Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay Topics For Ethics
Essay Topics For EthicsEssay topics for ethics fall into two categories: 'socially acceptable'harmful'. Social topics are only morally acceptable if they meet certain criteria. Many of the topics of these essays fall into the latter category. Ethics is written as a general topic in any class, but the kinds of topics students choose are limited by their comfort level with writing as well as the discipline of the course and the professor.The first type of ethical topic students choose is a 'social science subject.' Examples of these subjects are psychoanalytic studies, history of religion, and general human rights. This type of essay topic is helpful because it broadens the scope of the topic. It also narrows the scope by focusing on what is socially acceptable rather than what is morally acceptable.The second type of topic is the 'harmful' types of topics. These topics are more likely to be included in ethics courses. These topics include racism, nationalism, sexism, and the principle s of capitalism. Many social scientists write about these topics because they believe they have a personal responsibility to address these issues, even if they think they are not morally 'right.'Once you understand the purpose of the class and how ethical and moral issues are addressed in class, you can determine which type of topic will best fit the curriculum. Do not feel that you have to write a complete essay if you do not want to, or if the professor or chair does not instruct you to.Effective essays, even in ethics classes, are not normally written for the purpose of gaining a reputation as an excellent student. Instead, they are written as a way to gather information and to have a personal reflection on a particular issue.An important aspect of successful writing is learning to create a time theme. This time theme allows the student to collect all of the information needed for the essay at one time. You should try to gather information as quickly as possible to prevent overwo rk and to get all the information you need to the end of the paper before the deadline.There are many sites that teach basic skills in writing and document organization. The most effective teaching resources allow you to create your own lesson plans and cover letters without the burden of teaching you skills to improve your writing abilities.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
A Study On Virtual Marketing Assistant - 836 Words
Virtual Marketing Assistantthe unimportant articulation of these words can make a little entrepreneur joyful or immobile  all relying upon their involvement with this inexorably mainstream administrative assistant. I won t exhaust you with the subtle elements, however, my first attack into the universe of VAs was loaded with each oversight you can make and left me firearm modest about connecting for such help until the end of time. Fortunately, I was tenderly persuaded by some kindred business people to attempt once more. This time, I got my work done, persevered and settled on more brilliant decisions, and I ve joyfully been utilizing VAs from that point onward. Truth be told, I ve had such great results that I m of the outlook that verging on each little business could profit by employing one. Here are only a couple of things to examine on the off chance that you are pondering whether a VA may be a profitability enhancer for your little business. You ve blown a business opportunity since you missed a due date to follow-up. You re not on top of business advancement since you have no up and coming customer and prospect database. You have energizing work ventures you might want to go up against yet dependable appear to be excessively tied up with the day, making it impossible to day running of your business to get to them. You fill in for late shifts and weekends to stay aware of routine managerial assignments. You have general errands on your scheduleShow MoreRelatedThe Ins and Outs of Internships998 Words  | 4 Pagesexperience in their field of study. The gained experience will be helpful to finish the final year of study. †¢ Research internship (graduation) or dissertation internship: This is mostly done by students who are in their final year. With this kind of internship a student does research for a particular company. The company can have something that they feel like they need to improve, or the student can choose a topic within the company themselves. The results of the research study will be put in a reportRead MoreApples Siri Analysis1028 Words  | 5 PagesApple’s Siri is eating Google’s lunch By Nigam Arora Student: John Huang Service marketing article paper MARK 361 Sarah Holding Nov 14 th 2011 Introduction Siri is a personal assistant application for iOS. The application uses natural language processing to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests to an expanding set of web services. Siri claims that the software adapts to the user s individual preferences over time and personalizesRead MoreCost Benefit Analysis Of Spotsylvania County Public Schools1518 Words  | 7 Pagesfunds is imperative. SCPS is currently investigating many ways to recapture lost funds due to homeschooling. One option being proposed is the implementation of a pilot Virtual Learning Program (VLP) for grades K-8 during the 2016-2017 school year. The VLP would offer required classes in reading, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education (PE) to ten potential homeschoolers in each of the grade levels, 90 participants. As participants, the students will be enrolled in the division’sRead MoreEssay on Managing the Workplace Ethics of Social Media1474 Words  | 6 Pagesother ethics and compliance topic, social media can and must be proactively managed for a company to keep its reputation while providing its employees with the knowledge to manage their personal and business activities separately. In a qualitative study conducted by Corporate Compliance Insights, it was found that young workers are embracing the new wired world that we live in; always wired, always communicating, and always multitasking. This is what is changing the business world. Businesses needRead MoreTaran Swan Nichelodeon823 Words  | 4 PagesCase study Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America 1. Describe the culture at Nickelodeon Latin America. Be specific How did Swan go about building that culture? Swan formed an entrepreneurial culture that strives for competition, encourages to take risk and values for new ideas. The strong Nickelodeon identity (â€Å"orange blood†) and Swan’s business plan assisted building a clear vision and defining a key business strategy. In order to build the strong brand and culture Swan had to findRead MoreThe Invention Of The Telephone837 Words  | 4 Pagestimes the telephone has potential to influence mankind for generations to come. The unique necessity communicating with clarity gives rise to man’s request becoming proficient at expanding technology coupled with world-wide fascination to experience, study and contribute. â€Å"Faithful messengers are as refreshing as snow in the heat of summer. They revive the spirit of their employer.†Proverbs 25:13 Bible Autumn Zavala Page 2 Many individuals struggled inventing the telephone. The telephoneRead MoreInteractive And Engagement Has Impacted Marketing Management1551 Words  | 7 Pagesapplications expanding the experiences, knowledge and market power of the users as participants in business and social processes (Constantinides and Fountain, 2008) This report is based on how the web 2.0, interactive and engagement has impacted marketing management through the supply chain, distribution and customer date facilitating. The supply and distribution is focused on the use of advance technology such as GPS tracking and searching engines, which enables customers to locate firms. AlsoRead MoreStarbucks2570 Words  | 11 PagesProjects4Technology’s transition as a virtual business company requires a great deal of understanding and in depth analysis. While I was going to complete my assignment I have gone through a complex research which has involved me to study more about the topic and also gave me a first-hand knowledge of how to plan for a company. I have gone through many articles and journals on the google, I have searched especially for the virtual company, what is the difference between the virtual organization and the traditionalRead MoreSocial Medi Statistics And Trends Essay1877 Words  | 8 Pagessanction individuals to vocalize their peace in a virtual space. Social media is responsible for greater communication and a wider range of relationships. Shea Bennet also stated that eighty-five percent of the 7.1 billion people in the world utilize the internet every day. Seventy-four percent of those people become addicted to social media. Those numbers are humongous. Nicholas David Bowman, Ph.D., an assistant professor of communication studies in the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences at WestRead MoreMarketing Plan Oculus Rift Final Vr Essay3719 Words  | 15 PagesSSMBA PROGRAM MARKETING MANAGEMENT Professor Ted Wallin MARKETING PLAN (OCULUS RIFT) Bielma, Ricardo Khanh Huong, Pham Richards, Jason Shatayeva, Jamilya [MARKETING PLAN] 2 MARKETING PLAN: OCULUS RIFT TABLE OF CONTENTS I. COMPANY OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................. 3 II. BUSINESS MISSION .................................................................................................................. 3 III
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Food Is An Essential Part Of A Person s Day - 1412 Words
Food is an essential part of a person’s day, but for some Americans, it is an everyday struggle to feed themselves and their families. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 1 in 6 people face hunger. Most of these people are homeless and have limited access to food despite the large amounts of food available in restaurants and supermarkets. In an article by Feeding America, they stated that â€Å"An estimated 25 – 40% of food grown, processed and transported in the US will never be consumed.†This means that all these products from large supermarkets are mass produced only to end up in the trash. Much of this food is thrown out because it has reached its expiry date, thus it is important for the government to create a policy which mandates hypermarkets to donate food that is past its expiry date in order to feed the homeless. Food waste comes from expired food being disposed of, but food doesn’t instantly become spoiled as the day indic ated on its packaging comes. Food that has expired does not necessarily make it unsafe to eat. Dana Gunders, Senior scientist in the Food and Agriculture Program at the Natural Resources Defense Council, explains that food expiration dates are displayed in various ways. One manufacturer might indicate a â€Å"best by†date, while another might display a â€Å"sell by†date instead. This results in unreliable sources to determine whether a product is still safe to consume or not. She also says â€Å"While people often worry about gettingShow MoreRelatedEssay on Dangers of Fast Food893 Words  | 4 Pages Its quick, its convenient, its delicious. Fast food is the most popular quick-service nourishment. It plays an important roll in the lives that we humans so perfectly laid out for ourselves. Why try cooking when you can get food at a much faster rate? To most people, fast food is the answer to all of our problems. It is good in every possible way, or is it? Although some might deny the consequences, we all know there is a steep price to pay. So here by today, I am asking you to have a closerRead MoreEating Diets And Health Preferences1341 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout our whole lives we have heard either from the news, magazines or even just the people around us, the many crazy diets and health preferences an individual claims are the best. Then we ask ourselves why?, why would a person choose to take on that path or maybe, why does that diet work? or does not? In the years past there must have been someone who had a strictly based vegetarian or vegan diet and had a great, he althy lifestyle in order to have passed down lifestyle choice. So the realRead MoreFood : A Large Part Of Food1458 Words  | 6 PagesProfessor Ledri- Aguilar English 124 24 September 2015 title For centuries, food has played a large part in the shaping of cultures where certain dishes are still regarded as sacred. Food (or lack of it) has also influenced many landmark events throughout history such as  the Irish Potato Famine of 1845, or the French Revolution, which was in part caused by food scarcity. Fast forward to the Twenty-First century, food is still affecting history, yet now it is massively impacting the entire globalRead MoreFactors That Affect Your Body843 Words  | 4 Pagesyour body. The purpose of this analysis is to decide if my personal eating habits are aligned with the guidance of proper dietary needs of a person my age. There are five characteristics of a sound diet, which are, adequacy, balance, calorie control, moderation, and variety. Through the use of https://supertracker.usda.gov, I have analyzed my diet for three days, and will explain how my diet is under, meets, or exceeds categories in the characteristics of a sound diet. I will u se the information forRead MoreMy Values And Beliefs Of Nursing1170 Words  | 5 PagesPhilosophy of Nursing Everyone’s values and beliefs about the profession of nursing are all different. The four concepts of nursing are interrelated and all mean something different to every person, too. Throughout this paper, I will be reflecting on my values and beliefs about nursing through the four concepts while comparing them to a nursing theorist with views that are most similar to my own. My Values and Beliefs of Nursing I choose nursing as my future career because I enjoy working withRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1300 Words  | 6 Pagesconsequences of observing people, objects and events behavior. The stimulus-response relationship which has been developed by behaviorists, explains human behavior, noting that the response to each stimulus. An example would be a sweet (stimulus) causing a person to eat (response). True, behaviorists believe that thoughts, feelings, and motives do not play a role in determining behavior. Thoughts and feelings are not the cause but the result. BF Skinner said that the age-old mistake is the belief that whatRead MoreThe Population Of Humans On Earth1468 Words  | 6 Pagescompletely on the resources near to them, if a population began to grow too large it would be held back by a need for resources such as food and water. Once a civilisation grew large enough to have the food produced outside of larger cities and sold to the people in the cities, Diseases were the main factor holding population in check. However in the early 1800’s, the population of the world increased drastically due to advances in medicine that greatly increases the expected lifespan as well as reducingRead MoreThe Resistance Workers Of France1508 Words  | 7 Pagespotential threat than men. Thus allowing them greater freedom to slip past patrols on the look out for the Resistance Fighters. Also, in the eyes of Resistance, the transportation of weapons was risky and so concentrating all this risk on a single person, and a woman at that, was beneficial. For in the eyes of the male leaders of the Resistance, it was preferable to risk one women who could not fight than a man who could. Particularly at a time, when men of fighting age and ability were watchedRead MoreThe Purpose Of This Research Is To Prove The Usefulness1371 Words  | 6 Pagesof every person, physiological needs, safety needs, love/belonging needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs, which work up a ladder to motivate every individual. Maslow theory suggests that people would not move on to be motivated by the next set of needs until the previous set(s) had been satisfied. A Persons basic needs Physiological Needs include things like, food, water, sex, and sleep. Security in the workplace, within one’s family, health and property are all essential safety needsRead MoreThe End Of Food By Lizzie Widdicombe1396 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican poet and Civil rights activist Maya Angelou once said â€Å"Eating is so intimate. It s very sensual. When you invite someone to sit at your table and you want to cook for them, you re inviting a person into your life.†Throughout the history of humans, food has been a constant in cultures, traditions and everyday life. People have evolutionized to crave food because it gives us the nutrients and minerals that are needed for survival. Interestingly, as things like transportation, shelter , warmth
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Motives For Terrorism Essay - 1084 Words
Terrorism is a type of violence used tactically in peace, conflict, and war. The threat of terrorism is ever present, and an attack is likely to occur when least expected. In trying to find out what factors can cause an individual to choose terrorism, it is first necessary to define what terrorism is. The Department of Defense defines terrorism as â€Å"the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.†Per the definition, the terrorists are not giving into a whim of random acts, but these individuals are using calculated moves in order to achieve the purpose of the group. Simply†¦show more content†¦This type of motivation is found to be a â€Å"faith†of the terrorist. The individual does not consider the actions taken to achieve the agenda wrong and may tend to project antisocial motivations onto others, creating a polarized â€Å"we versus they†outlook.(3) These members attribute only evil motives to anyone outside the group. The resulting clarity of purpose appeals to those who crave violence to relieve their constant anger. The other common characteristic of the psychologically motivated terrorist is the pronounced need to belong to a group. With some terrorists, group acceptance is a stronger motivator than the stated political objectives of the organization. Such individuals define their social status by group acceptance. More often than not the groups goal may be nearly impossible to achieve. A group that achieves its stated purpose is no longer needed; thus, success threatens the psychological well being of its members. When a terrorist group approaches a stated goal, there may be an inclination to redefine it. The group may reject the achievement as false or inadequate or the result of the duplicity of â€Å"them†. When a solution is close to being reached, objectives change. One effective psychological defense against success is to define goals so broadly that they are impossible to achieve. Even if the world proclaims the success of a political movement, theShow MoreRelatedTerrorism Centred On Religious Motives And Aims Adopt Features That Engender1270 Words  | 6 PagesTerrorism centred on religious motives and aims adopt features that engender them to be more susceptible to committing severe acts of violence when compared with secular terrorist actors. Unlike secular groups, religious terrorist’ quests to attain the divine is often not bound by a region or state, they often seek global dominance and wish for their violent acts to coerce political goings transnationally and achieve mass violence on an international scale(?). Justification through contorted interpretationsRead MoreTerrorism Is A Major Criminal Act922 Words  | 4 PagesTerrorism is a major criminal act that effects a mass majority of people. Terrorism can be anything. Form er terrorism acts include the Oklahoma City bombing, the major September 11th attacks on the world trade center, and one of the most recent terrorist acts being the Boston Marathon bombing. Terrorism does not discriminate. Anyone can be a victim of a terrorist attack. This statement is proven true in the multiple accounts of Terrorism going on in the Middle Eastern countries, however America alsoRead MoreTerrorism and Political Violence by Alex Schmid1312 Words  | 5 Pages Terrorism can be defined and viewed in many different ways. As discussed in â€Å"Terrorism and Political Violence,†by Alex Schmid, there are multiple frameworks in which terrorism can be defined (Schmid 2010, 197). In Schmid’s article, he discusses the five ways he feels terrorism can be looked at, terrorism as/and politics, terrorism as/and crime, terrorism as/and warfare, terrorism as/and communication and terrorism as/and religious fundamentalism (Schmid 2010, 197). This is interesting beca use itRead MoreArmenian Secret Army For The Liberation Of Armenia1365 Words  | 6 Pages The second case will be represented by nationalist terrorism. In this case study I will Identify and describe the groups involved. The terrorist group for this case study will be Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA). Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia was a Marxist-Leninist Armenian terrorist group was founded in 1975 with the intention of compelling the Turkish Government to acknowledge publicly its alleged responsibility for killing over 1.5 million innocentRead More`` Prairie View A M University Terrorist Or Freedom Fighter Depends On Which Lens You re Looking Through1437 Words  | 6 Pagesevident that America was now under attack; at this point we knew that the U.S had been a target of terrorist. What is a terrorist, some may say that terrorism is the evil acts of a group or individual geared towards another group that has a political motive but also cause fear among a group of people. That is true but would it be a called terrorism, if you were on the other side of the situation. What if you were fighting for a political change, or religious freedom, or the right to a sovereign stateRead MoreOutline Of The Oklahoma City Bombing1665 Words  | 4 PagesMuskan Hossain  American Terror: The Oklahoma City Bombing cements terrorism into the minds of citizens   Thesis: Due to the Oklahoma City Bombing, U.S. citizens are corrected of their stereotypical thoughts towards terrorism; Terrorists aren’t commonly Muslims or foreign enemies.  I. Overview  II. The significance of the Oklahoma City Bombing A. Controversies that arose B. Questions thought and asked by the citizens C. Impact towards the Federal Government D.  How it shook the ilRead MoreTerrorism Provocation toward the Enemies734 Words  | 3 Pages Terrorism is fundamentally propaganda, in most cases it is a very bloody form of propaganda. The perpetrators of a terrorist act declare what their objective was, their declaration of the act should carry credibility, no matter what one thinks of the objective or the method used to achieve it. The difficulty lies in the definition of â€Å"terrorism†over the years it has been difficult to define into one definition, therefore the term is broadly used. The word traditionally conveys the politicalRead MoreThe Attack On September 111349 Words  | 6 Pagesus. From this incident we can define terrorism as a well-planned violent attack that targets innocent people to send a political message by planting fear not just to the country or government but also to civilians. However, terrorism cannot and should not be easily defined in this way. The definition of terrorism defined above is defined in America’s point of view and not al-Qaeda’s perspective. If we put o urselves in al-Qaeda’s shoes, our definition of terrorism is going to change. Al-Qaeda declaredRead MoreMovie Vs. V For Vendetta Directed By James Mctigue1164 Words  | 5 PagesThe text After the First Death by Robert Cormier and the film V for Vendetta directed by James McTigue represent terrorism in ways that allow us as the audience to respond differently to each. The terrorists, V in V for Vendetta and Artkin in After the First Death both perform terrorising actions; however, I sympathise and correspond with V but consider the opposite for Artkin. V is seen as a revolutionary as he has a considerate and rational mind, he eradicates only those who commit immoral deedsRead More TERRORISM: DEFINITION, TEMPLATE, AND EXAMPLES Essay778 Words  | 4 Pages TERRORISM: DEFINITION, TEMPLATE, AND EXAMPLES In order to determine whether an action is a terrorist act or not, terrorism must first be defined. Terrorism is the use or threatening the use of violence as a weapon to influence a person or a group of people to change policies or influence decisions according to the terrorist’s desires. The terrorist can be a single person acting on personal wishes or a group of people with an ultimate goal. The goals of a terrorist are normally political, ideological
Immanuel Kant Metaphysics of Morals Essay - 895 Words
Kant argued that moral requirements are based on a standard of rationality he dubbed the Categorical Imperative (CI). Immorality thus involves a violation of the CI and is thereby irrational. This argument was based on his striking doctrine that a rational will must be regarded as autonomous, or free in the sense of being the author of the law that binds it. The fundamental principle of morality Ââ€" the CI Ââ€" is none other than this law of an autonomous will. Thus, at the heart of Kants moral philosophy is a conception of reason whose reach in practical affairs goes well beyond that of a Humean ‘slave to the passions. Moreover, it is the presence of this self-governing reason in each person that Kant thought offered decisive grounds†¦show more content†¦Intelligence and even pleasure are worth having only on the condition that they do not require giving up a commitment to honor ones fundamental moral convictions In Kants terms, a good will is a will whose decisions are wholly determined by moral demands or as he refers to this, by the Moral Law A holy ordivine will, if it exists, though good, would not be good because it is motivated by thoughts of duty. argues that a dutiful action from any of these motives, however praiseworthy it may be, does not express a good will and other outcomes of lawful behavior. Indeed, we respect these laws to the degree, but only to the degree, that they do not violate values, laws or principles we hold more dear. Yet Kant thinks in acting from duty that we are not at all motivated by a prospective outcome or some other extrinsic feature of our conduct. We are motivated by the mere conformity of our will to law as such Kant holds that the fundamental principle at the basis of all of our moral duties is a categoricalimperative. It is an imperative because it is a command (e.g., Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.) More precisely, it commands us to exercise our wills in a particular way, not to perform some action or other. It is categorical in virtue of applying to us unconditionally, or simply because we possesses rational wills,Show MoreRelatedThe Metaphysic Of Morals By Immanuel Kant1199 Words  | 5 PagesGroundwork for the Metaphysic of Morals by Immanuel Kant: A Reflection and Analysis Author name Name of institutionâ€Æ' In man’s attempt to figure out what is right or wrong, they have developed a number of systems that purportedly deal with such matters. Immanuel Kant expanded on his moral philosophy in his work, Groundwork for the Metaphysic of Morals. This paper will be a reflection upon Kantian ethical principles presented therein and their relation to what is generally called morality. PeopleRead MoreThe Metaphysics of Morals by Immanuel Kant Essay1150 Words  | 5 Pagesof morals in the Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant explores the question of whether a human being is capable of acting solely out of pure duty and if our actions hold true moral value. In passage 407, page 19, Kant proposes that if one were to look at past experiences, one cannot be certain that his or her rationalization for performing an action that conforms with duty could rest solely on moral grounds. In order to fully explain the core principle of moral theory, Kant distinguishesRead MoreImmanuel Kant - Metaphysics of Morals Essay1580 Words  | 7 PagesIn his publication, Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant supplies his readers with a thesis that claims morality can be derived from the principle of the categorical imperative. The strongest argument to support his thesis is the difference between actions in accordance with duty and actions in acc ordance from duty. To setup his thesis, Kant first draws a distinction between empirical and a priori concepts. Empirical concepts are ideas we reach from our experiences in the worldRead MoreImmanuel Kant s Metaphysics Of Morals897 Words  | 4 PagesIn Immanuel Kant’s Groundwork of Metaphysics of Morals, Kant argues that one’s duty requires an individual to act against one’s inclinations, wants and desires, in order to achieve a higher moral worth. For Kant, the concept of duty is something that you ought to do despite not wanting to, assuming the duty is possible. A duty contains the concept of good will, or acting on one’s duty, against one’s inclinations, which is how moral worth is achieved. In order for an individual to achieve a higherRead MoreImmanuel Kant s Metaphysics Of Morals2091 Words  | 9 PagesImmanuel Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals The Greeks classified their philosophy into three fields, namely: †¢ Physics †¢ Ethics †¢ Logic All these three fields tend to interrelate in an attempt to describe nature and the life we live in. Physics is also known as the ‘doctrine of nature’ since it attempts to describe almost all the happenings of life (Wood W. Allen). Physics explains phenomenon such as why does the sun come out during the day, why do we see different colors and so on. It is an attempt toRead MoreGrounding For The Metaphysics Of Morals And On Groveling By Immanuel Kant891 Words  | 4 PagesImmanuel Kant discusses the second and third translation pieces in â€Å"Key Selections.†In Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals and On Groveling, Kant explains that humans have an animal-like nature. If Kant was charged with the statement, â€Å"Bottom line, humans are nothing more than insignificant creatures with an animal nature,†he would have a mixed response to the charge. Although Kant may not believe that neither humans or animals are insignificant, he would recognize the re lation and similaritiesRead MoreA Summary of Groundworks of the Metaphysics of Morals by Immanuel Kant1290 Words  | 6 Pages------------------------------------------------- Critique of Practical Reason and Groundwork for the Metaphysic of Morals Summary Groundwork for the Metaphysic of Morals, published in 1785, is Kant’s first major work in ethics. Like the Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, the Groundwork is the short and easy-to-read version of what Kant deals with at greater length and complexity in his Critique. The Critique of Practical Reason, published three years later, contains greater detail than theRead MoreThird Breaking Down His Most Important Philosophies1097 Words  | 5 PagesGroundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals 2. Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science 3. Critique of Practical Reason 4. Critique of the Power of Judgment 5. Critique of Pure Reason a. Knowledge b. Metaphysics Topic: Critique of Pure Reason In order to understand Kant’s position, we must first understand the philosophical environment that influenced his thinking. There are two major historical movements in the early modern period of philosophy that had a very large impact on Kant: Empiricism andRead MoreComparing David Hume and Immanuel Kant Essay1356 Words  | 6 PagesComparing David Hume and Immanuel Kant David Hume and Immanuel Kant each made a significant break from other theorists in putting forward a morality that doesn’t require a higher being or god, for a man to recognize his moral duty. Although Hume and Kant shared some basic principals they differed on their view of morality. In comparing the different views on human will and the maxims established to determine moral worth by David Hume and Immanuel Kant, I find their theories on morality have someRead MoreImmanuel Kant And The Ford Pinto Case991 Words  | 4 Pages Immanuel Kant and The Ford Pinto Case Immanuel Kant ¶s theory on morals states that  ³nothing can possibly be conceived in the world, or even out of it, which can be called good, without qualification, except a good will. ´ 1 Kant points to other human qualities such as courage, intelligence, wit and others that are  ³undoubtedly good and desirable, ´ 2 however, can become bad if the will of the person using them is not good. Kant maintains that in order for an action to be considered moral, it
Catch 22 And A Few Good Men Essay Example For Students
Catch 22 And A Few Good Men Essay Catch-22 and A Few Good MenCatch-22 is a novel about the Second World War. It is set on the island of Pianosa, which is off the coast of Italy. It is set in the end of the war while the Germans are on the run and being pushed out of Italy. The book focuses on a bomb group, more specifically a squadron in which a bombardier named Yossarian is assigned to. Yossarian is very upset because all these people he doesn’t even know (the Germans) are trying to kill him. The novel is very hard to understand because of the way it is written. It is helpful in books about the military to have a time-date group so you know what is going on. This book doesn’t have that and is so full of flash backs and flash-forwards that it made my head spin. It wasn’t poorly written but it was hard follow. It has many technical errors such as having helicopters for search and rescue while helicopters weren’t used in military service until the Korean War. The story is a good one but pain ts a picture of military life as a joke almost. Most of the servicemen in this book had no discipline and did pretty much as they pleased. Yossarian goes through the whole story trying to get out of his squadron and go home. His problem is the commander of the group keeps raising the number of missions required to fly before the rotate home. Every time he gets close the raise the number on him again. Through it all he tries all these schemes to get sent home he acts sick and tries to act crazy. When he tries to acts crazy he thinks that he has a perfect plan to get sent home since there was a rule that anyone who was crazy was unfit to serve in the rigors of combat, but the rule said they had to ask to be grounded. When he goes to get himself grounded he discovers there is a catch. Catch-22 says that anyone who asks to be grounded is not crazy because recognizing danger is the process of a rational mind and anyone with a rational mind is not crazy. That is the main story line of the book. A Few Good Men is a movie about the trial of two Marines for murder. The main characters are Lt.j.g. Dan Kaffey and Lt.Cmdr Joanne Galloway. They are both lawyers in the Judge Advocate General Corps of the Department of the Navy. They are the defense attorneys for Lance Corporal Dawson and Private First Class Downey. Dawson and Downey were charged with murdering a member of their squad, Private First Class William Santiago. The reason that they killed him was technically an accident. They were trying to haze him when something went wrong. The reason they were disciplining him was because he broke the chain of command and went outside his unit for help. In the Marine Corps that is wrong because it makes the Marines in your chain of command look like a bunch of morons. The two Marines, Dawson and Downey were ordered by their platoon commander who in turn was ordered by the battalion commander to discipline Santiago. The two Marines did not want to cut a deal for minimum jail time becau se the believed that they did nothing wrong they were following orders and they did not intend to kill him. The movie talks about a code that Marines follow especially Marines forward deployed on tense situation. Basically the code said that the unit and the mission come first all other things are secondary including comfort and personal safety. The Marines get through the trial and are found innocent because they were only following orders and did not intend to kill Santiago. They were found guilty of conduct unbecoming of a Marine and were dishonorably discharged from the Marine Corps. The battalion commander Colonel Jessup was set to be court martialed for ordering the Code Red (hazing) and Kaffey and Galloway look like heroes for finding out the truth and righting the wrongs. .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98 , .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98 .postImageUrl , .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98 , .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98:hover , .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98:visited , .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98:active { border:0!important; } .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98:active , .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98 .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0159533138c3a7cc396f0bcb69851b98:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Language Arts Socratic Seminar Questions EssayWhen you compare these two works you find yourself look at two possible extremes of military life although they are both fictitious and not even based on true stories. Catch-22 is all about how one person cared only about himself and focused only on his needs. All Yossarian cared about was he wanted to go home and that was it. He didn’t care about the war he didn’t care about the soldiers he was supposed to be supporting with the missions he flew. All that mattered to him was that he was in danger and he didn’t like it and wanted to go home. He watched all his close friends die one by one but it didnâ€℠¢t faze him. His mind was made up. A Few Good Men was at the other extreme. It showed life in the military as a hard, unforgiving life where one slipup could result in death or serious harm. The two Marines Dawson and Downey were the total opposite of Yossarian. Where he was undisciplined they were disciplined. While he only cared about himself they believed in their mission and were willing to die for it. Dawson and Downey were described as recruiting poster Marines while Yossarian would be sent off to count cracks on the runway the second anyone important showed up. All in all both these works are good stories but neither seems to be particularly accurate. I’m sure that military life falls somewhere in between these two extremes. Films and Cinema
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Managing People and Organization Management
Question: Discuss about the Managing People and Organization Management. Answer: Introduction: The main focus of the restaurant business is to provide good quality of food and service to the customers. The good food and good hospitality provided by the restaurant will attract more customers. The majority of the employees in the restaurant are in the kitchen or works as workers. There would be two teams in the restaurant. The teams are marketing team and planning teams. The marketing team will focus on the marketing strategies that could attract new customers. The target customers of the restaurant are the students, young adults and teenagers. The marketing team needs to make advertisement according to the criteria of the target customers. The other team is the planning team. The planning team needs to make plans for achieving maximum profit. The planning team needs to focus on the quality of foods the restaurant is preparing. The planning team also needs to make new plans of the business like providing of free home delivery of items and others for increasing sales (Finch 2013) . The managers of the company will be playing the role of the motivators. The managers need to look after the problems of the workers. The managers also need to discuss the strategies adopted by the restaurants and the growth and prosperity of the restaurant with the workers. This will motivate the workers. The motivation in one way increases the job satisfaction and better job satisfaction implies more productivity (Din and Cohen 2016). The communication should be well maintained among the staffs. The managers of the restaurant need to communicate in a well mannered way with the workers. This will maintain a good discipline in the work place. The decision taken by the workers should be explained to the workers in a proper way (Weinzimmer and Nystrom 2015). Controlling: The costs incurred in the restaurants are mainly costs to buy the assets such as property, furniture, salary that needs to be paid to the employees and the cost of the inventories that are needed to be accumulated. All these costs have a ceiling beyond which the restaurant cannot spend in this sector. Therefore, the restaurant needs to maintain a proper scheduling duty for the workers. The holidays and leaves of the employers should be handled properly so that adequate workers should be present regularly. The restaurant also needs to employ fresher as well as experienced staffs in a proper ratio for proper running of the restaurant. The quality should be maintained in the food. The restaurant also needs to provide proper kind of services to the customers. The feedback of the customer is one of the major factors in controlling the business. The customers are one of the major stakeholders in the business. The restaurant can introduce a feedback from which could be given to the customer s with the bills. The responses of the customers will help in improving various services of the customers (Blackburn, Hart and Wainwright 2013). References: Blackburn, R.A., Hart, M. and Wainwright, T., 2013. Small business performance: business, strategy and owner-manager characteristics.Journal of small business and enterprise development,20(1), pp.8-27. Din, G.Y. and Cohen, E., 2016. Modeling Municipal Solid Waste Management in Africa: Case Study of Matadi, the Democratic Republic of Congo.Solid Waste Management: Policy and Planning for a Sustainable Society, p.81. Finch, B., 2013.How to write a business plan(Vol. 35). Kogan Page Publishers. Weinzimmer, L.G. and Nystrom, P.C., 2015. The search for opportunities by small business owners.Journal of Small Business Strategy,7(3), pp.1-14.
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