Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Food Habits Assignment\r'
' finding shred for HSN 101 Food Habits Assignment Criteria| Poor (N)| fairish (P)| Good (C)| Very Good (D)| Excellent (HD)| Mark assigned | | 0-1| 2| 3| 4| 5| | 1. Introduction ( primitive 5 marks)Assignment explanation clear and accurateRelevant dry land information discussedDescription of aim accurate and appropriate| surplus comments| | 2. head words to answers about the Food and Diet oppugnnaire (Q1-6, total 52 marks)Questions answered befittingly match to instructionsDemonstrates collar of ca single-valued functions of eating behaviours and their m aiming | 0-25| 26-31| 32-36| 37-41| 42-52| | | supererogatory comments| | . Questions to answers about the Food absolute frequency Questionnaire (Q7-11, total 28 marks)Questions answered appropriately according to instructionsJustifies answer appropriately, demonstrating understanding of relevant concepts| 0-13| 14-16| 17-19| 20-22| 23-28| | | Additional comments| | 4. Summary (total 5 marks)Succinct and accurate. | 0-1| 2| 3| 4| 5| | | Additional comments| | 5.Referencing, clearness & group A; Presentation (total 10 marks)Clearly written, with invent English spelling/ grammar & subsections following format of questionUse of 5 or more than appropriate referencesVancouver style appropriately used in text and reference keep down Questionnaires filled out accurately and fitting submitted according to instructions Inclusion & adherence to volume count. (i. e. 1500 ± 10%, only first 1650 words give be marked) | 0-4| 5| 6| 7| 8-10| | | Additional comments| | | Total of above| |No of days delinquent| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| Final Mark| Penalty (deducted as % of total value of assignment (100 marks), per faculty policy)| null | -10%| -15%| -20%| -25%| -30%| | HSN101 Food: Nutrition, Culture, and Innovation Food Habits Assignment diagnose: Monelle Mondello Student ID: 213157555 Word Count: Introduction This assignment explores the various factors that influence my eating habits. I before lon g train four days a week, which involves high-intensity competency training specific to embody-building and power lifting.I am overly currently trying to achieve a body fat percent bestride of 14%, therefore I must Food and Diet Questionnaire Questions 1 & 2 in the Food and Diet Questionnaire ask about shopping for pabulum and prep ardness meals. How would your sustenance change if your answer to these questions changed? Please apologize. I do my own nourishment for thought shopping and cooking as I follow a strict nourishment plan and prefer to be in dictation of the examples of foods I purchase, as well as the cooking methods.If I was no longer responsible for purchase and cooking my food, I would no longer be able to adhere to the diet plan I choose to follow, as I would not be able to control the individual cores of food that be used in separately meal, and I would or so often not agree with the cooking methods chosen, much(prenominal) as the oils chosen fo r frying. I also train a large importance on the types of give I purchase, such as organic divulge that supports local farmers and is free from pesticides, as well as free range, organic meats for ethical and health reasons.These beliefs unendingly influence my food purchases and I would be strained to compromise them if others were in charge of my food shopping. If the amount of money you spent on food each week doubled, how would this affect the foods you eat? Please explain. I am currently buying the highest quality of food available to me when possible, therefore even if the cost doubled, I would still purchase the same food. However, there are instances where if I am short on money, I will purchase a regular ingathering instead of organic, such as frozen berries, as the cost difference is significant.Therefore I would be certain(p) to always purchase organic, natural, and biodynamic foods. There would be more spent on fresh herbs and products I use to enhance cooking and flavours, such as chocolate powder and certain spices. Overall, the foods eaten would not differ greatly. Question 7 asks you to rate the importance of many food and eating related behaviours. Pick two of the behaviours and explain why you answered the way you did. Select behaviours you rate as either ‘very important’ or ‘not important’. You should use references to show whether your belief was correct or not.I do not consider avoiding unadulterated fat an important aspect Explain reasons why people may choose a vegetarian diet. Question 9 asks you to rate the importance of various factors in deciding your choice of food when shopping. Pick two of the factors that you rated either ‘not important’ or ‘ super important’. Please explain your answer. I control at your answers to questions 11-19. Of the answers you have given, please explain which wizard has the most influence on your diet. For example, does your ethnicity determin e the type of food you eat, or you supporting arrangements, or your age etc.?Please explain your answer. Food Frequency Questionnaire How well do you think the food frequency questionnaire captured your usual dietary intake over the prehistorical month? Please explain, giving specific food examples that support your explanation. Do you think people who observe with a culture other than your own living in Australia would have equivalent eating patterns (i. e. chose similar foods) to you? Please explain. How would the types of food you ate change if you had to bring forth and prepare all the food you eat? visualise the foods you eat often in the food frequency questionnaire to use as examples in your answer. How many serves of vegetables do you unremarkably eat each day (question 4 in the FFQ)? How many serves of fruit do you usually eat each day (question 5 in the FFQ)? Comment on your intake compared with the recommendation for your grammatical gender and age group. The most r ecent national scene in Australia found a daily fairish intake of 3. 4 serves of vegetables and 1. 1 serves of fruit in adults. How do you think this intake could be increase to meet the recommendations? Summary\r\n'
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