Thursday, January 31, 2019
Antigone Conflicts Essay -- essays research papers
Conflicts in Antigone There were three basic conflicts that caused Antigone and Creon to jar as violently as they did. First, was the conflict of the individual versus the state, in which Antigone represented the individual and Creon the king, the state. The second conflict can be described as following ones conscience and ideals versus following the law rigorously. In this conflict Antigone makes decisions establish on her conscience and ideals piece of music Creon is the strict law abiding king. Finally, the main and most important discord, which is similar to the second conflict, is the debate of moral and worshipful law versus serviceman law. In this most important contention Creon strictly observes human laws and Antigone follows the divine or moral laws. Creons beliefs and his unwillingness to diverge ultimately cause the downfall of Creon and everyone that he cares about. Through the three about related conflicts we are given a picture of why and for what causes Creon and Antigone combat. Creon represents the laws of the world, while Antigone represents the laws of the soul. This creates obvious conflicts in the course of life. There are certain human laws that are for one reason or another unfair infra certain circumstances. One such circumstance presented itself after Polyneices Eteocles, brothers to Antigone, are killed in the Thebes civil war. In the eyes of Creon Eteocles chose the noble and correct side in the war while ...
Monday, January 28, 2019
Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes Essay
Online gaming is big business these days, with thousands of peck connected to each early(a) every minute. Games like Call of avocation and World of Warcraft connect huge numbers of players, sending both in setion and voice communications fanny and forth in real-time. In a 1-2 page paper, discuss HOW the study gets sent from a estimator or gaming system to the reckoner/gaming system of all of the people with whom one is playing. Specifically, focus on the local anesthetic exchange interfaces access, regional, metro, abundant haul and ocean cyberspaces.Include in your paper a diagram showing the communication, labeling any important moolah along the way (central offices, repeaters, etc.)Note You dont have to add up EVERY repeater youd need, but be creative and show that you understand the process.Submission RequirementsSubmit a 1-2 page Word schedule double-spaced Times New Roman 12 pt font. reference point all sources used.Local ExchangeOnline gaming is big business these days, with thousands of people connected to each other(a) every minute. Games like Call of Duty and World of Warcraft connect massive numbers of players, sending both information and voice communications back and forth in real-time Considering that video recording game consoles ar al close to computers then it is clear that they can publish as computers does and that is through TCP/IP communicates. Therefore, it is possible to exchange info between gaming consoles.But lets examine the aspects that are involved on this process.First, there is a personal connection discharge between two computers that want to connect. This could be phone lines that run from houses to switches to other houses that the phone company lets dial to each other. Or it could be network cables going to hubs and other computers. Or it could be cable lines running to reference optic lines, through routers. Or it could be receiving set waves that computers can post and receive. Second, there is a physical trick that connects the computer to the network of lines he is communicating over. It could be a modem, a network card, a radio transmitter, or a router. Third, there is a set of software that allows the computer to send selective information across this network.There are a mess hall of layers to this software. At the top level, the computer sends some type of packet of data to the device and across the network. Typically, this is a TCP/IP packet. This basically tells you what the format of the data has to be, and what pieces of software computers need to have to send this kind of data. Finally, at the game layer, the game determines what other computer it needs to connect to, sends a request to the network device to establish the connection, and then sends data to the device so it can be sent.The network layer, when it receives data on a given connection, doesnt just store it, it sends it on to the application who has the connection. So the connection is essentiall y between two applications.Focusing on the physical access the possibility that data can be send to players most the globe is all thanks to the infrastructure of telecom companies.Starting with the local access, which is nominated by the local telephone companies (Local Exchange Carriers). These entities are responsible for ensuring the obligatory access to the network and the reliable transportation of the information. The Local Exchange Carriers provide the interface for the users to connect to the internet.Behind the scene, the network access plays a resilient role in this process which is the reveal of the network that reaches the end users and connects them. This go are brought to the consumer through a cabling link between the consumer and the Local Exchange. This network pf cabling is also referred as Distribution NetworkAt the transportation level, the data is handled by the regional/metro networks (MAN) is responsible for aggregating information from the local exc hanges of a specific service provider and sending that information to the regional and long haul/core network.A regional network is responsible for accruement of information from metro networks. It is typically the last point before information traffic is put onto the core network. Core network is responsible for transporting grown amounts of information from metro and regional networks in one part of the geography over very long distances to the regional and metro networks of another part of the geography.An important part of the infrastructure are the ocean networks these are the most demanding and technically advance networks in existence. There are a plurality of optical fiber cables underwater connecting continents and countries together therefore, vital for internet communications.As you may imagine, there a multitude of devices and equipment involved within each network to make all this process (data exchange) possible.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Cash Management and Short Term Financing
Running head CASH MANAGEMENT AND SHORT-TERM financing Cash prudence and Short-term Financing University of Phoenix Cash Management and Short-term Financing Structured bullion wariness and efficient short- give financing atomic number 18 both beneficial and important for a phoner to remain competitive in the market this depart help maturation potential profit and sh arholder respect with the rising stock. Cash management is a tool for the company can use to manage hazardous funds ( property balances) that are non generating revenue giving the company the capability to use the freed silver to build sources for short-term financing through participation building securities.Cash management techniques include marketable securities, international cash in management, collection/disbursement vagabond, and Electronic Funds pitch. Short-term financing blow over the company the ability to secure cash needed for production alter the company to maximize profitability. Short-ter m financing methods include inventory financing, billsmaking(prenominal) paper, alternate reference book, bank loans, receivables financing, foreign borrowing.Cash management Techniques Float is the deflection between the recorded available cash and the amount that has been imputeed by the bank, this results in a succession delay when dealing with banking system and the transmit service and clearing break ups. A company will use the bumble to minimize collection times and accession disbursement dates to give them much time with the cash on hand to use in elicit building securities. Electronic Funds Transfer is quickly replacing the out-dated check system, with the EFT system the ease of electronically deposited funds this reduces the lag or gloomy time traditionally associated with the manual check.This system increases the efficiency of the banking system and decreases float times for the company. International cash management allows the company to deposit money in co untries with a soaring matter to rate returns. This allows the company to range in high return loans in a source of generating excess revenue. Marketable securities turn non-generating cash into interest generating revenue through CDS, treasury notes, treasury bills, savings deposits, Eurodollar deposits and commercial paper.The techniques used in cash management are used to reduce or eliminate unwished-for cash balances that do not generate revenue and turn them into interest earning securities. Collections control and management is vital in eliminating unwanted cash balances, the built-in purpose is for the company to retain the highest rate of cash solvency to maximize profitability. Companies find reduced the use of float methods with the increase of EFTs, time is not an know with the EFT, and this transition takes place adjacently.However, both float and Electronic Funds Transfer can be used in collections to maximize return. International cash management allows the co mpany to reach for the highest interest rate of return not found in the United States, the use of this technique is more contest the ability to manage funds through different geographical locations and time zones can be extensive. The International cash is always susceptible to bullion fluctuations, interest rate changes that could end in a lesser value than originally deposited.The International cash management runs at a high risk for the company exactly besides has the potential for the largest gain. Marketable securities are a good technique for cash management but run the risk of company loss with increasing interest rates. Trade credit occurs when a seller or manufacturer of goods extends credit to the company in the form of accounts payable. Bank loans can be used to provide the prerequisite cash to implement expansion or new product development. mercantile paper is a certificate issued to the investor, by the company this constitutes a debt that will be repaid.Foreign b orrowing lets a company seek extraneous the normal parameter to obtain loans at a lower rate. list and receivables financing let the company try to get based on their current asset value. Between all the financing options Trade credit constitutes approximately 40% of all short term credit to companies with trade credit a company can take advantage of discounts when the payments are made in a timely fashion, this give the company flexibleness in deciding on how long to carry their credit debt. some(prenominal) bank loans and trade credit are short-term provide immediate funds of financing.However, bank loans are at risk of requiring a high compensating balance, which lowers the amount of actual money lent to the company. Commercial paper methods of financing have the advantage of being issued below the prime interest rate that banks charge. Commercial paper does not have the challenge of compensating balance requirements but the paper can be lost, stolen, misplaced, or damaged. T he commercial paper knead has mostly been replaced by a computerized version. Foreign borrowing, like the other techniques, is overly short-term but runs the risk of foreign currency inflation or fluctuations.The use of receivables and inventory as collateral in financing is also short-term. Receivable has the advantage when the asset level inflates, as the value increase the amount of money increase that the company can borrow against. The uses of short-term financing or cash management both maintain the close of ensure sufficient funds the company will need to maximize profitability. Cash management utilizes control over the receipt and payment of cash as to minimize non-earning cash balances and to capitalize the freed up cash in interest earning modes.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Injustice: Black People and Martin Luther King Essay
In a Letter from Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King, Jr. state detriment anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. This means that if we permit injustice happen, then this injustice will grow and start to pertain good mint. We cannot afford to ignore fewthing bad happening in whiz place. If injustice occurs and no action is taken against this injustice, then people who strain about what happened might think this injustice is acceptable, and continue universe unfair.In Justice & Injustice Eloy Ponce says, if we allow injustices to be act against other people, those injustices too, could soon be committed against us. Ponces melodic theme interested me because it is also a true statement. If we allow injustice happen, the injustice will be committed against us. When there was segregation, most white people didnt do anything to help the African Americans.White people let segregation happen whether they agreed or disagreed with the kind of treatment the unrelenting peopl e received because whites were not affected directly. Due to this, these days, some blackness people accuse white people of being racist. There were some white people that did stand up for the rights of blacks, and a few even died for this belief. They were people that rightfully understood the meaning of justice, and knew that if nothing was done, the injustice being committed would threaten justice everywhere.Justice and injustice are a good deal in a battle of which is stronger. Acts of injustice spread easily, overcoming the ideals of justice. When a concourse acts, it is very difficult for people to standup against the crowd. It is easier for everyone to say they agree, even though they truly disagree. Only the brave few are willing to accept the consequences of stand up for what they believe in. I think this is what Martin Luther King, Jr. meant when he tell injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. It is a somebodys moral responsibility to uphold just ideas.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Statistics Data Driven Decision Making
It is cognize that there are two selective information types that are hired to assess and draw meaningful codas through with(predicate) statistics, nation and sample data. These two data types are utilized to formulate end conclusions of data that is to be roll up and data that is to be refreshed. The description of nation data raft trump out be explained, as the complete collection of all data that is to be queried/collected and reviewed. Sample data, a subset of existence data, is the partial collection and review of all data that is to be queried.The relationship of these two data types is unsubdivided sample data is represented as a reflection of the population data and shares a common goal in this comparison through statistics. This can also either be represented as a part or as a whole of all data being evaluated. However we lead to utilize sample data more often than population data primarily as a resolvent that sample data is utilized to formulate a coherent set out to drawing meaningful conclusions more or less the population.We utilize this through random ingest of population data to gather and make an assumption base on the population. This can kind of draw the conclusion that sample data and population data go hand in hand. As an example if we utilize Culture Matters A Survey Study of Social Q&A Behavior an member which conducted, in 2009, a social survey of questions and answers based on cultural behaviors, we can come to find relatable data that can be identified through the discretion of sample and population data.An overview of this article notes that sample data was collected from four countries and turned overs responses from 933 people, of the population, who held similar blood line roles and were employed by a unusual organization. This was completed to ascertain an understanding of what motivated an individuals response to ask and answer questions art object accessing a social network site.In this response the U nited States and the United farming provided data which showed that western countries tend to associate themselves more with an individualistic uprise and showed a lower context pattern, while China and India, Asian Cultures, tend to better associate themselves more with a high context pattern, and holistic collectivism. This data shows that the method of random sampling was utilized to ascertain a meaningful understanding of the sample data to formulate an assumption about the population of ones culture within these ountries and the role behind this decision making. As a result we can see that sample data which resulted in 38% UK workers, 41% US, 45% CN, and 50% IN was collected from the resulting population of a 100% of workers from all ethnicity working under a singular work group. This leaves to question the background ethnicity of those individual who did not participate in this survey. In result these statistics were utilized to draw a meaningful conclusion about this data b oth as a whole and as a sample.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Company Introduction, Market Segmentation
food market Segmentation, and Product Positioning Keenan Pierson Dry. Steven Englander Marketing October 28, 2013 A. The Company brightness natural selection e-cigarette Is a metal reversible electric cigarette sucker, Glenn smokers an election smoking selection to conventional tobacco mathematical products. talented Option takes pride in military strength an emphasis on do its e-cigarette as close as executable to the weight, size, feel, sapidness and inhalation of authorized cigarettes. Targeting seasoned smokers, knowing Option e-cigarettes advance non-disposable smoking products.The adroit Option e-cigarette kit keep abreasts with an atomized plus a getaway tit a flavor enhancer. Consumers respect the chumps option of varied flavor enhancers tho is popular, more so, beca economic consumption lustrous Option Is known for its hourlong- lasting batteries. Popular, fashionable and well-established, the Smart Option brand desires to expand to Include the Smar ts harmonious reversible railcartridges and chargers. Smart Option was established In 2010 and Is headquartered In Atlanta.Keenan Pierson Is the SSP of Product Development, spearheading the brands scientific advance. Smart options strategic mission statement Is To provide a enormous hurt for the sophisticated smoker, focusing on quality and incr palliated accessibility. international Market Cigarette use is the largest segment of the tobacco market In Russia, accounting for 98 percent of the markets total value (Russia, 2013). E-cigarette use in Russia is a means for controlling smoking (Popularity, 2011), and its popularity is growing there as well.Smart Option consumers primarily are based in the get together States, but Smart Option sees an opportunity to expand the brand as it prepares to engross the Smarts component. Currently, the majority of electric cigarettes enter the Russian market from China (Research and Markets, 2012). increase exports allow for assistant g row the brand. With Smarts harmonious rechargeable cartridges and chargers, the goal Is to start and capture significant market share through a reason of necessity from consumers in the U. S. And abroad, creating brand loyalty. B. Marketing Plan smoker.It has the look of unstained cigarettes with an excellent nicotine delivery system. Consumers enjoy its variety of forms, its battery life and ease of use. The Smart Option e-cigarette brand is the solution for the long-term consumer seeking a premium product. While priced slightly higher than competitors selling disposable reduces, the Smart Option e-cigarette kit is equivalent to receiving up to 3 packs of conventional cigarettes supra the standard two. Smarts matched rechargeable cartridges and chargers leave behind be for consumers looking for the longer investment in the e-cigarette.Smarts go out provide the best and most technologically-advanced electronic cartridges and compatible chargers in the industry. All e-cigaret te brands are battery operated. Presently, consumers of e-cigarettes have to be loyal to their brand because rechargeable cartridges and chargers are not versatile, meaning that chargeable cartridges are not compatible with each other. There are so many electric cigarettes available that it may be difficult and dearly-won for the consumer to determine which brand satisfies their tastes.The consumer also must find the store that sells their favored brand. With Smart Options Smarts compatible rechargeable cartridges and chargers, consumers no longer have to commit. The product and the service component of the Smarts compatible rechargeable cartridges and chargers result drive sales. Smarts go out be bundled with the existing Smart Option products and sold separately to move in users of competing eggs. Like most cartridges, the Smarts compatible rechargeable cartridges include miniature atomic number 3 batteries. Smarts is unique because its 4. -volts also contain a small univer sal organiser for compatibility with other brands, creating an android mechanism for use crossways all brands of e-cigarettes. A unique feature of the Smarts compatible rechargeable cartridges includes longer-life batteries, which has made Smart Option popular among consumers. As an enhancement, the Smarts battery will automatically go into understudy mode when not in use to preserve its life. The product and the Smarts compatible rechargeable cartridges and chargers will be expensed through vending machines and will be widely available at gas stations and convenience stores.Consumers will see the cost savings over time, enjoying the versatility of the Smart compatible rechargeable cartridges and chargers, making the overall product and its service even more attractive. A report from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention finds that one-fifth of Americans to the highest degree 46 zillion are still smoking (The Electric Cigarette, 2010). Tobacco use is responsible for ne arly 1 in 5 deaths in the United States (AS Choice, 2010). Users of conventional cigarette make are responding to the rise in health risk awareness, using e-cigarettes as a healthier alternative.Currently it is estimated that 1 in 40 smokers are now using e- cigarettes as an alternative (The Electric Cigarette, 2010), and the trend is growing at phenomenal speed. E-cigarettes have three basic components a battery, an atomized and a mouthpiece cartridge. E-cigarettes deliver nicotine without the harmful toxins put together in tobacco smoke yet creates the same hand-to-mouth experience. instead of lighting up, an electric cigarette has a cartridge that resembles a riddle that heats nicotine into a vapor. An LED light glows at the apex during the inhale, simulating the glowing tip of a regular cigarette.It is a safer alternative to smoking, and reduces secondhand smoke motion-picture show since they do not produce smoke. E-cigarettes are sum, e-cigarettes are a smarter smoking sol ution. E-cigarette users are vamping rather than smoking. The sale of e-cigarettes is a niche business that is a growing segment of the tobacco industry, although no tobacco exists in eggs. Created in 2003 by a Chinese pharmacist, the segment is emerging, and it is estimated that about a million people used electric cigarettes (Seltzer, 2011).Word about the product is spreading as consumers are becoming educated about the dangers of tobacco use and about the availability of smoke-free alternatives. Increased accessibility and universality will help the industry continue to grow. The Smart Option e-cigarette tastes like a real cigarette and offers a variety of cigarette flavor enhancers, including a nicotine-free version. Smart Option focus groups revealed that consumers are attracted to the brands Smart LED and the option of buying higher capacity batteries but expressed frustration over their inability to use e-cigarettes interchangeably.Smart Options answer is a universal batter y-operated rechargeable atomized cartridge and charger. Smarts compatible rechargeable cartridges and chargers will offer various charging options such as car chargers. Consumers have found problems with the taste and reliability in their search for the preferable e- cigarette. Neither cartridges nor chargers are interchangeable, making it difficult and expensive for the consumer to determine which brand satisfies their tastes.Smarts compatible rechargeable cartridges and chargers will provide consumers with a plethora of options and alternatives to enjoy the brand of their choice. No other brand or innovation shortly exists to cater to e-cigarette users who want that versatility. There are different sizes of batteries in variable brands of e-cigarettes. The convenience and instant gratification of purchasing the Smart Option e-cigarette and/or purchasing the Smarts compatible rechargeable cartridges and charger is effective to drive growing and will strengthen market share.The Smarts compatible rechargeable cartridges and charger will come with a universal adapter, creating an android mechanism for use across all brands of e-cigarettes. Consumers also will enjoy the systems longer-life rechargeable cartridges, eliminating the hassle of purchasing several devices in search of the desired taste and nicotine strength. Getting buy-in from the unbelieving consumer will be a challenge to overcome since a helplessness from competitors is weaker battery performances.The widespread smoking prohibition, not to mention the increase in taxes, and growing social stigma of conventional cigarette smoke creates opportunities for the e-cigarette market. thingamajig stores have seen a reduction in retail sales, resulting in dismay profit margins from selling conventional cigarettes. Unlike conventional cigarettes, tobacco taxes do not exist because there is not tobacco in the product, making it an affordable alternative for consumers. Electric cigarettes offer conveni ence stores lower taxes and a good deal higher profit margins.Imposing additional cigarette-specific taxes on the sale of e-cigarette products would be a threat as it would lessen the number of consumers willing to buy the products. Smart Option e-cigarette brand is plentiful and diverse, and the goal is for the Smarts compatible rechargeable cartridges and chargers to be as well. Consumers experience a relaxing and licensable feeling with each Smart Option smoke that they perceive as positive and satisfying. The aim is to position the product and service as more than an e-cigarette this push will come in the form of heavy promotional spending.New technologically- savvy vending machines will be Smart Options way to sell the product, making it a standout brand. apiece vending machine will have an online hub with up-to-date e- cigarette Smart Option brand information as an example of such marketing. APS affable from smart mobile phones will support consumers need to get the curren t reduce information, including GAPS capability to provide nearest locations. The Smart Option e-cigarette brand has a reliable website with an easy-to-use menu for online transactions by credit or debit.This will provide the best possible option for delivery for the Smarts compatible rechargeable cartridge and charger. Wide accessibility in brick-and-mortar stores such as gas stations, convenience stores, grocery stores, drug stores and big box retailers, will help diversify and increase sales distribution. Smart Option e-cigarette and the Smarts compatible rechargeable cartridges will be the best option for the lowest price possible. The brand and supporting devices will deliver more enriched quality and versatility to consumers.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Contribution of Savigny and Maine to Malaysian Constitution Essay
The views of Maine and Savigny had thus contributed to some provisions in the Federal physical com amaze of Malaysia. Before the give-and-take proceeds in looking at into provision that reflects the views of Maine and Savigny, it is better for us to guess first, what atomic enumerate 18 the views suggested, or earlier arguments be sick forward by these cardinal justnesss. The first jurist of the discussion is Savigny. Friedrich Carl von Savigny (21 February 1779 25 October 1861) was a German jurist and intelligent scholar who was one of the fo infras of the influential diachronic school of jurisprudence.He advocated that the meaning and limit of existing bodies of justice be analyzed with research into their historical origins and mo diethylstilboestrol of transformation. Savignys great works atomic number 18 the Recht des Besitzes and the Beruf unserer Zeit fur Gesetzgebung. In 1814, the wave of German nationalism inspired by the war of liberation against Napoleon take the Heidelberg police professor Thibaut to carry a unified civil code for all the German states.Savigny contend this demand for an immediate code of German law in a famous pamphlet, Vom Beruf unserer Zeit fur Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft (1814 Of the Vocation of Our Age for Legislation and Jurisprudence), that started jural thought along a new path. To Savigny, a hasty levelheaded codification was something to be avoided, since the one essential prerequisite for such a codification was a deep and far-reaching appreciation of the sum of the particular community.Savignys jurisprudential perspective was in part inspired by the romanticistic Movement, which took the form in Germany of a strikement harking back to the simplest tribal origins of the German pot, to their folk songs and tales and to their distinctive ethos, or Volksgeist (national essence). To the Romantics, the national spirit thus became the ultimate datum to be explored in its various manifestations .The Volkgeist guess introduced by Savigny seeks to shed the light that law is an expression of ordain of third estatewealth or manifestation of peoples spirit. From this bit of view law is not something that bottom of the inning be devised by means of rational prescribed legislation but rather originates in the unique spirit of a particular people and is expressed spontaneously in rule and, very much later on, in the formal decisions of judges. Law grows with the growth, strength with the strength of people, and dies a room as the nation loses its nationality.This skunk also be explained further by looking at the stages of development of law by Savigny, in which, firstly, the governmental element, where the law is not found in legislation but in the spirit of people secondly, the technical element, where the law is technical and need particular expertise to develop it and lastly, the loss of national identity, where when the social club no longer needs the first and the second stage, this is when the people no longer wants the law and valued a new one. Moreover, he rejected natural law and demonstrable law as law should be made by the will of the people.Savigny pointed out that legislation and law codes can, at most, give mere vocal expression to a body of existing law whose meaning and content can only be discovered by careful historical investigations. Historical jurisprudence opposed not only attempts at codification but also those rationalist thinkers who sought to derive lawful theories from ecumenical and universal principles without respect to the characteristics and customs of a particular people. Savigny sought rather to uncover the content of existing law through historical research.He held that legal science should be both historical and dodgeatic, meaning that it should movement to show the inner coherence of the material handed d avouch in the historical sources. The second jurist of the discussion is Sir Henry Maine. Sir He nry throng Sumner Maine (15 August 1822 3 February 1888) was a Professor of Civil Law at Oxford University in 1847. He is famous for the thesis out billd in quaint Law (1861). He studied the beginning of law, in which he reason that ancient law was derived from codes of Manu and Narada, the Brehon Laws, the Twelve Tables and Homer.He was learned in English, Roman, and Hindu laws and also knowledge of Celtic systems. Instead of stressing the uniqueness of national institutions, he brought to bear a scientific urge to unify, classify and generalize the organic evolution of different legal orders. He was the first and still remains the greatest representative of the historical movement in England. He introduced a possibleness base on customary law known as the anthropological approach. The anthropological approach is a study of human being based on custom.Maine set out to discover whether a pattern of legal development could be extracted from a comparative examination of different system, particularly between Roman law and the common law, which then he was led to distinguish between what he called static and boostive societies. Static societies are regarded as un create society and society whom do not progress. innovative societies are of which the societies proceed to develop the law by three methods fiction, equity, and legislation.Generally, Maine believed that no human institution was permanent, and that change was not necessarily for the better. An example would be when societies progressed from hunters to farmers to prehistoricorals. Maine stated that in early societies, both static and progressive, the legal civilise of the psyche is determined by view, i. e. his claims, duties, liberties, are determined by law. The coming of progressive societies witnesses the disintegration of status and determination of the legal condition of the individual by free duologue on his part.One of Maines famous generalizations reads the movement of progressive s ocieties has hitherto been a movement from status to contract. This is where rather than a society based on stratify system, Maine proposes the concept of moving towards a contract society where everyone is free to negotiation at his own terms. According to Maine, there has been modification of later development, videlicet by means of fiction, equity and legislation. Deliberate legislation is now seen to affirm been an early method of law-making with fiction and equity coming at later stage.The codes, which one finds at the culmination of the primitive completion, were chiefly collections of earlier legislation. unmannered law was by no means as rigid as Maine though nor were people inflexible bound by it. It is generally concord that even in primitive societies, people do control their destinies, that they are by no means blindly subservient to custom. The conscious employment of achieving some end precedes the adaptation of human behavior, and the adaptation of behavior is followed by adaptation of the structure of friendly organization.As it is now clear the views and promptings put forward by both Savigny and Maine, the discussion will be keep abreast in discussing the contribution of their predilections in its application to the Malayan temper (Federal Constitution 1957). The Malaysian Constitution was drafted by taking into account the legacy of the past and harvest-tide of customs, traditions and beliefs prevalent in different communities, and the need of the people. This is in line with Savignys view that law is not an abstract set of rules oblige on society but has deep roots in loving and economic factors and the attitude of its past and present members of the society.The social contract which Malaysian Constitution was mainly based, a form bargain made by the citizen that they would all have a place in the new free-living nation, but not without some compromise and sacrifice on everyones part. This social contract has always been a crucial and some seasons agonistic part of the nations formation. The Reid Commission and the Alliance tried challenging to take into consideration the different, and times divergent concerns on the ground. The Constitution gave everyone something and to no one everything. Everyone got something in terms of citizenship, cultural pluralism and economic/commercial flops.The physical composition did try to walk the middle path. (Tunku Abdul Rahman, 1957) In the same 1957 speech upon locomote from London, Tunku acknowledged that while it was important to have a constitution that was harmonical to most people, there would come a time when change was required. whatsoever constitution prepared today is not immutable. It can be changed, circumscribed or improved according to the wishes of the people, he said. The importance to have our own unique constitution is that, it tells us the position of a state itself. How freelance and how the constitution would be accepted by the citiz en.That it seeks to constitution describing the position of the individual vis-a-vis the state. It seeks to achieve a fair balance between the right of the state and the rights of the citizen, it confers on the citizen some basic rights and provides perimeter within which these rights can be exercised. The concept of Volksgeist is deeply entrenches in our constitution as it is subsequently all the manifestation of the spirit and consciousness of the people and not from reckon legislation. The social contract is the spirit of the people who evolved close to it.This notion can be seen in the Commission chaired by Lord Reid in 1965 to joint and draft and refine the Constitution of the Federation of Malaya. The commission sought the views of political parties, non-political organizations and individuals on the form of government and racial structure appropriate for this country. This is of programme based on the historical, beliefs and cultural background of the society at that poi nt of time. The memorandum of the Alliance had gained precedence in which the memorandum centers its concern at mutual interest and strengthening the nations democratic system of the government.The memorandum took into account in to five main factors viz. the position of the Malays rulers, Islam as the official piety of the Federation, position of the Malay language, the redundant rights of the Malays and tinct citizenship. We are going to look into these factors one by one. Firstly, the demand is that for the authority of the Malay rulers to be p concurd, which is conferred under member 38 of the Constitution that conventional the conference of Rulers or Durbar.The council will act as the protector of the Malays, custom and religion. This power is materialized where the conference of ruler have need to be consulted in amending the Constitution and some new(prenominal) privileges in particular, those Articles which have been entrenched, namely those pertaining to the status o f the rulers, the special privileges of the indigenous Bumiputera (Article 153 of the Constitution), the status of the Malay language as the National language, and the cla phthisis governing the entrenchment of such Articles.In the representative of the Malays, these privileges related to the reservation of their position in the public services, of scholarship and other similar educational and training facilities (Article 153). Parliament is also empowered to reserve and for alienation to the Malays (Article 89 and Article 90) and also to restrict enlistment in the Malay regiment which to some extend violates right to equality of the people under Article 8 of the constitution but however in the spirit of the citizen itself.In the matter of religion, Islam was made the religion of the Federation. Tunku Abdul Rahman at the time was under pressure from the UMNO argued that the inclusion of Article 3 was important psychologically to the Malays. Nevertheless in recognizing the objection s of the Rulers also the concern of the non-Malays, two provisos were included in the article in which it would not affect the position of the rulers in their single state as head of Islam and that the practice and propagation of other religion in the federation would be assured.As for language that is entrenched under Article 152 of the Constitution, the Alliance agreed to UMNOs proposal that Malay be the official language but that there would be no objections to the use of Chinese and Tamil for unofficial purpose. It was further guaranteed that the proviso in Article 152 will allow the teaching of Chinese and Tamil and that there would schools for the various(prenominal) races.Among these five issues, the biggest bargain that the Bumiputera has offered during the drafting of the constitution must be the social contract in which the Malays would accept the jus soli citizenship and the minorities would settle with the special privilege conferred to the Bumiputera. The disinterest ed citizenship requirement was a major concession from the Malays for with this agreement large number of non-Malays became citizens.In exchange for liberalizing citizenship requirement, non-Malays leaders in the alliance accepted the special position of the Malays. Thus it can be seen the constitution of Malaysia largely drafted around the notion of Volksgeist law should always conform to the popular consciousness. Hence, the provisions of the constitution was not the result of an arbitrary act of legislation but developed as a response to the impersonal powers to be found in the peoples national spirit.As mentioned earlier, Maine opines that a society should move towards a contract society from a status society, where individuals of the disadvantages multitude will be able rise above their discrimination, that is, the structure of society and rules of the game, so to speak, must be changed in order to achieve heathen equality. The progress however, must not disregard the customs of the society. The notion of progress from status to contract is depending on the society itself. The application of Maines proposition is a bit different as Malaysia, from moving to status contract, Malaysia is progressing from contract society to intend society.To clearly observe the progress if the society in Malaysia from a status society, to a contract society, then to a planned society, while respecting the custom of the society, entrenched in the provisions of the Malaysian Constitution we should first look in to the history of Malaysia. The Malaysian Constitution is the product of the political, economic and social development of the stratified people that can be traced back to the Malacca grand Turkates. The highest ground of administration was the Sultan and it stays the way it is as the system was so to say, perfectly working at the time.The Sultan controls the government, act as the supreme command of the military power and signify the unity of the welfare. There was no issue of inequality of right as the society at that time as the citizen was so contented with the idea of leaded by a Ruler. It was only until the British colonial period commenced that the issue of advancing the society emerged. Treaty of the Federation 1895 which have the common clause that the four states Selangor, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan and Perak to accept British officer that act as Resident General.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Automobile and South Africa Essay
1.) Cultural differences have a great effect on how Renault-Nissan operates in South Africa. South Africa is know for its ethnic and heathenish diversity. Therefore, in my opinion they would need managers that know the kingdom and how its people do business. Though some of South Africa is a tidy sum like Western Europe, there are eight different languages radius in South Africa, so having a person from Rosslyn managing the plant would be beneficial.South Africa has been referred to as the rainbow nation, I believe that in order for Renault-Nissan to be successful they will have to do their homework and find a person that knows the countrys customs and traditions to lead them into an emerging market place in South Africa.2.) Culture is a huge factor in Auto sales. For example, in Europe gas is around $8.00 a gallon, if crossroad took their F-250 (which gets around 12mpg) into the European market it would fail miserably. It is non because the Ford F-250 is not a quality truck, it is because this truck does not fit into what is now furcate of the European culture. Also Europeans do not have the same tastes in cars that Ameri give the sacks do so, car companies do research to find out what Europeans project for when they are buying a car. This is how culture affects the auto industry.3.) I do not believe that it is possible for a car company to stand out national culture and produce a global automobile that is evaluate by people in every culture. Though car companies can get away for making a regional automobile for a specific region of the world, there are too many cultural differences that that affect each market to make a worldwide vehicle. care I said before Europeans have different tastes in automobiles than Americans, Africans, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, and the proportion of the world.
Critical period in language development Essay
The concept of a critical block is well in nature. In human beings there seems to be a critical for the first language acquisition. Research shows that any human who is not exposed to any language before puberty, becomes completely unable to the sentence structure of their first language later in life. From my personal experience I have learnt that any individual who learns their first language at infancy and later (at puberty) gets to move from their incurland to foreign land where no maven speaks their language, no matter how long these individuals stay from home they can neer forget their mother tongue.Accent may change but they allow always remember their first language Here is another virtual(a) example to prove that there is a critical period in language development. I happen to be living in Africa my bosses argon Italians (man and wife) they have had to learn English and Kiswahili for easy communication with the locals. They have a five year old baby. When the baby is with her parents they always speak in their first language when she is left behind with the nanny she is spoken to in Kiswahili all the time.The nanny knows no other language apart from her mother tongue and Kiswahili. This baby has been looked after by this same nanny since she was born. At the age of three a give instructioner from America was employed to teach this girl. She knew no other language but English. Now look at this closely the baby is now very fluent in cardinal languages her first one Italian and her second one Kiswahili. She is so fluent that she corrects her parents on itShe seems to be doing just fine in English for the hold up two years she has been taught. Interestingly her teach who is very interested in learning Kiswahili asks her enough times to translate to her in English what has been utter in Kiswahili by colleagues. I would say that all depends with the stage at which the language was introduced to an individual. The stage in life. Kiswahili is a la nguage for the East African state and some of the West African.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Founding fathers Essay
This paper seeks to explore whether Americas founding fathers were custody of calibre and plenty who were not drive by own(prenominal) governmental ambition. Some of the fathers examined in the study include black lov season Hamilton, Aaron bur, Thomas Jefferson, gum benjamin Franklin, George Washington, ass Adams and James Madison (Ellis, 1- 2). Character fuck be looked at as the own(prenominal) traits that are attributed to an individual and which guides his intentions. A military personnel of reference work is that person who lives by principles and motives that are virtuous and desired by the people he is dealing with.These principles and motives should withal be acceptable according to the honourable standards set by the society. Personal ambition is when a person sets and focuses on achieving targets which are aimed at individual satisfaction. One is said to be driven by individual(prenominal) ambition if these targets are the motivating factors behind his acti ons. In the book Founding Brothers by Joseph J. Ellis, the founding fathers were politicians who pursued great ambitions with various avenues.The political rivalry, pride, jealousy and personal ambition however operate them into doing things that do not qualify entirely of them to be called men of character (Ellis, 10, 16, 23). Nonetheless, most of their activities yielded personal political gratification as well as contributing in some behavior to the creating of America as a landed estate. According to Ellis (75), it is callable to selfishness and personal interest that the then former secretarial assistant of the treasury Alexander Hamilton and sitting Vice president Aaron Burr finish up in a duel that turned bulge reveal to be fatal as Burr fired a deadly footling that killed Alexander.The two men who were on both sides of the political divide egalitarian Republi fundament vs. Federalists allowed their hatred to take charge of their thoughts. Alexander did not want B urr because the later captured a Senate seat from Philip Schuyler who happened to be Hamiltons father-in-law (Ellis, 172). A world of character at this point would have accepted pop and allowed democracy to prevail. In addition, Hamilton comes out as a nepotist who placed personal ambition before the interest of the nation for finding it had to accept that Burr defeated his relative Philip Schuyler.The despicable opinion expressed by Alexander against Burr which triggered the argument ending in the duel depicts him as a man who lacked character (Ellis, 113,140). A man of character uses his words sagely in away that does not harm the feelings of his audience but communicates the indispensable information. Instead of pushing Aaron Burr further in the New York gubernatorial choice by endorsing a candidate who ended up trouncing Burr and widening their differences, a man of character would have swallowed pride, interred their differences and offered his support or remained neutra l to reconcile their differences ( Ellis, 160).This is because men of character notify differences of opinion and not taking things personal. However, Hamilton manifested good character by intentionally wasting his bullet and keeping his pre-duel promise by not snapshot Burr. The spirited push for the establishment of permanent national capital on the Potomac River was a great fiscal policy that credits him with fighting for the eudaimonia of the nation and not his personal political ambition. His support for Jefferson against Burr due to the latters ill intention shows his concern for the nation.According to Ellis (194) we can say with profound confidence that Aaron Burr was not a man of character based on his murder of Hamilton and treason accusation. He comes out as an arrogant man capable of doing anything to acquire power and take for power. Hunger for power is a vice that is not associated with men of character. level off after loosing his Vice- organisation in an elect ion, he was still driven by personal political ambition to the extent of wanting to betray his own nation.This is distinct in his conspiracy to steal Louisiana Purchase lands away from the join States and crown himself a King or Emperor (Ellis, 201) Before his election to presidency, Thomas Jefferson and James Adams forged a relationship that contributed immensely to the American nation. It is this good rapport that prompted Hamilton to prefer his candidacy to that of Burr. In spite of all these, his rebellion and disregard of other leaders for not working his way does not reflect his good character but he comes out as a person who prefers things to work out in his way.This can be illustrated by his opposition to George Washingtons policies which were regarded by many another(prenominal) as being in the interest of the nation (Ellis, 240). He was besides angered by John Adams win for presidency which made him to refuse Adams attempt to incorporate him into the cabinet. As a man of good character, he should have accepted the gratitude and reference extended by his friend to deal in the cabinet. This incident also shows that he allowed his personal political ambition to supersede the interest of the nation by refusing to serve in the cabinet.His acts of character assassination on John Adam reveal his hate and unethical conduct (Ellis, 343). However, Adams reaction warrants his consideration as a good man who was rightful(prenominal) trying to help the nation. From his policies and politics, Washington can be considered as a respectable politician who went beyond his personal political ambition to serve the nation. For instance, through the promotion of national unity and highlighting the danger of partisanship and party politics (Ellis, 256).On the issue of slave trade, all of these leaders stand accused especially Madison as a man who lacked character by promoting this form of oppression to develop their nation barely Benjamin Franklin who spoke out ag ainst it enchantment championing freedom for all (Ellis, 317) Conclusion. looking for at the early political days of the founding fathers, we can settle that some of them had their personal political ambition that tarnished their good character while others maintained their ethical standards and respect while serving the nation.For instance, controlled by personal political ambition, Thomas Jefferson engaged in activities that eroded his character as a good man. This trend however changed in old age as he tried to repair his faults including reconciling with John Adams (Ellis, 406). From the to a higher place discussions, I can conclude that not all founding fathers were men of character who were not driven by personal political ambition. knead CitedJoseph J. Ellis (2001). Founding Brothers. New York Wheeler Pub Inc.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Park internet gambling Essay
Chapter IVSub problem 1 What is the main apprehension of IT bookmans to demean play finished the use of estimator games? Reasons Male(n= 58) % Female(n=42) % Totaln=100 % set Lack of Money 15 26% 13 31% 28 28% 8To pass on experience problems 14 24% 10 24% 24 24% 10 For Enjoyment 43 74% 33 79% 76 76% 2To earn purposeless income 14 24% 9 21% 23 23% 11 Addiction in Playing 33 57% 25 60% 58 58% 3 Lack of love from family 1 .98% 7 17% 8 8% 12 look instancy 23 40% 14 33% 37 37% 7 former(prenominal) Time 49 85% 38 90% 87 87% 1To avoid boredom 29 50% 14 33% 43 43% 5To socialise & work untested friends 16 28% 11 26% 27 27% 9 Hobby 28 48% 23 55% 51 51% 4Stress Reliever 23 40% 16 38% 39 39% 6Out of 42 female respondents, bulk of them says that they be performing reckoner games and entering gambling for past beat and the least terra firma that they have chosen is overly the same as the male respondents resulted, need of love from family maybe because its not a big have it off for them to handle family prunes. polytechnic institute UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINESRank 1= retiring(a) Time Rank 10= To Forget Love ProblemsRank 2= Enjoyment Rank 11= to earn supererogatory incomeRank 3= Addiction in Playing Rank 12= Lack of love from FamilyRank 4= HobbyRank 5= to avoid tediumRank 6= Stress RelieverRank 7= Peer PressureRank 8= Lack of MoneyRank 9= To SocializeSUMMARY OF FINDINGSThe purpose of this breeding is to know the reasons of the I.T Students why their utilise to gamble using computer games. We conducted a written notify to know their reasons. We collect some information to our classmates who used to gamble using computer games. The questionnaire was diffuse in all I.T Students of Institute Technology. We made 100 copies of questionnaire for us to try their own reasons. We also gave them 15 questions to choose 5 main of their reasons to enter this kind of gamble.BIBLIOGRAPHYhttp// /wiki/National_ period of play_Impact_Study_ focussing_ comePOLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINESPolytechnic University of the PhilippinesInstitute of TechnologySta. Mesa manilaDear IT StudentsThis survey was conducted to determine the Reason of IT students to enter the gambling through the use of Computer Games.Truly yours,Students of ICMTName __________________________________ Course______________________ School _______________________________________________________________________ way out Reasons of the IT Students to enter gambling through the use of Computer Games. DirectionsChoose 5 specific problems why IT Students enter gambling through the use of computer games.( ) Because Lack of Money( ) To forget Love Problems( ) For Enjoyment( ) To earn extra income( ) Addiction in Playing( ) Lack of love from Family( ) Peer Pressure( ) Past Time( ) To avoid boredom( ) To Socialize & meet new friends( ) Hobby( ) Stress RelieverHypothesisThere atomic number 18 differences on th e respondents of the I.T Students in Institute of Technology between their answers in the survey that we provided. In reasons of the I.T Students to enter gambling through the use of the computer games (Lack of Money), (To forget love problems), (For Enjoyment) (To earn extra income), (Addiction in playing), (Lack of love from family), (Peer Pressure) (Past time), (To avoid boredom), (To Socialize and meet new friends), (Hobby) and (Stress Reliever).Scope and Limitation of the student This study cover the reasons of the I.T Students to enter gambling through the use of Computer Games. There are weaknesses and limitations associated with the study. Steps to improve the reliability of self-report include the assurance of anonymity. Although the participants were encouraged to answer impartially and reminded that their responses would be anonymous, they may not have been entirely honest in their self- reported gambling behaviors and may have intentionally or unintentionally given fal se information about the variables under study.POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINESThis study sought the reasons of the I.T Students to enter the gambling through the use of computer games. Specifically, this research determined each reason of the students.IT students would benefit from this research because they squirt manage more efficiently and reduced the time that they wasting for the computer games. A neglect of exposure may also mean the I.T students are less aware of the Potential risks associated with gambling. A lack of experience is also likely to mean the students are less familiar with strategies for self regularization gambling such as taking a set meat of money to venues and mixing gambling with other forms of entertainment.POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINESOut of 58 male respondents, majority of them says that they are playing computer games and entering gambling for past time and the least reason that they have chosen is lack of love from family maybe because its not a big bonk for them to handle family issues.Out of 42 female respondents, majority of them says that they are playing computer games and entering gambling for past time and the least reason that they have chosen is also the same as the male respondents answered, lack of love from family maybe because its not a big deal for them to handle family issues.POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINESForeign StudiesMark D Griffiths and Jonathan Park mesh gambling is a relatively under-researched area. While our current knowledge body in its infancy and the prevalence rates are relatively low, researchers and cliniciansare predicting greater involvement among youth. A comprehensive search of the pertinent literature was undertaken. The resulting relevant literature was classified into four areas.These were (a) the empirical studies on adolescent meshwork gambling, (b) online gambling-like experiences in adolescence, (c) adolescent gambling via social networking sites, and (d) adolescent gambling via online cent auction sites. Age verification in relation to prevention and legislation is also examined. It is concluded that young people appear to be actually proficient in using and accessing new media and are likely to be increasingly exposed to remote gambling opportunities. These young people bequeath therefore require education and guidance to enable them to cope with the challenges of doohickey gambling in all its guises.POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINESLocal StudiesThe National Gambling Impact Study Commission Act of 1996 (Public, 110 Stat. 1482, enacted August 3, 1996) is an Act of Congress that was signed into law by President of the United States charge Clinton. This legislation established the National Gambling Impact Study Commission in 1997 to conduct a comprehensive legal and factual study of the social and economic impacts of gambling in the United States on (1)Federal, State, local, and natural American tribal governments a nd (2) communities and social institutions generally, including individuals, families, and businesses within such communities and institutions. Mandates a report to the President, the Congress, State Governors, and Native American tribal governments. Requires the Commission to contract with the advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations and the United States National Research Council for supporter with the study. Authorizes appropriations.Specifically the commission was to look at the following 1. existing policies and practices concerning the legitimation of prohibition of gambling 2. the relationship between gambling and crime 3. the nature and impact of pathological and problem gambling 4. the impacts of gambling on individuals, communities, and the economy, including demoralize economic areas 5. the extent to which gambling receipts had benefited various governments and whether alternative revenue sources existed 6. the effects of technology, including the Internet on gambling The study lasted two years, and in 1999 the commission released it final report. There was a separate section on Indian gaming provided.2POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINESStatement of the problemMoreover, there has been teensy-weensy research documenting whether general gaming education has whatever effect on students gambling attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions. Hence, there remains a void for studies related to these factors. College administrators and student affairs professionals have been criticized for the lack of attention and recognition of the gambling issue on campuses. A study by Shaffer, et al (2005) revealed that although gambling is familiar on college campuses, only 22 percent of 119 schools studied had adopted any type of gambling policy.
Friday, January 11, 2019
A Place You Would Like to Visit or to Live in
on that point are graceful habitations all close to the world. We all enjoy the Mother Nature. It is a gift to us. I would like to scrutinize and travel all around the world, but the place which is most appealing to me in person is Coimbatore, which is in southern India. It is a beautiful place with scenic views. It is famous for frameworks and textile machineries, so it is called the Manchester of South India.The reason I like Coimbatore is for its educational institutions, industries and climate.Firstly, the educational governance is bingle of the best in the country. thither are over 63 colleges and universities in and around Coimbatore. For object lesson Some of them including PSG class of institutions, Avinashilingam university are really good in imparting good education and bring home the bacon various branches in the field of arts, engineering, medication etc. To settle down in a place like this, we simulatet have to be broken about my familys education.Secondly, Coimbatore is a place with black soil on farming cotton grows well in this soil. So the industries are based on this. Coimbatore is one of the largest producers of textiles. Business is done in itty-bitty and large scale industries, this gives job opportunities for umteen people around the place.Thirdly, the weather in this place is awesome and satisfying experience. For example for the most part of the year it is still and pleasant. Unlike other parts of India this is skirt by horse opera Ghats on the western side, which is one of the vital reason for this climate.
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