedures and standards relating to database management. Identifies, evaluates and recommends relevant COTS software tools. Collaborate with software engineers, security administration, computer operations, network management and system administration to ensure quality and integrity of databases, application software and data. Responsible for performance monitoring, database. Database Architect Specialist Database Architect design and builds database structure and objects that best support operational and analytics application. Tests and debug physical database objects for performance and troubleshooting. * Design and implement optimal star and snowflake schema in the database * Communicate and collaborate with team members and management on the designed database structures and schemas * Write and present eloquently with the appropriate audience perspective in mind * Support troubleshooting of production issues of existing application as warranted * Participate in collaborative discussions with team members to monitor progress against enhancement queue and bug resolution. * Stay proactive in identifying potential risks/issues due to the overall application design and make recommendations. Database Administration Consultant Evaluates new database technologies and tools, sets database system and programming standards, applies database technology to business problems and manages the development and production database environments with emphasis on security, availability and performance. Provides database services in compliance with all audit and regulatory requirements. The ideal candidate must be experienced in the management of Oracle E-Business including installation, upgrade, patching, cloning, backup and recovery, monitoring, tuning, security, and definition of procedures for custom development. The ideal candidate must be experienced in the implementation and management of Oracle E-Business as configured for the Oracle Massive Availability Architecture. Senior Database Engineer Responsible for requirements analysis, software development and installation, integration, evaluation, enhancement, maintenance, testing, and problem diagnosis and resolution. Qualifications: Bachelors degree with ten (10) years experience as a Database Engineer in developing relational database software and experience with one or more relational database products. Preferred Additional Skills: Possess organizational and management skills, along with the ability to respond to crises objectively. Understanding of the current database management system releases. Conclusion The document that we have put together is a group assignment that was done by four individuals. Some of the problems that we faced as a group are that, we couldnt meet due to our clashing schedules; others are busy with other obligations. We would like to say that we tried to produce the best group work that we could, hopefully learnt from this experience to better ourselves for our future endeavors.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Adult Children of Alcoholics Essay -- essays research papers
     In the United States, twenty million children are experiencing physical, verbal and emotional abuse from parents who are addicted to alcohol. Growing up in an alcoholic house can leave emotional scars that may last a lifetime. This is tragic because we consider that childhood is the foundation on which our entire lives are fabricated. When a child’s efforts to bond with an addicted parent are handicapped, the result is confusion and intense anxiety. In order to survive in a home deficient, of healthy parental love, limits, and consistency, they must develop â€Å"survival skills†or defense mechanisms very early in life.      The crippling effects of alcoholism and drug dependency are not confined to the addict alone. The family suffers, physically and emotionally, and it is the children who are the most disastrous victims. Frequently neglected and abused, they lack the maturity to combat the terrifying destructiveness of the addict’s behavior. As adults these individuals may become compulsively attracted to the same lifestyle as their parents, excessive alcohol and drug abuse, destructive relationships, antisocial behavior, and find themselves in an infinite loop of feelings of emptiness, futility, and despair. Behind the appearance of calm and success, Adult Children of Alcoholics often bear a sad, melancholy and haunted look that betrays their quietest confidence. In the chilling silence of the darkest nights of their souls, they yearn for intimacy: their greatest longing, and deepest fear. Their creeping terror lives as the child of years of emotional, and sometimes physical , family violence.      Normally, children learn about intimate relationships through both loving interactions with parents, and effective parental modeling. In alcoholic homes, all relating filters through â€Å"the bottle,†with the alcoholic addicted to the alcohol and the spouse and children addicted to the alcoholic. For Adult Children of Alcoholics, surviving their families becomes the point of existence. The fortunate may be able to draw support from a supportive adult, and may emerge with fewer difficulties than their brothers and sisters. The majority, however, have to â€Å"make do.†Some spend lonely hours in their rooms wishing only to vanish behind the woodwork. Others attempt to rescue the foundering vi... ...e interaction at therapy, God will heal us and restore us beyond our wildest imagination.      As the result of being raised in a home where one or both parents were addicted, children of alcoholics generally have certain common characteristics that continue to affect them as adults. Members of a dysfunctional family tend to build up defenses to deal with the problems of the addicted family member. Common problems include lack of communication, mistrust, and low self-esteem. Adult children of alcoholics often become isolated, are afraid of authority figures, have difficulty distinguishing between normal and abnormal behavior, and judge themselves harshly. This often leads to enduring feelings of guilt and problems with intimate relationships. In many cases, adult children of alcoholics develop an over-developed sense of responsibility, and respond poorly to criticism. They may feel different from other people, fear failure but tend to sabotage success, and fall in love with people they can pity and rescue. Fortunately, there are a number of support groups d esigned to help adult children of alcoholics identify their problems, and start resolving them.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Keiran Austin, Yr 11 English, Mrs Ferguson :: English Literature
Keiran Austin, Yr 11 English, Mrs Ferguson THE DIVINE WIND The description of the situation in Broome portrayed in The Divine Wind is a complete accurate account of the events that occurred during 1938- 1946. Practically everything in the novel was precise including the description of Broome, the Japanese internees, the dates and things as detailed as street names. It is quite obvious that Garry Disher had studied the town in depth before writing the novel. The fact that Broome is described as a pearling town with a tropical existence is true. As quoted in The Divine Wind â€Å"Broome was a straggling mile of wood and corrugated- iron shops and dwellings†(pg 1and). This quote is a precise vision of what Broome would have looked like judging by descriptions from various sources of information and photos from that period in time. Even though the characters are made fiction the major events are real and the author has gone to such detail by using exact dates. For example the pinnacle of Broomes direct involvement in the war occurred on 3rd March, 1942 when Japanese Zeros Bombed Roebuck bay. As quoted in the Divine Wind â€Å"I was burning. Some of the scars I have now are from that fire, the burning water of Roebuck bay on 3rd March, 1942†(pg 144). Another example of the accuracy of dates in the novel is the 8th December, 1941 were Authorities began interning Japanese residents. As quoted in the novel â€Å"The authorities acted swiftly on 8th December, right around the country. In Broome a hundred Japanese were arrested and taken to jail†(pg 105). Other important facts that have been accurately recorded in The Divine Wind are how the residents of Broome were faced with rounding up and interning friends and employees simply because they were Japanese. This is an excellent description of what the Anglo Saxons were faced with doing regarding the Japanese. Other facts state that many of the Japanese who were born and raised in Australia and had no Japanese ties were interned. As quoted in The Divine Wind â€Å"They interned single women, old men, children. They interned European and Aboriginal wives of Japanese born men, mixed race children, Australian- born Japanese. Many had never been to Japan†(pg 113). This is an example of the accuracy of the people who were interned. An area in this subject that perhaps wasn’t so accurate was the treatment of the Japanese community. Reality shows that in Broome the residents tried to make life as easy as possible for the Japanese bringing food and presents too the camp and allowing regular visits to town to go shopping.
Our Italian Tradition Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing
Our Italian Tradition It was Christmas Eve. I sat, huddled in a ball, behind the armchair in my living room. I was trying to be as still and patient as I could be. I remember moments where I held my breath thinking if she heard me breathe, she would leave and I would never get a chance to see her. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep, but I tried to resist. All I wanted was to see her just once. Usually, I would be scared at the thought of a witch, but she was different. She was a magical witch who flew on a broom from house top to house top, visiting children and filling their shoes with candy and chocolates. Sure enough, I awoke the next morning to find myself still huddled in the same ball; I had fallen asleep before La Befana arrived. As I stood up yawning, I took a big stretch and noticed my Christmas shoes lying by my feet full of goodies. La Befana is the Italian version of America’s Santa Clause. In fact, the idea of Santa Clause stems from the legend of the La Befana. On the night that baby Jesus was born, the Three Wise Men stopped at her hut asking directions to Bethlehem, and invited her to go along with them but she refused. Later, a shepherd boy stopped to ask her for directions. He invited her to join him in his journey to Bethlehem, but again, she refused. Later that night she saw a large star in the sky and reconsidered going to look for the stable where baby Jesus lay. She wanted to bring him the toys of her child who had died. But she did not find the stable, and now each year she looks for baby Jesus. Since she can not find him, she leaves gifts for the good children of Italy, and coal for the bad ones. The story of La Befana is just one of the m... ...†(Myers 119). I have, for as long as I can remember, been aware of the cultural winds. With each Italian tradition that my family embraces, we are fighting the winds of a more mainstream tradition that seeks presence in our home. But I am glad that we have fought these winds. I am glad that I did not spend my Christmases in the same way that many other children did. I am glad that I believed that my Christmas presents were left by La Befana while all the other kids believed they had come only from Santa Clause. I believe that living in America is about embracing difference. My family forces me to embrace difference through our Italian traditions each Christmas, and it has taught me how beautiful and valuable difference can truly be. Buon Natale! Works Cited Myers, David. Psychology Seventh Edition in Modules. Holland, Michigan: Hope College, 2004.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Republican Motherhood
Kaley Ganey and Allie Linaugh October 15, 2012 Stuart Harmening APUSH The Republican Motherhood and Education for Women The republican motherhood was essentially the beginning of the new era for women. Before, women were not allowed to go to school, and we not educated as they were thought to belong in the home. Before the late eighteenth century, their role was to God and the care of the home and their children.However, Enlightened thinkers knew that it was the role of the mother to make sure her sons morals and values were in pace, and also they knew the future of the United States was dependent on mothers. For these reasons, the education of women became more important and more accepted. Women were responsible for instilling proper values, and an education in the principles of liberty and government into their sons. What didn’t make sense was, women were not educated well enough, sometimes they were able to write their names, and read small stories, but not all the time.Dur ing the late eighteenth century, the idea of educating women became more and more practical. If a woman were to educate their children, the future leaders and government officials of America, shouldn’t the woman be well educated themselves? After much thought and consideration, it was believed that women should be taught to read, write, do simple math, and also should be knowledgeable about the English language.With their education, women were better able to educate their sons, which was better for the country in the long run. People justified the education of women by saying that it was a woman’s duty to her country to educate her sons; therefore she should be educated as well. Putting the responsibilities of children in the hands of the women essentially put the future of America in their hands. The women were the ones filling the heads of children with knowledge, and teaching them how to better serve their country.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Literature review †Anxiety and Depression in the Workplace Essay
Emotional concerns in the workplace are a considerable loss to employee’s health and welfare. They slow down the performance of employee and so they are harmful to the organisational well-being as well. This literature review would put forward a concise introduction on the two frequently occurring emotional concerns in the workplace: anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression are a usual and adaptive reaction to the individual who is undergoing such emotional problems in our surroundings. They are a normal part of life, and would take place at any time when there are considerable positive or negative changes in one’s life. In general, it is believed that some of the anxiety and depression are challenging and positive one but some are negative where the individuals feel difficult to handle it. Anxiety and depression would take place in personal life as well as work life. This literature review is mainly focused on how an employee who is suffering from anxiety and depression should behave and at the same time how managers should handle the situations when his/her employee is suffering from anxiety and depression. Analyzations and insinuations of such emotional problems are discussed in this review. Moreover, this literature review is endowed with sensible understanding in support of recognizing and dealing with the anxiety and depression in the workplace. This review also focuses on the role of manager as supporter to the employees by taking necessary initiative steps to decrease the possibilities of anxiety and depression in the workplace. Defining Depression and Anxiety: Defining the term ‘depression’ is very complex because of the involvement of intrinsic uncertainty. According to , ‘ depression can be witnessed as a condition of mood, as a special symptom manifesting itself in many different mental disorders, as a syndrome measured by depression rating scales, and as a clinical diagnosis operationalised in diagnostic classifications’. (Weiten, 2001) and (Barlow, 2005), who are the psychology book writers, highlighted the debilitating effect that depression has on an individual which was agreed by different researchers and scholars. Through his findings, Blair stated that depression is severely debilitating and the most common mental health disorder affecting society. This was further detailed in 2000 by Akiskal that irregular depressive mood experienced as low spirits, dejection, and sadness can be a normal reaction to disappointments, adversities, and losses and should be differentiated from depressive disorders, which represent actual psychological illness and are often accompanied by distinct impairment of psychological, somatic, and social functioning . Bender and Furman agreed with Blair and came to the conclusion in 2003 that depression was found to probably be incurable and had raised to become the world’s number one public health problem. An American judge held that depression is a misleading term for an extremely debilitating illness. (Seligman, et al.,) defined anxiety as â€Å" psychological and physiological state characterized by by somatic, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components†. Davison stated that â€Å"it is the displeasing feeling of fear and concern†. Depression and Anxiety in the work place: In the present status of the economy, anxiety and depression in the workplace are the rising concerns where the employees are facing more and more situations of work overload, no job safety, no job satisfaction, and lack of self-sufficiency. Depression has significant economic impacts relative to lost productivity within the workplace . Workplace anxiety and depression have been exposed to have unfavorable impacts on employees’ health, well-being, workplace productivity, absenteeism, and workplace performance. Lost productivity involves presenteeism, in which the employee is present in the work setting but productivity is reduced due to health concerns or depressive symptoms, or in terms of absenteeism from work . Anxiety normally occurs when an individual senses that he/she is just going to face some circumstances on which he/she will not have control and ability to manage the situations. Particularly, workplace is the main ground where such situations happen to occur. Changes in the company such as restructurings, amalgamations and change in company policies are quite common incidents which take place in an organisation are some of the source anxiety. Now a day’s most of the organisations are trying to cut off their personnel to the least by putting more pressure on employees and overloading them with more work than their capacity to handle are also one of the main cause of anxiety. In workplace, employees are likely to suffer from anxiety in the following situations; when dealing with austere managers, when there are possibilities of downgrading, being tensed whether they can get their job task completed on time, Panic of getting terminated from their job In any organisations, there are certain existing rules, regulations and company policies which all the employees are enforced to stick on to. At times, these systems of the company can also cause anxiety and depression to an employee when there is some clash of pursuits between acting based on what he/she thinks is right and what the current system of the company states. Moreover, this situation can be pointed up further when the employees have to pact with customers or with the bond with their colleagues. Generally all the employees try to relieve their own anxiety and depression either by adjusting with their work environment or by resigning their job. To overcome such situations, individuals as well as organisations can take some initiative steps to ease the harmful impacts of anxiety and depression, or to prevent it from coming up in the initial stage. Effect of Depression and Anxiety: The course of adjustment to work environment results in employees’ anxiety and depression. Workplace stress is usually caused by employees’ acuity about their position in the organisation and includes the role of variance and role of vagueness. An employee’s perception of his/ her position in the workplace comes up from the job designation, interpersonal bond models, as well as from the emotion of discreteness and relation to others. Workplace depression states several behavior performance and behavioral shortfalls of an individual in the workplace (Lerner, et al., 2004; National Institute of Mental Health, 2011; Wallace, 2011; Wang et al., 2008). An employee who is suffering from anxiety and depression is affected psychologically, physiologically, cognitively. Some of the psychological effects are aggressiveness, evading societal situations, tapered forbearance to hand stress, loosing temper, becoming impatient deprived motor control. Physiologically, employee can suffer from fast heart beating, clammy hands, often headaches, muscle inflexibleness and aches, difficulties in breathing, indigestion, high blood pressure, frequent mood swings, change in eating habits, falling sick regularly and changes in weight. Anxiety would cognitively affect an individual’s capability of focusing, memory power and motor skills. Sometimes, an individual may not recall the names of the person whom he/she know or fails to remember what task he/she wanted to do. Depression and anxiety in the workplace would even effect the organisation in terms of financial loss. It was anticipated that 12 billion dollars was lost by the business and industry from lost output, 12 billion dollars was lost from non-attendance, for direct treatment costs business lost 26.1 billion dollars, and 5.4 billion dollars was lost due to death (Greenberg, et al., 2003; Lerner, et al., 2004). How employees should control their anxiety and depression? There are more possibilities of retaining the talents and experiences of the depressed employee for the organisations, if he/ she takes break for sometime from the work and then return back in a suitable and meaningful role. This would also decrease the possibilities of such occurrence of such situations. Every employee should know how to identify the situations of anxiety and depression and need to make use of personal coping strategies and develop. Employee can use the following methods in coping with their stress ; Meditating – learning Yoga Laughing therapy Spending some time in their hobbies on regular basis Sharing of feelings with their close ones Relaxation techniques – profound breathing, progressive relaxation, listening to relaxation music, massage therapy and hot baths Maintaining balanced diet Depressed employees need enough sleep Avoid consuming caffeine Exercising or joining in dance, swimming classes etc. These techniques will help in muscles relaxing; slowing down the heart beats and reduce emotional problems. This will also help them to concentrate and focus on things and manage anxiety and depression without any difficulty. Role of Organisation as supporters: First of all, the organisation should concentrate on the following question to determine where they are going wrong. i. Is there any circumstance that triggers employees’ anxiety in the workplace? ii. Is there any changes taking place in the organisation frequently? iii. Do the new rules and policies are threatening the employees? iv. Is there any terminations frequently done in the company that trigger the anxiety level of the employees? Successful organisations would assist their employees to defy the bigger demands, reduce their panics and negative levels in the market and the country as a whole. To overcome the emotional problems of the employees, the organisation should start implementing some strategies that can be useful in reducing the effect of depression and anxiety. The approaches are as follows; Company should allow the employer and employees to informal and frank communications so that both can have an opportunity of expressing any apprehensions. Company should have the best policies and procedures in the workplace ensuring the employees’ well-being. Company should send a message stating its support for each employee’s emotional concerns to all the employees. Organisation should aware of the work pressures handled by the employees, percentage of absenteeism and employees’ illness. They should also review their present policies and systems and indentify the positives and negatives of the same so as to change the policies suitable to the organisation. They should implement mental health policy which shows the commitment of the employer of taking care of all the employees who work for the organisation. This will prove that organisation identifies and agrees to the importance of psychological issues of the employees. Companies should make sure that all the employees feel their importance in the organisation and accept them as a part of the organisation. This will also help to reduce the stress level of the employee. They should implement management training and development with regards to anxiety and depression in the workplace. Training should be provided to employees about anxiety and depression. They should learn to identify the symptoms of depression on their own.. This will indeed help the employee’s to know recognise their problem at ease and prevent the circumstances before getting poorer. Manager should also be trained about depression and anxiety so as to be aware about the behavioural changes in the depressed and anxious employees and provide them assistance when need. To decease the situations of depression and anxiety among the employees, quite a lot of researchers have shown that organisations that implement training approaches to the managers tend to avoid practicing the following; Setting unrealistic short task deadlines Giving multifaceted job tasks to the employees without decision making authority Giving repetitive and tedious jobs only to the employee who is capable to doing thing much more than it Deprived management practices where managers are not supportive to the employees and takes unfair decisions. Not giving recognition and not congratulating for good tasks achieved by the employees Organisation should focus on employee engagement; implement programmes like Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), Stress Management Programme. Role of Employers as supporters: Different people are affected by depression and anxiety in different ways. Some people who experience anxiety or depression would manage to handle the situation and would continue with their work. But some people would definitely need a break. In such situations, there should be someone in the organisation to support the employee to return back to the workplace and this is possible only by the employers. Employers are required to realise the basis of such type of psychological problems, prevention of such emotional problems, and the array and efficiency of different treatments related to such problems. Employees can improve their performance of the work with the correct extent of anxiety. But if employee’s level of anxiety goes beyond the right extent, then there are possibilities of interference of anxiety with the employees’ performance of the work and their efficiency level. Employers are required to be familiar with various levels of anxiety or depression to facilitate the employees’ with an atmosphere that brings out their most excellent performances. How to identify anxiety or depression in the workplace? Employers should be conscious of the symptoms of depression and anxiety in the workplace. They should also try to identify the changes in the behavioral aspects of their employees. Some of the symptoms are as follows ; Irreconcilable or decreased productivity, Absenteeism, unpunctuality, or often nonappearance in the job site, Increased mistakes, decreased work excellence, Postponement, failure to reach targets, Extraction from collaboration, teamwork, or unnecessary arguments with colleagues, Over perceptive, over-responsive feelings, Becoming too besieged to work, Showing less interest in the work, Decreased work performance or deliberation procedures, Problems in focusing or recalling work responsibilities, Exhaustion and diminished energy level, Lessened attention, and Impaired educational and professional achievement How employers should deal with depressed or anxious employees? Employers should follow the below steps to deal with depressed or anxious employees. They should try to get some knowledge in regards to anxiety and depression, so as to obtain some ideas on what type of emotional problems the employees are undergoing and in what way they can support them. If the employees hesitate to respond to the questions, the employers should lend a hand to them to bring out their fears by showing care and supporting them. This would help to decrease their level of anxiety. Once the feasible ideas are identified, they should have informal meetings with their employees; listen to their problems and determine how to help them and offer support and encourage to them completely. Employees’ feels that their experiences are sensible. If they feel that they are depressed due to particular work related problems, then the employers should try to listen to their views in a laissez-faire manner and take action aptly. If any employee is acts in a different way, then the employer as well as co-workers should keep in mind that this is an outcome of his/her ill health and understand that it is not their fault. While taking these steps, it is the responsibility of the employers to maintain confidentiality about the health issues of depressed employee from other employees. Employers should inform other staffs in case of any changes in the work allocations without letting down the privacy of depressed employee. This would reduce the possibility of tittle-tattle among the other employees. Employers should be in contact with the employees when they are absent to the work and they can also provide a chance to them to present their views on tasks that are likely to happen in the office, in spite of their absence. They should provide them assistance personally and practically. For example, take them out with other staffs after office hours, encouraging them in their work, advising them eat well, inviting them to have lunch together. Employers should try to make their employees to feel more comfortable in the workplace by inviting them as well in the meetings, work related societal events to support them for speedy recovery from depression and anxiety. All the above steps would help the employee to get rid of their depression and anxiety and concentrate on their work. This will also help the employee to increase their motivation level and self esteem. Moreover, these steps will also help the managers and the organisation to be successful by increase in productivity and company profits. Conclusion: Various finding proves that depression and anxiety has negative impacts on individual, as well as organizations. This impact continues to be raising concern in the economy. Most of the people who are suffering from depression are working without taking any breaks with the anxiety of being terminated. Some try to control their depression by the awareness. Either directly or indirectly, depression has been the reason for many death by high blood pressure, heart attacks etc. Most of the workers are suffering physically and emotionally in the workplace due to harmful workplace atmosphere. From this literature review it is proved that these situations can be managed by individuals or by the management or by the organisation to reduce the psychological illness of the employees. Changes should be done from the hierarchy level and hence it is essential for the managers to identify that they have moral responsibility and authority to protect the physical and mental health of their employees . 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