Saturday, December 28, 2019
Biology Prefixes and Suffixes Ex- or Exo-
The prefix (ex- or exo-) means out of, away from, outer, external, outside, or exterior. It is derived from the Greek exo meaning out of or external. Words Beginning With: (Ex- or Exo-) Excoriation (ex-coriation): An excoriation is a scratch or abrasion on the outer layer or surface of the skin. Some individuals suffer from excoriation disorder, a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder, in which they persistently pick at or scratch their skin causing sores. Exergonic (ex-ergonic): This term describes a biochemical process that involves the release of energy into the surroundings. These types of reactions happen spontaneously. Cellular respiration is an example of an exergonic reaction that happens within our cells. Exfoliation (ex-foliation): Exfoliation is the process of shedding cells or scales from the outer tissue surface. Exobiology (exo-biology): The study of and search for life in the universe outside of Earth is known as exobiology. Exocarp (exo-carp): The outermost layer of the wall of a ripened fruit is the exocarp. This outer protective layer can be a hard shell (coconut), a peel (orange), or skin (peach). Exocrine (exo-crine): The term exocrine refers to the secretion of a substance externally. It also refers to glands that secrete hormones through ducts that lead to epithelium rather than directly into the blood. Examples include sweat and salivary glands. Exocytosis (exo-cytosis): Exocytosis is a process by which substances are exported from a cell. The substance is contained within a vesicle that fuses with the outer cell membrane. The substance is thereby exported to the exterior of the cell. Hormones and proteins are secreted in this manner. Exoderm (exo-derm): The exoderm is the outer germ layer of a developing embryo, which forms skin and nervous tissue. Exogamy (exo-gamy): Exogamy is the union of gametes from organisms that are not closely related, as in cross pollination. It also means to marry outside of ones culture or social unit. Exogen (exo-gen): An exogen is a flowering plant that grows by increasing layers on its exterior tissue. Exons (ex-on): Exons are sections of DNA that code for the messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule produced during protein synthesis. During DNA transcription, a copy of the DNA message is created in the form of mRNA with both coding sections (exons) and non-coding sections (introns). The final mRNA product is generated when non-coding regions are spliced from the molecule and exons are joined together. Exonuclease (exo-nuclease): An exonuclease is an enzyme that digests DNA and RNA by cutting out a single nucleotide at a time from the end of the molecules. This enzyme is important for DNA repair and genetic recombination. Exophoria (exo-phoria): Exophoria is the tendency for one or both eyes to move outward. It is a type of eye misalignment or strabismus that can cause double vision, eye strain, blurred vision, and headaches. Exophthalmos (ex-ophthalmos): An abnormal outward bulging of the eyeballs is called exophthalmos. It is commonly associated with an overactive thyroid gland and Graves disease. Exoskeleton (exo-skeleton): An exoskeleton is the hard outer structure that provides support or protection for an organism; outer shell. Arthropods (including insects and spiders) as well as other invertebrate animals have exoskeletons. Exosmosis (ex-osmosis): Exosmosis is a type of osmosis where fluid moves from the inside of a cell, across a semi-permeable membrane, to an external medium. The fluid moves from an area of high solute concentration to an area of lower solute concentration. Exospore (exo-spore): The outer layer of an algal or fungal spore is called the exospore. This term also refers to a spore that is separated from the spore-bearing apparatus (sporophore) of fungi. Exostosis (ex-ostosis): An exostosis is a common type of benign tumor that extends from the exterior surface of a bone. These outgrowths may occur on any bone and are called osteochondromas when they are covered with cartilage. Exotoxin (exo-toxin): An exotoxin is a poisonous substance produced by some bacteria that is excreted into their surrounding environment. Exotoxins cause serious damage to host cells and can cause disease in humans. Bacteria that produce exotoxins include Corynebacterium diphtheriae (diphtheria), Clostridium tetani (tetanus), Enterotoxigenic E. coll (severe diarrhea), and Staphylococcus aureus (toxic shock syndrome). Exothermic (exo-thermic): This term describes a type of chemical reaction in which heat is released. Examples of exothermic reactions include fuel combustion and burning.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Nigerias Production And Exportation Of Oil - 2308 Words
While it is only the 11th largest global oil producer, Nigeria is one the most important countries in the oil production community. Due to high quality crude oil, potential for future oil production endeavors, accessible location to the vast Western oil market, and continuing trend of non-nationalization, Nigeria has become the largest oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa. These advantages have developed Nigeria into a country entirely dependent on the production and exportation of oil. In 2007, oil encompassed 99 percent of Nigerian oil exportation earnings, making up 85 percent of the governments total revenue1. Despite 400 billion dollars in total oil revenue collected by the Nigerian government since 1970, the country faces a standard of†¦show more content†¦In order to fully understand the mechanics of the clientalistic Nigerian oil governeance, one must first explore the structuring of the institutions tasked with overseeing the industry. First and foremost is the Nigeri an National Petroleum Corporation, or the NNPC. The NNPC is the parent company comprised of itself and 12 wholly owned subsidiaries that range from oil trade companies to petrochemical plants. With a workforce of over 9000, the NNPC oversees operation both down and upstream on the Niger river. The NNPC controls such a large percent through its subsidiary the National Petroleum Investment Management Services (NAPIMS), an investment firm that acts as the concessionaire for the NNPC, brokering all the oil contracts on the behalf of the Nigerian government. Utilizing its incredibly high amount of government mandate in conjunction with its industry savvy personnel, the NNPC has postured itself as the leading influence over the Nigerian oil sector. Second in the pecking order is the minister of Petroleum, the official tasked with overseeing the NNPC. A position now (and much of history prior to 1999) held by the Nigerian president, the minister forms a tightly knit cabinet of advisors who se will governs the majority of oil-sector policy making. However, the position has lent itself to corruption, instilling concentrated amounts of power in an institution with
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Construction and Evaluation Framework System †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Construction and Evaluation Framework System. Answer: Introduction: Project budgets are the reflections to project work and timing of that activity. Any comprehensive budget helps in understanding that how funds could be used and then expended through time for business projects. To understand this, a large multinational oil company is taken into consideration having storage facilities at Australia. A budget-estimation is done for this Case Study project and schedule for the project is prepared finding key milestones for project deliverables. At last an estimation of resources needed for success completion of the project is demonstrated here. First of all the oil company must realize that the budget is realistic. Otherwise, any donor will never take any serious responsibility. An understanding budget can lead to a standstill and even completion of termination of activities during implementation at Australia. In preparing a budget, it must be determined that what must be a suitable amount of request. Guidelines reveal the maximum quantity allowed. Hence, the organization must request the utmost such that they can justify that and never ask for more. This number must be specific. Further, their planning should be contingencies. For instance rise in the cost of living can take place before the grant begins. There are various advantages of that must be considered in assumptions for the oil factory. Developing budget under this scenario is a smart test to entirely and identifies how the project is described. For organizing budget as per commonly used categories, one must save efforts and time while applying to various funding programmes (Fleming and Koppelman 2016). A budget provides methods for investigating financial activities of the project over the project life-cycle. The following budget must provide a framework regarding expenditure to gain various objectives effectively. Further, careful resource planning decreases the number of changes of a budget during that project life-cycle. Moreover, there are preparing of budget time and cost and only under particular cases, this project idea can fit to call every proposal. Since budget is an estimation of project expenses, it has never been accurate and thus it brings problems while the implementation phase goes on. Ineffective financial planning leads to budget constraints during operations and at complete termination (Serrador and Turner 2015). Furthermore, as the budget planning becomes unrealistic, it can cause failure to achieve any political support in Australia. Moreover, during finalization of a budget, various aspects must be included to include value. They are bank fees, legal fees accounting fees, construction insurance, utility connection fees, construction permit fees, appraisal fees and interests while construction goes on, legal issues, insurance premiums, management software, website development costs, computer tools and maintenance tools. Project Task Designing Working time of labors Labor Cost Material Cost Travel Cost Developing functional Specifications 1 hrs 2 $ 3 $ 2 $ Developing System Architecture 2 hrs 4 $ 4 $ 2 $ Developing Preliminary Design Specification 1 hrs 3 $ 3 $ 2 $ Developing Detailed Design Specification 1 $ 2 $ 3 $ 2 $ Subtotal 5 $ 11 $ 13 $ 29 $ Preparing schedule for Oil Company project and key milestones for the project deliverables: A project schedule is a method to communicate with that what needs to be done. It must include what resources of this oil company must be used to perform work and timeframes and what is needed to be performed. It must reflect every task related to delivering a project within time. Instead of full schedule the project managers must be unable to communicate with the complete effort as per as resources and cost and needed for delivering the project (Batselier and Vanhoucke 2015). Project management software helps project managers in tracking project schedules, project related, resources budgets and resources in real time. It can be seen and updated by various team members related to project, keeping all the people well informed of overall project status. The building blocks of the scheduled start with the above Gantt Chart. One of the most significant benefits of the above table and chart is that it was helpful to illustrate a state of the current project easily (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017). Further, it is also useful for producing accurate timescale for the project, showing team members how their work has been related to others, breaking down the structure of the project, scheduling the tasks on a daily basis around the complete duration and can be used under critical path method. Thus, as a project manager, the decomposition level must be dependent on the extent up to which they need to control. Further, the project insights have been supporting various levels of hierarchy as required. Even, the expectation is that every task must have one single owner. He is intended to report and manage tasks needed to deliver the task. As the oil company is unable to assign any individual owner, they require having extra visibility towards the tasks progress. Thus additional decomposition is also recommended (Snyder and Dionisio 2017). As the project deliverables are recognised, tasks must be done for creating deliverables. In various cases, those activities are physical deliverables. However, in multiple instances, they are just the activities that are required to be done. Physical deliverable, for example, should be the actual file is necessary for the brochure. Thus, listing out every task must be done resulting in activity lists. For identifying the schedules, the project manager of this oil company must know every involved process. It denotes that they require going through every step needed to assure that the project is completed. As those fundamental processes are acquired, it is then necessary to work out on how long every task must last (Snyder 2014). This also indicates how many resources are required to end that task. Once the lists of all the processes are acquired along with relevant data, it is the time to recognize a various sequence of events. The project managers need to identify what methods can start after particular activities are carried out and which one of them can be completed at specific milestones across the project. The project deliverables must be determined from the beginning as the project on Oil Company is proposed. As the project progresses, deliverables must be further specified and defined. Thus the necessity of one or more relevant process deliverables must come into being. Thus, the deliverable definition process is executed through deliverables decision tree (Camilleri 2016). The decision tree as detailed below is made up of various series of questions required to recognize and define multiple needed variables both from process and project point of view. First of all the project deliverables must be decided. The queries must be sued for defining kinds of project deliverables needed for the oil project. First of all, it must be seen that what has been the nature, form and function of the planned deliverables. Then the importance of the overall purpose of this project must be determined. Then the methods which it can be produced and what must be done to have the capabilities needed (Harrison and Lock 2017). Then the costs and its feasibility are to be identified. Then the time required to get that acquired or completed must be found out and then the alternative to those deliverable and relative benefits and disadvantages of each must be recognized. WBS Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors 0 Preparation of schedule for oil company project 45 days Fri 6/1/18 Thu 8/2/18 1 Component development 3 days Fri 6/1/18 Tue 6/5/18 2 Software Procuring 9 days Wed 6/6/18 Mon 6/18/18 1 3 Hardware Procuring 3 days Thu 6/21/18 Mon 6/25/18 2 4 Developing Acceptance Test Package 7 days Tue 6/26/18 Wed 7/4/18 3 5 Performing Integration/Unit Test 5 days Thu 7/5/18 Wed 7/11/18 4 6 Performing Acceptance Test 6 days Thu 7/12/18 Thu 7/19/18 5 7 Performing Post Project Review 10 days Fri 7/20/18 Thu 8/2/18 6 Gantt Chart for time schedule denoting project life-cycle for the oil company (Source: Created by Author) Discussion on various process deliverables: The questions used for defining kinds of process deliverables needed for the current oil factory project are discussed hereafter. First of all, the kinds of process deliverables needed to finish the project are to be identified. Then they must consider how much time that must produce for every deliverable (Yun et al. 2016). Then every due, formats used, individuals liable to plan, implement and production is to be determined. Then the people who must approve and accept are to be determined and how every deliverable must be maintained and updated is to be estimated. Resource Planning for the oil project is helpful is useful for the project manager of the company to determine how much equipment and facilities, raw materials human resources are needed to deliver on the project. A project manager has been working on IT related project. Hence he requires being aware of what IT skills is important to that project and what applications or software is important to this project. In the present scenario, the project manager is working on storage facility up to the required standard that he must be aware of every kind of storage facilities and oil business skills vital for this project. Along with the software and application is needed for the project is needed to be found out (Raymond and Bergeron 2015). Further, a great method to do that is to possess a sit-down with experts, members of the project team and professional associations. This must be helpful to create the workflow as illustrated by the above Gantt Chart. This must aid determination of proje ct components needed for certain resources. He must also refer to data from the previous project and assure that every activities and necessity are in-line with the procedures and policies of the oil company (Lock 2017). Development of budget must cover all operating and capital costs assuring completion of project success. Project manager of the present oil company must define funding requirements in Australia. Then, he must send a formal request for sponsoring who must view those requirements and create package decision to provide the needed money and economic resources. Sponsors must also use that initiation documents like project charter, business case and feasibility study (Kerzner 2018). These methods of estimation can be utilized as cost baseline measurement, cost aggregation and expert judgment to develop Oil Companys project budget sheet. Project manager in cooperation with critical stakeholders could use assimilation of methods for estimating a needed amount of financial resources and create a template for the project budget. Further, it must be reminded that budget resources are designed for the complete project and it can never be assigned to any task. This only gets assigned only to various project summary tasks. Due to this reason, it is recommended that while creating a budget resource, one must put the term budget within it (Nurdiani, Brstler and Fricker 2016). Thus it is helpful to remind everyone might work on that schedule where it could be assigned. Thus budget resource represents overall planned quantity to be spent on that item. This must need allowing for tracking and reporting at the project level for Oil Company. Thus, the oil industry in Australia is also an outstanding area to get information that could be used easily transmitted to other data systems or various reporting tools that cannot be directly connected to that project (Archibald and Archibald 2016). Conclusion: Thus the above report demonstrates the project budget needed for the personal and financial disposal limits for the given oil company in Australia. The study helps in understanding how to use maximal of money, cost of work and resources needed for that project. It must be reminded that the changes not corresponding to the budget planned can take place during the project. Further, it also helps in implementing earned-value analysis while the project processes. Thus the report is useful to understand that how the related costs and project progress are under control. References: Archibald, R.D. and Archibald, S., 2016.Leading and Managing Innovation: What Every Executive Team Must Know about Project, Program, and Portfolio Management. CRC Press. Batselier, J. and Vanhoucke, M., 2015. Construction and evaluation framework for a real-life project database.International Journal of Project Management,33(3), pp.697-710. Camilleri, E., 2016.Project success: critical factors and behaviours. Routledge. Fleming, Q.W. and Koppelman, J.M., 2016, December. Earned value project management. Project Management Institute. Harrison, F. and Lock, D., 2017.Advanced project management: a structured approach. Routledge. Kerzner, H. and Kerzner, H.R., 2017.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Kerzner, H., 2018.Project management best practices: Achieving global excellence. John Wiley Sons. Lock, D., 2017.The essentials of project management. Routledge. Nurdiani, I., Brstler, J. and Fricker, S.A., 2016. The impacts of agile and lean practices on project constraints: A tertiary study.Journal of Systems and Software,119, pp.162-183. Raymond, L. and Bergeron, F., 2015. Impact of project management information systems on project performance. InHandbook on Project Management and Scheduling Vol. 2(pp. 1339-1354). Springer, Cham. Serrador, P. and Turner, R., 2015. The relationship between project success and project efficiency.Project Management Journal,46(1), pp.30-39. Snyder, C. and Dionisio, C.S., 2017.A project manager's book of forms: A companion to the PMBOK guide. John Wiley Sons. Snyder, C.S., 2014. A guide to the project management body of knowledge: PMBOK () guide.Project Management Institute: Newtown Square, PA, USA. Yun, S., Choi, J., de Oliveira, D.P. and Mulva, S.P., 2016. Development of performance metrics for phase-based capital project benchmarking.International Journal of Project Management,34(3), pp.389-402.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Tim Winton - Belonging Speech free essay sample
The cause of his alienation appears to be physical and psychological abuse from his father, lack of caring from his school and his run down neglected neighbourhood with its â€Å"deadbeat no hoper†¦ downtrodden house in Longlands Rd, Nowheresville†. | The symbolism and scatological imagery establishes a decaying, decrepit and depressing environment, which reveals Billy’s isolation. Another evocative portrait is the internal monologue in the poem Sport in chapter one. The pain and suffering’ of soulless tyranny endured by Billy, from the old bastard his father. This technique of expletive language is used to depict the poor relationship he shared with his father he gave me one backhander I felt the blood†and his attitude toward the world hes living in. This is the first pivotal event that Billy retells, which initially demonstrates the change in his identity and belonging. | Later in the book Billy catches a train. He is uncertain where the train will take him. We will write a custom essay sample on Tim Winton Belonging Speech or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Herrick engages the reader with Billy’s significantly violent memory of his father with the forces of a fathers punch. The metaphoric terms further reveal Billys harsh living environment he is seeking to escape.  Ernies train whistle in the poem â€Å"Another crossing†symbolises the beginning of Billys new life contrasted favourably by Ernie’s ‘not bossing you around’ where Herrick uses the technique of multiple perspective. His next positive role model is Irene, Bendarat’s Librarian, who welcomes him and encourages him to borrow books. | These two characters are used by Herrick to enrich Billy’s moral parameters and direct him in his notion of identity allowing him to reach his sense of belonging. Herrick induces us to feel empathy rather than antagonism to the protagonist. This is accomplished through the intimate use of language, changing perspectives and personal anecdotes. | Growth in maturity is shown as both Billy and Old Bill show signs of growth as they help each other. Billys growth is demonstrated as he becomes a different individual from the beginning of the narrative poem showing positive thinking â€Å"sure theres hope in the world even for hobos like us. | Herrick also represents this change through his use of natural imagery and pathetic fallacy; exemplified in the poem â€Å"Hobos like us†, â€Å"Sit in the sunshine†. Old Bill’s view of the world slowly starts to change, as the protagonist reduces his consumption of alcohol and ventures to move on with his life. This is done through Herrick’s use of Motif throughout the novel of Old Bills alcoholic nature. | While Old Bill demonstrates the symbolism of A Simple Gift when he gave his keys to his old home to Caitlin and Billy symbolizing his final pivotal moment enriching Billy’s, Caitlin’s and Old Bill’s understanding of their identity, which leads to their understanding of where they belong in the world. | Tim Winton’s â€Å"The Turning†also explores this value of events that shape a persons identity and hence their sense of belonging in their world. The short story â€Å"The Turning†tells the narrative of Raelene, which reveals the notion as grand paradox, where small lives are contrasted by the immense grand scale of the world. | The use of significant events in the life of Raelene enriches her understanding of her identity and through this allows her to discover where she belongs in the world. | The character of Raelene is in an abusive relationship where she feels she is isolated from the world around her. This is exemplified by the quote â€Å"when Rae laughed at him he clouted her in front of the kids†. The colloquial language and sparse imagery allows the reader to understand Raelene’s lack of belonging. | The use of colloquialisms is repeated throughout the text, and is rich and powerfully inventive in demonstrating to the reader values of Australian society, and more specifically, values of belonging and not belonging in an Australian context. | Later in the text Raelene finds solace in meeting a couple whose relationship is affirmed on values of faith and spirituality. The juxtaposition of this relationship with her current spouse allows Raelene to discover who she really is. | Winton utilizes religious connotations and motifs in order to demonstrate this, as shown through the quote, â€Å"she has something specialâ€Å" whilst ‘Christ is holding his heart†. The use of religious intertextuality is also clear in that Winton describes the presence of a higher, spiritual power in the line â€Å"Deep down Rae sensed that she wanted something from them. †| Raelene then reflects on her newly enriched identity, as demonstrated through the motif of the snow globe. Within this globe is a symbol of her new-found religious faith, Jesus Christ. The holy figure becomes central to Raelene’s discovery of where she belongs in the world. | This is exemplified by Winton’s utilization of religious references, assonance and metaphor in the quote ‘snowed birds as the van rocked, birds like stars. ’ Through close reference to The Turning it is clear to see Tim Winton has skillfully crafted a text, which strongly demonstrates the influence of significant events on an individual’s discovery of identity, which is then revealed to allow the individual to discover where they belong in the world. |
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