Friday, May 31, 2019
The U.S. Patriot Act Essay -- essays research papers
The US Patriot ActPrivacy can be considered one of the most valued rights of a civilized society. The founders of the constitution had this in brainpower when they developed search and seizure laws to protect the privacy of the citizens from the British soldiers. The invasion of privacy has been a much discussed and debated topic among both politicians and private citizens alike, and the question many a(prenominal) are asking is, How much freedom do we give up for our sense of security?The US Patriot address issues of criminal activities in singing to acts of terror. While its intentions are well meant the controversy lies more in the public perception rather than in what the act itself states. When a person hears the statement, law enforcement agencies ordain have the right to place surveillance, or search anyones house on a suspicion alone, they fail to look farther into the words and suss out that it has to go through a panel of 11 judges who must determine that the need is v alid and will serve the purposes designated without overstepping a citizens rights if proven destitute (Bill Summary, 2001). Title II, Section 206 of the Patriot Act addresses roving surveillance, which allows law enforcement agencies access to the suspects person, and basically states that any communication such as email, phone, etc., my be monitored if subject is surmise or actively affiliated with known terrorist groups or ...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Research Paper on Gregory Rasputin -- Biography biographies bio
Grigori Rasputin was not a very great person in history. A great person in history does good and important things for his people, artless and the world.Early Life and FamilyGrigori Efimovich Rasputin was born on January 10, between 1864-1872, along the Tura River in the village of Pokrovskoye. Rasputin was married to Praskovia Fyodorovna in 1889. His mother was Anna Egrovna and his father was Efim Rasputin. Grigori had three children with Praskovia, named Varya, Maria and Dmitry. Because of his ceaseless drunkenness and sexual appetite, the people of Pokrovskoye resented Rasputin. He grew tired of peasant life and in 1901, left behind his family and home in Siberia as a pilgrim. During his travels, Rasputin visited Greece and capital of Israel and, in 1903, Rasputin arrived in St. Petersburg where he claimed to be a holy man with healing powers. In St. Petersburg, Rasputin was able to catch the attention of St. Petersburgs religious leaders with his stories and beliefs. geezerhood as a MonkAt the age of 18, Rasputin spent three months at the Verkhoturye Monastery. Because of his exceptional physical endurance and perseverance, Rasputin was successful at Verkhoturye. During his time at Verkhoturye Monastery, Rasputin became fascinated with the Orthodox faith known as the Skopsty. Followers of this faith believed that, in order to reach godliness, you had to sin. This religious attitude explained Rasputin?s controversial individual(prenominal) life of drinking and sleeping with women. Rasputin left the monastery and traveled throughout Russia and the holy land as a holy man and healer. During his travels, Rasputin caught the attention of the Russian church with his knowledge of peasants and religious teachings. In 1905... ... disturbed by a group of Petrograd workers, after the February Revolution. They carried Rasputin?s body to a nearby forest and burned it. In Rasputin?s last days, he became suspicious and wrote a prophetic letter desc ribing his death. In the letter, Rasputin wrote that if he were to be murdered by a noble, that noble would be cursed for twenty-five years and Russia would fall into chaos. BibliographyArnold, Phyllis. The Soviet Union. Edmonton AB Westweb Press, Canadian Social Sciences Services Ltd., 1984.Beeche, Arturo. The Evil Monk., 2006.Fuhrmann, Joseph. knowledge base Book Rasputin. Chicago IL World Book, Inc., 2001. ________. Grigori Rasputin. Wikipedia Inc., 2006.Moynahan, Brian. Rasputin The Saint Who Sinned. New York Perseus Books Group, 1999.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Opposing School Uniforms Essay -- essays research papers
School Uniforms In 1993, Will Rogers Middle School in Californias Long beach County School District began discussing the idea of a school-wide reproducible policy. That f all told, Will Rogers became the first school in Long Beach County to amaze a mandatory uniform policy. Other schools in the district soon followed drawing populational attention, including a personal visit from then President Clinton. Recent memories of school shootings around the nation caused President Clinton to urge other school districts to move to uniforms in his 1996 State of the Union Address. This started a seemingly endless debate over school uniforms in public schools. In order to be legal, every uniform policy has to have an option to not participate. Students that opt-out attend other schools that do not have uniform policies. Most Republicans and the more moderate Democrats are in favor of uniforms while the more liberal Democrats oppose them. People in favor of uniforms funding them for some(pr enominal) reasons cited in a US Government manual on school uniforms decrease in violence and thefteven life arduous situationsamong students over designer clothing or expensive sneakers, prevention of gang members wearing gang colors and insignias at school, instilling students with discipline, helping parents and students resist comrade pressure to buy expensive clothing, helping students concentrate on their school work, and helping school officials to recognize intruders who come to the school. (Manual par. 2) People against uniforms oppose them for several reasons uniforms violate the first amendment right to freedom of expression, the claims of the supporters are not true, and problems in the schools are much bigger than a little ans... ...lace, I think a big part of the improvement in statistics was due to the implementation of uniforms. While a strict dress code, or uniforms, would probably improve the statistics, it is not the ruff option. I think the best option i s a mandatory identification badge. Students would be required to wear a visible photo I.D. at all times when on campus. One school I visited had badges worn on a necklace. This policy has a few of the benefits of uniforms, like intruders being easily recognizable, exactly it does not impose on the student. This is a very realistic option. A great deal of employers require their employees to wear name badges while they are on the job (Nurses, Factory workers, etc.). Most employers do not specify a uniform to be worn. Uniforms are not the one-word answer to todays problems, just now uniforms and/or ID badges could be used as part of the solution
Comparing Journeys in Thos Pynchons The Crying of Lot 49 :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays
Parallel Journeys in The Crying of Lot 49 The Crying of Lot 49 offers two journeys into the text that of its protagonist Oedipa, and that which the reader is constrained to take with her. His brilliant drop of detail and word plays blur the lines between the two. The main factor in this journey is chaos, here referred to by its more scientific name entropy. Oedipa and the reader get lost in a system of chaos and the task of deciphering the clues within the intricate system. The reader has no choice nevertheless to become part of this system through cleverly employed tactics Pychon uses to draw one in. The uncertainty and complication of the mystery are the devices typically use to bring a character and or reader to an understanding of oneself, in this case it is questionable whether Oedipa or the reader reach this sort of consciousness. Oedipa through Pynchons scientific/literary metaphors, has a personal awakening that is not quite resolved with the end of the novel. The reader and the protagonist are both left to question what is original and what is fantasy. Pynchon offers clues to the puzzle, but the truth in question is not the Trystero, but Oedipas sanity. Oedipa Mass is forced to involve herself in what seems to be a conspiracy. Her job can be compared to that of Maxwells daemon. As the Demon sat and sorted his molecules into hot and cold, the system was said to lose entropy. But somehow the loss was offset by the information the Demon gained about what molecules were where (p.105). Perception is blurred in the novel through the use of alcohol and drugs and the blurring of communication systems. In this case a form of entropy colligate to the chaos of a communication system is embodied by the W.A.S.T.E. system Oedipa stumbles upon. She must attempt to separate what is real and what is fantasy, to decipher what is important and what is useless information. Pynchons use of detail makes this a difficult task, and the reader is caught up in her worl d of symbols and imagery. His mixture of fiction with history further confuses the reader with the Thurn and Taxis system and the Peter Piguid golf club one is drawn into a world where he/she is reliant upon Oedipa to decipher the clues. Oedipa and the reader are drawn into a constant fear of paranoia.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
David Selznick And Since You Went Away :: essays research papers fc
David Selznick and Since You Went Away"I have a different belief of producing thanother vexrs. Some producers are money men,and others are just lieutenants. For me toproduce is to make a picture. As a producer,I can maintain an pillar perspective thatI wouldnt have as a director. I considermyself first a creative producer, then a show universeand then a businessman. You need all three thingsto succeed in the business today."-David O. SelznickThe subscribe to Since You Went Away was released in 1944. This epic occupy attempted torelate to the American earshot that was dealing with the struggle foreclosing andthe flux of soldiers coming home at the time. The Hollywood studios wereconstantly trying to do their part for the war buy making films rough the war ina fairy tale "Hollywood" style. Since You Went Away crossed these boundaries,and the movie audience at the time, positively responded for this reason. Theproducer and screenwriter of the film knew America c raved this portrayal.Critics of the film from this period, applauded its "realism", but in hindsightstudies of the film in the seventies and eighties were a little more critical ofthe film. David O. Selznick was the man behind the vision of this film andSelznick is best known for film classics like Gone With the Wind, (from whichthe formula of this movie draws heavily from) Rebecca, and King Kong. Thisfilm was a particular(a) project for Selznick at the time, and it was seen as hiscontribution to the war effort. The academy awards recognized Selznicks effortand nominated his film for best picture of 1944.David Selznick was known as a one of the great creative producers- along sideWalt Disney. A creative producer is usually "a powerful mogul who supervisesthe production of a film in such exacting detail that he was virtually itsartistic creator." (Eyman p. 121) In this period, Selznicks style wasremembered best by his epic length movies in which he paid special atten tion todetail. His films catered to the female market but also had potential to crossover to the male segment. Selznick was "increasingly becoming aware of the commercialized value of his name." (Fenster p.36) He decided to repeat the formulathat worked well in Gone With the Wind and made a decision to purchase a warnovel/diary from Margaret Wilder. Since You Went Away spawned from Wildersnovel, after Selznick spent many hours on developing the screenplay and hiringthe right cast. The war film was a popular genre to produce during the war
David Selznick And Since You Went Away :: essays research papers fc
David Selznick and Since You Went Away"I have a different imagination of producing thanother allegers. Some producers are money men,and others are just lieutenants. For me toproduce is to make a picture. As a producer,I can maintain an tower perspective thatI wouldnt have as a director. I considermyself first a creative producer, then a show globeand then a businessman. You need all three thingsto succeed in the business today."-David O. SelznickThe word picture Since You Went Away was released in 1944. This epic scud attempted torelate to the American earreach that was dealing with the state of war foreclosing andthe flux of soldiers coming home at the time. The Hollywood studios wereconstantly trying to do their part for the war buy making films about(predicate) the war ina fairy tale "Hollywood" style. Since You Went Away crossed these boundaries,and the movie audience at the time, positively responded for this reason. Theproducer and screenwriter of the fi lm knew America craved this portrayal.Critics of the film from this period, applauded its "realism", but in hindsightstudies of the film in the seventies and eighties were a little more critical ofthe film. David O. Selznick was the man behind the vision of this film andSelznick is best known for film classics like Gone With the Wind, (from whichthe formula of this movie draws heavily from) Rebecca, and King Kong. Thisfilm was a peculiar(a) project for Selznick at the time, and it was seen as hiscontribution to the war effort. The academy awards recognized Selznicks effortand nominated his film for best picture of 1944.David Selznick was known as a one of the great creative producers- along sideWalt Disney. A creative producer is usually "a powerful mogul who supervisesthe production of a film in such exacting detail that he was virtually itsartistic creator." (Eyman p. 121) In this period, Selznicks style wasremembered best by his epic length movies in which he pai d special attention todetail. His films catered to the female market but also had potential to crossover to the male segment. Selznick was "increasingly becoming aware of thecommercial value of his name." (Fenster p.36) He decided to repeat the formulathat worked well in Gone With the Wind and made a decision to purchase a warnovel/diary from Margaret Wilder. Since You Went Away spawned from Wildersnovel, after Selznick spent many hours on developing the screenplay and hiringthe right cast. The war film was a popular genre to produce during the war
Monday, May 27, 2019
Celebrity Endorser Influence Essay
Celebrity Endorser Influence on Attitude Toward Advertisements and Brands Bahram Ranjbarian Associate Professor of management, Department of Management The University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran E-mail Bahram1 Zahra Shekarchizade master Student of Business Management, Department of Management University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran E-mail Zahra Momeni Master Student of Business Management, Department of Management University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran E-mail Abstract Purpose- This story aims to analyze the laurels endorser twist on pose toward ads and fall guys. Design/methodology/approach A theoretical model is developed and tested with a sample of 193 students in University of Isfahan in 2009. Structural equation modeling was utilize with LISREL 8.50 and the maximum likelihood (ML) method.Findings The findings show that berth toward distinction endorser can beguile on status toward score directly or indirectly. In in directly approach, location toward ad is as a mediator mingled with position toward credit endorser and status toward brand. On the early(a) hand, posture toward re attributeation endorser has not significant perfume on purchase intention. Originality/value This paper provides a model connecting positioning toward celebrity endorser, position toward advertisement and placement toward brand that has been examined and validated using a sample of students in University of Isfahan.Paper type- investigate paperKeywords kisser, Celebrities, Brand, Attitude, Advertisement admissionToday one of the most prevalent forms of retail advertising is through using of celebrity minute (White et al, 2007). In fact celebrity endorsers argon existence used in most 25 percent of all television advertisements in order to promote brands (Erdogan et al, 2001).These endorsers are being paid by about 10 percent of advertisers budgets (Agrawal and Kamakura, 1995). Marketers invest huge a mounts of money in contracts with celebrity endorsers each year, since they believe that celebrities affect the process of selling of their brands or products (Katyal, 2007). A celebrity endorser is a wellknown person (e.g., actors, sports figures and artists) because of his successes in a special field other than the endorsed product class (James, 2004). Celebrity endorsers are used by firms who want to 399European journal of Social Sciences Volume 13, issuance 3 (2010) support a product or service (Amos et al, 2008). Since presence of celebrity endorsers affects purchase decisions of consumers lordlyly, producers and retailers have ever so preferred to use celebrity endorsements in order to sell their products (Stafford et al, 2003 Erdogan, 1999 Kamins, 1990). Kaikati (1987) believes that using of celebrities in advertisements could have umpteen benefits and advantages including 1) facilitating of brand realisation 2) changing or impressing the negative place towards a bra nd 3) repositioning an existing brand 4) global marketing or positioning of a brand or product 5) affecting purchase intentions of consumers. Although using of celebrity endorsers as brand messengers is impressive, but it could have some(prenominal) risks. For instance, celebrities who are known to be culpable because of negative events (e.g., accident) may have harmful cause on the products that they endorse (Louie and Obermiller, 2002).Studies reveal that using of attractive celebrity causes to increase attitude towards advertisements. Such attitude towards advertisements is defined as mental states which are used by individuals to organize the way they perceive their environment and control the way they respond to it (Haghirian, 2004). There is a considerable correlation between desirable attitudes with union to advertising and rating of certain advertisements by respondents as being likeable, irritating, delightful, etc (Bauer and Greyser, 1968). Celebrity endorsers enhance awareness of a companys advertising, create positive feelings towards brands and are perceived by consumers as more amusing (Solomon, 2002).Thus using of a celebrity in advertising causes to influence brand attitude and purchase intentions of consumers in a positive way. Celebrity endorsement has a strong effect on consumers storage and learning approach alike. Most consumers are not in a purchasing situation when they are encounter with message of the brand. Marketers use celebrity endorsement in order to help conk out storage of information in consumers minds which they can easily remember in purchasing situations (Schultz and Brens, 1995). However, thither are many studies about celebrity endorser, but it seems that there are limited researches about the relationship between celebrity endorser and attitudes. The purpose of this sphere is to specify the bushel of using celebrity endorsers in Iranian advertisements on attitudes of students in University of Isfahan toward those ads and brands.Literature Review several(prenominal) properties such as likeability, expertise, trust outlayiness and similarity cause a celebrity endorser to become a blood line of persuasive information and this creates a sense of certainty which has been revealed in many studies (Suranaa, 2008). Also physical attractive force of the endorser is considerable in effectiveness of a message (Khatri, 2006). Acceptance of a message by a receiver could be influenced by celebrity endorsers as believable sources of information about a product or a firm (Amos et al, 2008). Using of celebrity endorsers to support products is explained by balance surmisal principles too. According to this theory, successful companies establish an emotional relation between the observer and endorser and a relation between endorser and brand too (Mowen, 2000). originally proceeding conceptual model, we describe the main constructs of this study. Celebrity Endorser McCracken (1998) has defined celebrity end orser as any individual who enjoys public apprehension and who uses this cognition on behalf of a consumer by appearing wit in an advertisement. Moreover, celebrity is used as testimonial, endorsement, actor or spokesperson by the firm. Research has indicated that celebrity endorsement affects consumers feelings in general and it could affect the attitude of consumers towards the advertisement and brands too.This could result in enhancing of purchase intentions and as a result enhancing of sales. Some properties like credibility, physical attractiveness and likeability of celebrity endorser influence the ability of one person to impact other person (Amos et al, 2008). Source credibility is referred to identifying of communicators positive properties which influences acceptance of a message by the receiver (Ohanian, 1990). This contains of two main dimensions of expertise and 400European Journal of Social Sciences Volume 13, Number 3 (2010) trustworthiness. Source expertise refe rs to the degree which a communicator is perceived to be a source of valid assertion (Roozen, 2008). Source trustworthiness refers to faithfulness and reliability of the spokesperson (Khatri, 2006). Source attractiveness is the personality, likeability and similarity of endorsers to the receiver, thus to the perceived hearty values of the source (Solomon, 2002). Physical attractiveness of the source include being attractive, beautiful, fine and charming. According to the studies in this ground, expertise dimension is more significant than physical attractiveness for matching of a brand with a suitable endorser (Brian and Michael, 1998). Likeability is referred to the positive or negative feelings that consumers have towards a source of information. We can define likeability as affection for the source because of its physical appearance and behavior (Erdogan, 1999).Though some research results reveal effectiveness of celebrities as endorsers (Freiden, 1984), but other researches conjure that celebrity endorsement may have different degrees of effectiveness depending on other factors like the fit between the celebrity and the advertised product (Till and Shimp, 1998). Celebrity Endorsers Effect on Aad and Ao Marketers are especially interested in consumers attitudes towards advertisements and brands. Essentially, attitudes are our predispositions with regard to things. An attitude shows whether we like something or not. Attitudes have three basic components affective, cognitive and behavioral. Affective is related to our liking or feelings about an target. Cognitive is referred to beliefs about an object and behavioral component regards actions we take about that object (Severin and Tankard, 2001). Attitude towards advertisement is defined as a learned purpose to respond in a consistently desirable or unwanted approach toward advertising in general (Haghirian, 2004).On the other side, attitude towards the advertisement (Aad) is whether the consumer likes a n advertisement (Ad) or hates it. Determinants of Aad consist of attitude towards the advertiser, perspicacity of the Ad execution itself, the mood evoked by Ad, and the extent to which the Ad affect viewers encouragement. Assessment of brands could be influenced by attitudes towards Ads. Of course what causes an advertisement to be impressive will change noticeably cross-culturally (Arnold et al, 2004). In performed studies, Aad is focused on as a mediator of advertisers effects on brand attitudes and purchase intentions (Suhere and Ispir, 2009). In recent studies, this issue has been proved that using of celebrity endorsement has a positive impact on attitudes of the consumer towards products and brands with which they are associated brand (Seno and Lukas, 2005).Agarwal and Malhotra (2005) have defined brand attitude as consumers general evaluative judgment of a brand based on brand beliefs. Such beliefs concern product-related attributes, like practical and experimental benefits . A successful endorser is able to enhance intentions and preferences towards brands directly or indirectly. An endorser who has major source factors of credibility (like expertise, trustworthiness and effectiveness) is able to impress purchase intentions of the consumer considerably (Liu et al, 2007). Information from a credible source can impress ideas, attitudes and behavior through a process called internalization (Belch and Belch, 1993). Internalization occurs when the receiver is motivated to have an issue.The receiver learns and accepts the idea of the credible spokesperson, since he supposes that information of this person represents an accurate position on the issue. Therefore, if such spokesperson who is known to be an expert endorses a product, consumers will more probably have a desirable idea about that advertisement and brand and they will consider it in their shopping list the next time they go shopping. Researchers have used the identification process of social influ ence in order to explain the effectiveness of celebrity endorsers (Basil, 1996).This theory suggests that if an individual identifies with another individual, then he is more likely to accept an attitude or behavior of that individual or a group. The internalization process of social influence is occurred when an individual accepts influence because the induced behavior is congruent with his value remains. An individual accepts the influence, since it provides a solution to a problem (Daneshvary and Schwer, 2000). In the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), individuals level of motivation to process underlying message arguments is represented which is one of its key factors that affects the relative impact of 401European Journal of Social Sciences Volume 13, Number 3 (2010) key and peripheral bear upon (Petty and Cacioppo, 1986). When applied to an adverting context, ELM suggests that consumers motivation to centrally process brand-relevant aspects of an advertisement is enhance d, the impact of central process on brand attitudes should be enhanced, the effect of peripheral processing on brand attitudes should be reduced and the effect of brand attitudes on purchase intentions should be enhanced (Lafferty and Goldsmith, 1999). In this theoretical model, the endorser serves as inspire just during peripheral processing. Therefore, the effect of the endorser should be reduced while central processing is enhanced. Mackenzie and Lutz (1989) have stated that advertiser credibility is a central processing cue more than any other thing. Credibility of the source is considered important in influence acceptance. A consumer will accept the accurate influence (information) and apply it if there the source is perceived to be credible. It is accepted because it is demand by ones own values.Therefore, a products endorsement by a credible source may impress purchase behavior (Danwshvary and Schwer, 2000). As a result, celebrity endorsement can increase the process of reca lling and consume assessment of products (Khatri, 2006). On the other hand, celebrity endorsement has a severe effect on learning approach and memory. Researchers in the field of marketing and social psychological science have studied the manner of impressing of purchase decision by celebrity endorsements. Various hypotheses have been proposed including having recall of the product by celebrity endorsement, celebrities have credibility on expertise that makes the product more desirable or increases perceptions of quality the celebrity endorsers mountain range is transferred to the product so that those who use the product are associated with the image.Experiments suggest that celebrity endorsement can increase recall and consume assessment of the products in certain situations (Clark and Horstman, 2003). Most of the times, making connection with the brand message is occurred when consumers are not in a purchasing situation. Marketers use celebrity endorsement so that information wi ll be kept in consumers minds better and in the case of purchasing situation, they can easily retrieve it (Surana, 2008).A successful endorser strategy can enhance the level of consumers recalling towards product information, reinforces consumers recognition to endorsed brands, positively influences consumers attitude to low-involved products and even enhance consumers purchase intention and preference towards brands (Liu et al, 2007) Therefore, hypothesizes of the study are as follows. H1 Attitude toward ad is positively affected by attitude toward celebrity endorser. H2 Attitude toward brand is positively affected by attitude toward celebrity endorser H3 Attitude toward brand is positively affected by attitude toward advertisement. H4 Intention to buy is positively affected by attitude toward celebrity endorserMethodData Collection Information was obtained from randomly selected students from University of Isfahan through stare questionnaires during September- November 2009. Univ ersity of Isfahan is one of the major universities in the fields of science, human science and engineering. A total sample of 193 participants was obtained. The sample was composed of 137 women (71 percent) and 56 men (21 percent). A thud sampling procedure with age and degree as main control variables was applied. The age of the respondents ranged from 19 to 30 years, with a mean of 24. All questionnaires were self-administered by the participants without birth control device from researchers. Measures The study uses multi-item scales to measure the constructs in our model.All items in the questionnaire were measured on a five-point Likert-type scale anchored from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). Some of the measures were on tap(predicate) in the literature, though most were adapted to suit this European Journal of Social Sciences Volume 13, Number 3 (2010) particular context. To measure attitude toward celebrity endorser we used ten items. Attitude toward advertise ment and attitude toward brand were measured with six items and five items, respectively. In order to measure reliability of questions in the questionnaire, 30 questionnaires have been pre-tested through pilot studies. Then, amount of confidence coefficient has been calculated by method of Cronbachs alpha for which 0.83 % is obtained. This number shows that the applied questionnaire enjoys confidentiality or in other words the necessary reliability.ResultsMeasurement Model Measurement model Structural equation modeling with LISREL 8.54 and the maximum likelihood (ML) method was used to take the data.. LISREL is a structural equations modeling technique that traces structural relations in a set of data (Eriksson et al, 2004). Structural equation modelling was used because it allows to augur multiple and interrelated dependence relationships and unobserved factors can be represented in these relationships. Additionally, measurement error in the estimation process is accounted for (H air et al., 1998). The model is assessed with the relative fit index (CFI), standardised root meanresidual (SRMR), root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), and Akaikes (1987) information criterion (AIC). The measurement model provided a good fit to the data (CFI = 098, SRMR=0.058, RMSEA = 0.015 and AIC =396.22). All values of CFI, SRMR, and RMSEA meet the standards suggested by Hu and Bentler (1999) 0.95 for CFI, 0.08 for SRMR, and 0.06 for RMSEA.There are no Guidelines for the AIC but lower values indicate better fit.The fit of the structural model is good and is reported in Table I. In the following we will test our hypotheses and consequently report the standardised means coefficients. As shown in Table I, three of hypotheses are empirically supported and one of them is not confirmed. The effect of attitude toward celebrity endorser on attitude toward advertisement is significant (standardised path coefficient = 049). This shows that the higher the attitude toward endor ser, the more the attitude toward advertisement.Attitude toward celebrity endorser also have significant effect on attitude toward brand (standardised path coefficient= 0.24), but this effect is comparatively weaker than its effect on attitude toward advertisement. On the other hand, the effect of attitude toward advertisement on attitude toward brand is significant (standardised path coefficient = 056). This clearly shows that attitude toward advertisement has the highest standardized path coefficient and therefore has the strongest influence on attitude toward brand. The results show that the effects of attitude celebrity endorser on Purchase intention is not significant (standardised path coefficient = 0.11). This means that attitud toward celebrities, does not necessarily always translates into purchase intentions.DiscussionThe purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among attitude toward celebrity endorser and attitude toward advertisement and brand. Effects of a c elebrity endorser on respondents assessments about advertisements and products endorsed by celebrities have been studied previously. There are some interesting findings for using of celebrity endorsers in Iranian advertisements. Attitude towards a celebrity endorser has a direct positive effect on attitude towards advertisement. Attitude towards advertisement has important effects on attitude towards brands, too and its effect is comparatively stronger than the effect of celebrity endorser. But the effect of attitude toward celebrity endorser on purchase intention is not considerable. Results of this study demonstrate that attitude towards celebrity endorser has an indirect effect on attitude towards brand. This result confirms outcomes of the previous research by Agarwal and Kamakura (1995), Till and Busler (1998), and White et al (2008). When there is a fit between the European Journal of Social Sciences Volume 13, Number 3 (2010) endorser and the endorsed product, endorsers imag e helps construct the image of the brand in consumers minds.In fact, using of an attractive endorser has a positive impact on consumer attitudes towards a brand, because attractive endorsers have a tendency to get more attention than less attractive ones. On the other hand, experience of celebritys negative information can have an undesirable effect on the endorsed product. Transfer of negative information between the celebrity endorser and the endorsed product could be facilitated through cognitive relational pathway. We have considered social position of artists because people have more positive attitude towards artists. So, they distribute attitude towards artists to attitude towards endorsed brand. The association between attitude towards celebrity endorser and attitude towards advertisement has been shown in numerous studies, as the relationship between sports celebrity endorsements and retail products adverting are reported (White et al, 2008) and sports celebrity endorsements are being used in advertisements to impress brand selection. It is recognized in one study that attitude towards advertisement is considered as an interagent that influences attitude towards brand (Suhere and Ispir, 2009).Results of our study reveal that attitude towards advertisement is as an interagent between attitude towards celebrity and attitude towards brand. In our opinion, Iranians are interested in artists and know them as credible sources. So, ads makers use artists as celebrity to impress viewers attitudes towards advertisement and thereupon attitude towards brand. According to previous studies about the effect of the celebrity endorser on purchase intentions, such as Kamins (1990), Ohanian (1991), Liu et al (2007), we expected that positive attitude towards celebrities impressed purchase intentions. But results of this study confirm research outcomes of OMahony and Meenaghan (1997). According to this study, attitude towards celebrities does not necessarily always inter pret in to purchase intentions. It seems that Iranians consumer tendency for buying is influenced by other various items such as age, gender, income and education too.LimitationThis study has some limitations. The primary limitation of the present research relates to generalizability. The sample was restricted to students in University of Isfahan and this limits our results to be generalized, too. Another relevant consideration is that numerous girl students in university of Isfahan are more than its boy students. Also, this study relied exclusively on questionnaires to assess influence attitude toward celebrity endorser on attitude toward advertisements and brands, whereas this relationships need to be more investigated. On the other hand, this paper could not estimate effect of attitude toward celebrity endorser on purchase intention. In addition, our results are relational and not causal therefore, it can not be concluded from this study whether attitude toward advertisement and brand is only cause or result of attitude toward celebrity endorser.ConclusionIn this study the goal was to indicate the influence of using celebrity endorsers in Iranian advertisements on attitudes of students in University of Isfahan toward those advertisements and brands. The result of this study showed that the positive and significant relationship between attitude toward celebrity endorser and attitude toward advertisements and brands. By analyzing the output resulting from testing hypotheses, it can be concluded that attitude toward celebrity endorser has directly or indirectly influence on attitude toward brand.Consequences suggested that attitude toward advertisement was as a mediator between attitude toward celebrity endorser and attitude toward brand. On the other hand, attitude toward celebrity endorser hadnt significant influence on purchase intention. So, future researches should put more effort into making strong believable explanations for how celebrity endorsers are able to have significant influence on consumer intention for purchase.References1 2 Agrawal, J. and Kamakura, W.A. (1995), The economic worth of celebrity endorsers an event study analysis, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 59 No. 3, pp. 56-62 Agarwal, J. and Malhotra, N.K. 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Sunday, May 26, 2019
Critical Evaluation Of An Emergency Plan Health Essay
In this essay, a critical rating of an parking brake course is made. This is the generic want design of Holy Trinity School located in Bristol. This impart be covered in Part A. In Part B, a brooding analytic thinking of my experience as a participant in a table top exerci blab out is made. It will besides analyze the effectivity of the exercising in comparing with other types of exercisings.Part AThere argon a cipher of ordinances that harbour been set out by the governing to set about that the hazards of exigencies happening are mitigated and the authorities have besides met a figure of guidelines that organisations accept to survey when they are outlining their hand brake program for their organisation or topographic point. This essay will criticall(a)y measure the nip program that has been adopted by the Holy Trinity School, ( Bristol ) . Audit Commission Emergency Planning Self Assessment Tool and Preparing for Emergencies ( indite in the ulterior portion of the assignement ) have been used as a footing of measuring the exigency programs. Critical remarks are highlighted in bold refelcting the assessment of the emergecny program. Harmonizing to the Civil Duty Act kingdomd in Emergency Preparedness ( 2005 ) at that place are three basic maps that all organisation must follow with. First, all organisations must guarantee that there are programs in topographic point to guarantee that exigency state of affairss are pr resulted. This includes taking preventative step to guarantee that even if the exigency does occur so there are stairss in topographic point to guarantee that the exigency does non acquire out of bridge player and it understructure be handled by the organisation. Organizations must besides guarantee that all stairss are taken to seek and forestall the event from taking topographic point.From the arrangement on the exigency program for Holy Trinity Primary School, instruction plays a really of import function in every person s life and parents non merely set all their religion in shallowhouses in supplying this cognition to their childs but besides to safeguard their childs whilst making so in the premises of the school. This duty is taken attention of by the staff in charge in the schools, the governor and the other caputs of school. In the exigency program paper of Holy Trinity School, they have identified a figure of polar hazards that can happen in the school and have taken preventative actions in order to guarantee that the chance of this hazards from happening are minimum, delight see APPENDIX 1 for more inside informations ( Holy Trinity Primary School, 2005 ) . wherefore their initial appraisal and bar for the hazards that may do exigencies are effectual and nifty documented. The 3rd map that the school must make is to guarantee that they respect a program to guarantee that action is taken persecuteonizing to it in object lesson of an exigency. This will besides include in covering wit h the secondary impacts of the exigency. For case the school must hold a backup program in topographic point to guarantee that they can cover with the media, public, parents of the school. In Holy Trinity s exigency program they have non included how they are traveling to cover with the parents, imperativeness, media and the crowd if an exigency on a big graduated table does happen. The school must take action in order to amend their program to guarantee that they do hold a subdivision which inside informations how and who will compete the secondary impacts of the incident.The graduated table of the exigencies and their actions should besides be documented in the exigency action programs harmonizing to the ( Emergency Preparedness 2005 ) . This will answer those who are in the exigency agency team to entree the hazards and act harmonizing to the graduated table of the hazard. Holy Trinity school has outlined the different types of hazards that the school is exposed to, for repr esentative they have dividend exigencies into two classs major and minor, but one of the drawbacks of this subdivision is that there is no item description on how to manage these two different state of affairss ( Holy Trinity Primary School, 2005 ) . This is necessary as those involved would necessitate to cognize what actions and stairss are needed to be carried out in instance of a major incident or in instance of an minor incident. Furthermore the exigency direction program should besides be Risk Driven, harmonizing to Blanchard and Lawrence ( 2007 ) have suggested that exigency plans must be hazard driven which means that those involved in the twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours direction of hazards must utilize sound hazard direction techniques in order to guarantee that all the hazards are accurately identified, assessed, prioritized, mitigated and the right figure resources are attached to the uneven hazard. Hazard directors should place all types of hazards which would i nclude both adult male made and natural events that can happen. These appraisals should be made on the exposure of the factors that would play an of import function in doing the exigency. This has been good documented in the school s exigency plan where they have outline all the factors that they think adult male and natural events that can present as an jeopardy and have mitigated these hazards separately, which is an effectual preventative measure.Another major rule of exigency planning is integrating. Harmonizing to Blanchard and Lawrence ( 2007 ) all the activities in incorporating the exigency should be integrated by all the member of the squad and the organisation so that persons at all degrees of the organisation know what their portion is when an exigency occurs. For illustration in the school s state of affairs the wellness and safety section should organize with the exigency and medical squads and guarantee that they have regular plans that are in topographic point and are practiced sporadically to guarantee everyone knows what the program is in the clip of an exigency. This portion has been really good executed by the school s exigency plan where they have a list of hoi polloi who are involved in the hazard and exigency plan and each(prenominal) of their names and their duties are given besides their names ( Holy Trinity Primary School, 2005 ) . Flexibility is another of import characteristic of the exigency direction program, then the exigency trough must happen advanced and flexible thoughts in work outing catastrophes and should guarantee that these methods comply with the standard authorization for wellness and safety. The directors need to be knowing is the Torahs, policies and processs and pull a figure of programs for different sort of exigency state of affairss. This will guarantee that the organisation is covered from all sides in instance of exigencies. Finally one of the last rules of exigency direction is to do certain that all those who are involved in the exigency direction squad are good qualified to manage assorted wellness and safety jeopardies. All persons must be given equal preparation sing different sort of state of affairss such as a fire or chemical jeopardy. The school has non provided any inside informations sing the preparation and cognition that the people involved within the squad have in order to manage assorted sorts of catastrophes ( Robert & A Andrew 2001 ) . It is indispensable that all the staff are trained and good equipped and hence each one will cognize which person has specialized in what sort of jeopardy.We shall now look into what are the existent elements of the exigency program and if Holy Trinity School complies with the elements that have been provided by the Cabinet office Emergency Preparedness program. Harmonizing to the Emergency Preparedness the chief elements of the exigency program are aims, information about the specific jeopardy, the existent execution program for the ex igency, all the processs associating to the program, people and their undertakings, the designation of the legal facets at all the different phases of the jeopardy, topographic point where major of the exigencies will be handled and in conclusion all the contact inside informations of those who are involved in pull offing jeopardies in the organisation ( Robert & A Andrew 2001 ) . After critical review of Holy Trinity School s exigency program it has been noticed that most of the elements laid spile by the Cabinet office is present on their program but there are certain elements losing such as the Stand down processs sing the incident. The school have besides failed to implement the preparation agenda of the staff in their exigency program even though this is non perfectly necessary, I would personally experience and it is expected that the direction should hold their preparation agenda in the program so that every person knows what their specialisation is sing to a peculiar jeop ardy ( Emergency Preparedness 2005 ) .Now that the existent elements of the program have been scrutinized, the communicating degree of the school will now be evaluated in the event of an incident. Firstly it is of import to inform all the people within the school of the possible jeopardies and information on how to manage the state of affairs should besides be available. Within this context, the school fails to inform people within the school in covering with specific jeopardies. Even though the school does hold a periodic fire dismay drill, they have non taken the clip to inform employees and pupils on how to really undertake specific jeopardies if they happen. This is a important portion of the exigency program and must be adopted in immediate affect in order to guarantee that those in the premises are self cognizant on how to manage a catastrophe ( School Emergencies 2005 ) . Second depending on the degree of the exigency different parts of the populace will be addressed. It is of import that when the exigency does happen a communicating officer must take charge of the communicating that takes topographic point between the organisation and the populace. It is of import that a vocalisation of the organisation takes charge of informing the populace. Initial communicating must be between the exigency squads, victims, constabularies and the ambulance services in order to incorporate and curtail the harm caused by the incident ( School Emergencies 2005 ) . Close household should so be informed about the affair and they must be kept informed at a regular footing. The interpreter must be familiar with the legal facets of the state of affairs and should move in conformity before facing the media with statements to the populace ( cabinet office 200544 ) . In Holy Trinity school s exigency plan the communicating officer has been identified and he is liable for all communicating that takes topographic point between the school and the populace.In the concluding phas e is the recovery subdivision of the exigency program. Harmonizing to which it is critical for the organisation to guarantee that there are stairss in topographic point so that after the event concern continuity can take topographic point. This should be make through the designation of the critical facets of the organisation and guarantee that these services are up and running every second shortly as possible. In the instance of the school instruction the pupils is the critical component and hence all attempts must be made to guarantee that categories can get down every bit shortly as possible without endangering the safety of the staff and the pupils ( School Emergencies 2005 ) . Holy Trinity school has ignored this subdivision of the exigency program as there is no description of how the school s is traveling to get by through the recovery from the catastrophe. It is indispensable for the school to place and be after their arrangement as to how they are traveling to acquire the services to run every bit shortly as possible after an exigency has occurred. This program would assist accelerate the passage from the catastrophe to normalcy.To reason even though Holy Trinity School has a really brief exigency program they have described some of the critical subdivision of an exigency program but on the downside they have a figure of amendments to be made and a figure of subdivisions that need to be included in their exigency program. Most of their description about the exigency program has been really brief and short and they need to be more elaborative on each of the topics that have been outlined in their papers in order for everyone to acquire a clearer apprehension of the assorted elements such as the hazards, extenuation of hazards, engagement, communicating, execution of the program and eventually the recovery ( Emergency Preparedness 2005 ) . This will assist them to cut down the likeliness of an exigency from happening and will besides guarantee that ev en if it does it will be controlled.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Mumbai Dabbawalah
- Dabbawala From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mumbai Dabbahwalas Adabbawala(Marathi ) also spelled asdabbawallaordabbawallah literally meaning (box soulfulness), is a person inIndia, most commonly found in the city ofMumbai, who is employed in a unique helper industry whose primary business is collect freshly cooked food in eat boxesfrom the residences of theoffice workers(mostly in the suburbs), delivering it to their respective workplaces and returning the empty boxes back to the customers residence by using various modes of transport. lunch is an old-fashioned side word for a light lunch or afternoon snack, and whatevertimes, by extension, for the box it is autoried in. For this reason, thedabbawalas be sometimes calledTiffin Wallahs. Contentshide * 1Etymology and historic roots * 1. 1The Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Trust * 2Supply chain * 2. 1Appearance and coding * 2. 2Uninterrupted run * 3Economic abridgment * 3. 1Awards and recognition * 4In Media * 5Referen ces * 6Further reading * 7External links - editEtymology and historical roots Adabba, or Indian-style tiffin box. The word Dabbawala inMarathiwhen literally translated, means one who carries a box. Dabba means a box (usually a cylindrical tin or aluminium container), while wala is a suffix, denoting a doer or holder of the preceding word. 1The closest meaning of theDabbawalain English would be the lunch box obstetrical delivery man. Though this profession seems to be simple, it is actually a highly specialized armed service in Mumbai which is everywhere a century old and has become integral to the cultural life of this city.The concept of thedabbawalaoriginated when India was underBritish rule. Many British people who came to thecolonydid not like the topical anaesthetic food, so a service was set up to bring lunch to these people in their workplace straight from their home. Nowadays, although Indian businesspersons ar the maincustomersfor the dabbawalas, increasingly affluent families employ them instead for lunch delivery to their school-aged children. Even though the services provided might include cooking, it primarily consists of only delivery either home-made or in that latter case, food ordered from a restaurant. editThe Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Trust This service originated in 1880. In 1890, Mahadeo Havaji Bachche and Ananth Mandra Reddy started a lunch delivery service with ab stunned 100 men. 2In 1930, he informally attempted to unionize thedabbawallas. Later a charitable trust was registered in 1956 under the ready ofNutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Trust. The commercial arm of this trust was registered in 1968 asMumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association. The present President of the association is Raghunath Medge. Nowadays, the service oft includes cooking of food in addition to the delivery. editSupply chain A collecting Dabbawala on a bicycle Mumbai is a very densely populatedcity of millionswith vast flows oftraffic. Because of this, lengthy commutes to workplaces are common, with many workers traveling by train. Instead of going home forlunchor paying for a meal and eating out every day in acafe, many office workers have a cooked meal sent either from their home, or sometimes from a caterer who fundamentally cooks and delivers the meal in lunch boxes and then have the empty lunch boxes collected and re-sent the same day.This is usually done for a monthly fee of active 450 Indian rupees. The meal iscookedin the morning and sent in lunch boxes carried by dabbawalas, who have a complex association and hierarchy across the city. Dabbawalas in act at aMumbai Suburban Railwaystation. Acollecting dabbawala, usually onbicycle, collects dabbas either from a workers home or from the dabba forgers. As many of the carriers are illiterate, the dabbas have some sort of distinguishing mark on them, such as a colour or group of symbols.The dabbawala then takes them to a designated sorting place, where he and other col lecting dabbawalas sort (and sometimes bundle) the lunch boxes into groups. The grouped boxes are put in the coaches oftrains, with markings to identify the destination of the box (usually there is a designated car for the boxes). The markings include therailway stationto unload the boxes and the building address where the box has to be delivered. At each station, boxes are handed over to alocal dabbawala, who delivers them. The empty boxes are collected after lunch or the next day and sent back to the respective houses. editAppearance and coding Markings (1) abbreviations for collection points, (2) colour label for starting station, (3) number for destination station and (4) markings for handling dabbawala at destination, building and floor. 3 A typicaldabbawalalunch. It was estimated in 2007 that the dabbawala industry was still growing by 5-10%per annum. 4 Although the service remains essentially low-tech, with the delivery men as the prime movers, the dabbawalas have started to embrace technology, and now allow tanuj wadhi for delivery throughSMS. 5An on-line poll on the web site ensures that customer feedback is achieven pride of place. The success of the corpse depends on teamwork and time counselling. Such is the dedication and commitment of the barely literate and unshoed delivery men (there are only a few delivery women) who form links in the extensive delivery chain, that there is no system of documentation at all. A simple colour-coding system doubles as an ID system for the destination and recipient. There are no multiple elaborate layers of management either just three layers.Each dabbawala is also required to contribute a minimum capital in kind, in the form of two bicycles, a wooden crate for the tiffins, white cottonkurta-pyjamas, and the white trademarkGandhi cap(topi). The return on capital is ensured by monthly division of the earnings of each unit. editUninterrupted services The service is almost always uninterrupted, even on the days of severe weather such asmonsoons. The local dabbawalas and population know each other well, and often form bonds of trust.Dabbawalas are generally well accustomed to the local areas they cater to, and use shortcuts and other low profile routes to deliver their goods on time. Occasionally, people give notice (of) between home and work by putting messages inside the boxes however, with the rise of instant communication such as SMS and instant messaging, this trend is vanishing. Since 1890 ,the year in which the Dabbawalas formally came into existence ,none of its members had ever gone on a strike.This trend was broken in 2011 when the members decided to head towards Azad Maidan to support Anna Hazare in his campaign against corruption. 6 - editEconomic analysis Eachdabbawala, regardless of role, take aways paid about eight thousand rupees per month. In 1998,Forbes Magazinefound its reliability to be that of asix sigmastandard. bettersourceneededThis implies that the Dabbawalas mak e less than one mistake in every 6 million deliveries, despite most of the delivery staff being illiterate. 7More than 175,000 to 200,000 lunch boxes get moved every day by an estimated 4,500 to 5,000dabbawalas, all with an extremely small nominal fee and with utmost punctuality. TheBBChas produced adocumentaryondabbawalascitation neededandPrince Charles, during his visit to India, visited them (he had to correspond in with their schedule, since their timing was too precise to permit any flexibility). Prince Charles also invited them to his wedding withCamilla Parker Bowlesin London on 9 April 2005.Owing to the tremendous publicity, some of the dabbawalas were invited to give guest lectures in some of the topbusiness schoolsof India, which is very unusual. Most remarkably in the eyes of many Westerners, the success of the dabbawala trade has involved no advanced technology,8except for trains (and as mentioned above, SMS services for booking). The New York Timesreported in 2007 that the 125-year-olddabbawalaindustry continues to grow at a rate of 510% per year. 4 editAwards and recognition ISO 90012000 certified by theJoint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand9 - editIn Media On 28 December 2011, the British series, Top Gear broadcasted the episode India Special where Clarkson, Hammond, and whitethorn travel to India for a trade mission. In Mumbai, they aimed to beat the efficiency of the dabbawala by using a car instead of a train. The mission fails when Clarkson, in a rush to beat the train, did not take enough cargo, leaving Hammond to carry Clarksons load as well as his own.Hammond accidentally loses and subsequently ruins some of his cargo, and May, trying to take a ring road approach to the station, takes a wrong turn and ends up in the countryside. 10 - editReferences 1. Pathak R. C. (1946, Reprint 2000). The Standard Dictionary of the Hindi Language, Varanasi Bhargava Book Depot,pp. 300,680 2. Bombay Dabbawalas go high-tech. Physorg. com. Retrieved 2011-09-15. 3. Mumbais amazing Dabbawalas. Rediff. com(November 11, 2005). 4. abIn India, Grandma Cooks, They DeliverfromThe New York Times 5. BBC News Indias tiffinwalas fuel miserliness 6. http//www. thehindubusinessline. com/industry-and-economy/economy/dabbawalas-to-strike-for-the-first-time-in-120-years/article2369850. ece 7. The Guardian. A Bombay lunchbox(June 24, 2002). 8. Amberish K Diwanji, Dabbawallahs Mumbais best managed business, Rediff. com, November 4, 2003 9. Mydabbawala. com Accolades To Dabbawala 10. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Top_Gear_India_Special
Friday, May 24, 2019
Functional Areas †Staff at R. Bethels Essay
R. Bethels retain two owners, a manager and three other members of staff. The manager looks after the daytime to day running of the shop and helps run the business. The owners complete the paper work of the business and look after the monetary side.Human ResourcesAt R. Bethels, human resources is for* Recruiting and dismissing* Providing good working conditions* Negotiating with trade unions* Health and safetyThe owners of R. Bethels are in gush of human resources. They entrust employ and dismiss employees. They will decide how much they get gainful and how often they get paid. The manager will make the phone c solelys to employees, open and run the shop and to advertise avail adequate jobs. It is important that the manager does this in couch to employ the correct people. Employing the correct people is good for motivation, quality of work and customer satisfaction. The Owners of R. Bethels may not do things to provide good working conditions all the time but he will decide w hat are good working conditions and tell members of his staff how to make these conditions avail competent.This is so that people will desire to work for R. Bethels. They will negotiate with trade unions in order to give their employees decent pay and good working conditions. They will also decide how to wangle health and safety issues and improve them as and when they gather up to. R. Bethels need to be a healthy and safe environment so that people are able and willing to work for R. Bethels. As R. Bethels is a small business, training may not always matter but the owners will be in charge of it if it is needed. This would be needed for motivation, job satisfaction and an increase in profit through keen and satisfied customers.FinanceFinance department coers* Recording financial matters* Preparing accounts* Paying wages and salaries* Obtaining capital and other resourcesThe owners deal with the companys finances. They will record and file all of the financial documents. This is important, as when R. Bethels need a financial document e.g. a sale they have just made, it will be easy to find. The owners will decide on who gets what amount of money per workweek or per annum and they will hand out(p) the wages to the employees. They will also prepare accounts in order to sort out money, which comes in and goes out of the business. R. Bethels need capital in order to trade properly, the manager or the owners may sort this out.Administration and ICT Support FunctionR. Bethelss administration and ICT support is for* cleanup position and maintenance* Health and safety* security* Clerical services* Word processingThe manager will deal with clerical services and possibly computers and Internet. The clerical services are things like answering the phone and typing up letters. The manager would do this or the owners would, depending the circumstances. These are needed in order to alimentation in touch with customers, banks, other companies, etc. The employees would deal with cleaning and maintenance in order to keep things clean and in working order. The manager and the employees would carry on out the duties of everything else in order to keep the business a safe place to work.Marketing and salesMarketing is needed to enable R. Bethels to find out what customers need. This helps increase sales in order to increase their profit. As the manager at R. Bethels will have more time than the employees and the owners, he will be able to cover marketing. The owners and the employees will also be able to do this if they have any spare time, if they need to.The manager will ring up restaurants companies in order to advertise the companys products that are available. He will take time with customers to show them how to cook and serving ideas for the fish. When the customers want pervert a product, they will be served by the manager or the employees and the money will be handed into the till machine.Customer servicesThis deals with* Keeping customers ha ppy* Dealing fairly with complaints* Responding to enquiries* Offering credit* After sales service* Advice and information* Reliability* Good products, fairly pricedR. Bethels may not be able to deal with all of the things in this list, because of the size of their business. The owners will decide how these things are sorted out but all of the staff at R. Bethels will have to help meet them. R. Bethels will try their best to keep customers happy. Keeping customers happy is what customer services are needed for. explore and developmentResearch and Development is all about researching products and how customers respond to the business. If there are any things that need improving, R. Bethels will talk to their supplier and sort it out. At R. Bethels, the manager and the employees will do the research but the employees and the owners will sort out the product development. R and D is an important function because R. Bethels can have an advantage over their rivals and they can have a mor e desired product.At R. Bethels, the business lifestyle will be totally different to that of Dominos. At the moment there are only five people who are involved in the business, if and when this changes the lifestyle of the business will probably change too possibly in a dramatic way.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
John Locke Biography Essay
John Locke was born on August 29, 1632, in Wrington, Somerset, England. He went to the University of Oxford, where he studied medicine. After college he became a philosopher make-up and speaking on topics, such as political philosophy. His father was a country lawyer and was in the military, he served as a captain during the position civil war. John Locke was one of the Whig party founders, this party pushed for constitutional monarchism. He also wrote two books that were published in England Two Treaties of Government and his Letter Concerning.acceptance while he was in exile in Holland, due to a failed assassination attempt on King Charles II and his brother. Two Treatises of Government showed his basal ideas concerning the natural slumps of man and the social contract. Both of these concepts stirred waves in England, and impacted the intellectual underpinnings that formed the later American and French revolutions. John Lockes lax politicalviews were verydifferent and were unh eardof at the timein Great Britain.He believed that it was wrong for a presidency to force its subjects to conform to a particular religion. Locke said that religious beliefs argon a private concern and that they are not a proper subject for government interference. Locke also believed in natural rights which he usually referred to as, life, liberty, andproperty. Hestated that these rights a person may surrender or forfeitby attacking others, but no one can simply take them away. If the government begins to violate these rights by depriving its subjects of life, liberty, and property, then the people have a right to overthrow the governmentand establish a new one.Lockealso believedthat people can consent to create and obey only a limited or constitutional government. Lockes views on practicing religion freely later influenced the creation of the American Declaration of Independence. John Locke 3 Early in his medical studies, Locke met the Earl of Shaftsbury. The two became friends a nd Shaftsbury soon persuaded Locke to expunge to London and become his personal physician.As Shaftsburys power grew, so did Lockes responsibilities. He assisted in his business and political matters and eventually Locke became his depositary of presentations. Shaftsbury had a very heavy influence on Lockes political career and many of his radical thoughts. Shaftsbury left an outlook on rule and government that stayed with Locke for the rest of his life. After reading about much of Lockes life it is easy to see that he was very liberal and believed in the people having powers and freedoms that, at the time, were unheard of. John Lockes philosophical political ideas and writings have greatly contributed to the freedoms we enjoy today in the Western part of the world. BIBLIOGRAPHY John Locke. (2014).The Biography. com website. Retrieved 0112, family line 21, 2014, fromhttp//www. biography. com/people/john-locke-9384544. Ball, Terence, and Richard Dagger. Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal. 8th ed. New York Longman, 2010. Print. John Locke 4 knock back Of Contents Page 1 Title Page 2 Table of Contents Page 3 Biographical Background and Political Views Page 4 Connections and Conclusion John Locke 5 Page 5 Bibliography.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Individual Rights Vs. National Security Essay
I negate the resolution, Resolved When the United States is engaged in military conflict, national trade protection ought to supercede remote claims of individual objurgates. My value for the round is Human Dignity, or what can be defined as a respect for the individual and his or her rights and virtues. John Stuart pulverisation states that Everyone who receive the protection of society owes a return for the benefit but non to the point that it violates constituted rights. Thus those rights which are the fundamentals of human self-regard must be maintained. No fundamental goal should ever undermine this fundamental goal. The criteria which must consistently achieve is the maintenance of a legitimate government, or a govt. that maximizes the rights of its citizensMy sole contention recruits that a governments legitimacy is contingent upon its preservation of individual rights. According to Charles Ogletree, Professor of Law at Harvard University, The U.S. has not been a fertile breeding ground for terrorism diversity, religious and ethnic tolerance, a reliance on legal proceedings open to public examination are all values make it hard to nurture in the U.S. the ethnic or religious hatred that fuels much terrorism. Unfortunately, sacrificing such virtues for temporary aegis would undermine these values. The impact is clear, that a removal of individual rights, such as freedom of speech or freedom of press, would uproot key American ideals and slight the value of the individual within the United States. . The government would no longer protect the foundation upon with it was built, and such actions would illegitimatize the government.As reported by Susan Stanberg, political analyst for National Public Radio, Muslim communities doneout Florida have placed complains in the FBIs strategy in placing undercover agents in mosques to find our terrorists. This type of drastic action has also been taken up by new laws that grant police powers to search people t ravelling on public transportation without notifying them of their right to refuse the search and without sufficient evidence or suspicion a severe incursion on the right to privacy. Police acknowledge this fact, stating that they have vigour else to go on. This impact is that investigations based upon ethnicity encourage citizens to do the same thing. This arouses xenophobia and hostility towards foreign groups of American society.Secondly,Prioritizing national security gives the govt. license to violate human value in 3 panaches i. Dictating life choices relocating people/Japanese internment camps ii. Dictating moral choices whether to fight in war (draft) iii. Actually taking liberty and place violating the rights of innocents in war/taking prisoners of war. The impact is that denying worth w/in borders is wrong because it defeats the purpose youre fighting for, and denying worth outside of borders is wrong b/c its hypocritical. The government no longer serves its role as a protector of the people, but rather a big brother identical institute that dictates to its people their own moral codes.Finally, security loses its worth if not accompanied by rights. Benjamin Franklin states that Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither liberty or safety Without Liberty, Security is purposeless. The entire purpose of national security is to protect the American way of life and what our nation stands for. Thus, if upholding national security comes at the cost of sacrificing those rights that it is fighting to protect, it does nothing but erode the very purpose for its existence and become a self-defeating pursuit.OVERVIEWI offer an overview against the affirmative case. In order for the affirmative to affirm, (s)he has to prove three things. Firstly, that security is able to be achieves, secondly, why there is an arrogant need to open individual rights, and thirdly, (s)he must address all instances and ty pes of military conflicts. Failure to do any of these things means that (s)he is upholding her burden as the affirmative. (s)he doesnt prove this because1) (s)he assumes that she will be able to provide for national security, however, there is no guarantee for this safety. We might have implement heavier security measures in airports, but our chemical factories are just as vulnerable as they used to be.2) (s)he just discusses the possible benefits that come from prioritizing national security, (s)he doesnt show how it is fundamental. Just becausenational security is important, doesnt mean that it is absolute. The benefits achieved on the affirmative, such as unification, maintenance of sovereignty, still exist on the negative side. (s)he isnt showing why we have to sacrifice our rights. Moreover, benefits dont determine fundamentality. Just because we might be able to hunt down an extra terrorist or two, doesnt mean that random lock up downs and strip searches will win the war on terror or that an inability to do so will lose us the war on terror.3) All of the affirmative arguments premised on the relative size of the conflict, but a military conflict does not assume a small or immense proximity. Most conflicts such as the Persian Gulf are entirely within the United States ability as a superpower to control through alternative methods than violation individual rights. So this argument does not determine the fundamentality of prioritizing national security above individual rights.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The once called beautiful Canadian Geese is now nicknamed the monster in Canada
The once called beautiful Canadian Geese is now nicknamed the monster in Canada. They are now the most widespread species of its manikin in North America. They are turning into a continent- wide problem, which are causing people to be frustrated. The increase in their population is causing drastic measures. Their droppings are contaminating the environment. They are destroying plants and crops, and causing disturbances in the neighborhood. If no possible solution can be found to solve this problem, it can be a disaster.Canadian Geese were supposed to be an endangered species in the early 1900s due to the hunting of geese by hunters. (Shilts) There were hardly either geese left in the late 1970s until suddenly some were discovered again. Scientists were so overjoyed that they raised the geese in captivity and then let them go where they once blendd. (Herbert) However this was a huge mistake.Their population had increased over the old age. Not by a few geese more each year but 11, 000 to 70,000 estimated which was a noticeable spectacular increase. When the geese population stopped migrating, they began to double every five years. As a result, from 70,000 geese at the beginning, it has now increased to 3.5 million and more. (Herbert) The geese population had increased over the years because of a steady and large food supply and safely protected from the hunters. Anformer(a) reason was due to decrease in predator numbers. The predators such as coyotes, cougars and smaller predators in cities and suburbs didnt usually attack Canada geese because of their large sizes. Secondly, hunting was also not allowed anymore in cities and suburbs so the geese could live for a long era and grow many healthy goslings. People also love feeding them and geese are not scared of humans anymore as they used to. (Herbert)As their populations increases, problems split up to occur. They are contaminating our pee supply with their filthy slimy green droppings. One goose poops 5-9 times a day, and imagine 80,000 geese contaminating the water supply, it could run low pretty gross. Other problem with increased population is that geese love short grass near water. If the grass runs out, they go tearing up other peoples lawns. Problems with the geese seem to get worse each year. The geese no longer fly in a V- formation, which is a sentimental symbol of the passing season. They now live as if they have adapted to life in our cities. They even forget how to migrate in winter. They have enjoyed their lives in the environment over the years, that they want to put out having a nonaggressive life, but would people allow it?The answer is probably not. Thats what a dance orchestra of angry people are saying now. Farmers are gruesome at the geese for destroying their crops. Some countries have lost over 300,000 dollars in crops because of the Canada Geese. They eat all sorts of crops and in fact, they could wipe out a field in no time. (Herbert) People with nice la wns and yards definitely want the geese to move away. They pull grass out of the lawn leaving hideous holes on the ground, which do not please the homeowners. savage drivers are not happy with geese causing traffic jams in the highways.When drivers honk the geese, they just ignore the drivers and even honk them back. Annoyed walkers are not stir to have droppings stuck to their footwear whenever they take a walk. A large number of citizens are not pleased with the geese. There are a lot of them around the cities and suburbs. People cant even have picnics without stepping on any geese droppings just handle the joggers. Schools sport teams sometimes have to cancel games since the field is withal messy. People who love going to beaches cant go to them since the beaches are closed because of the droppings of the geese. (Herbert)In fact, if humans do not cut the numbers of geese, our water willing one day be too sickening for humans to drink. Geese are now posing a health threat bec ause they can carry germs like salmonella and giardia. (Springston) However, they dont pose as much threat as other wildlife animals. According to the rate for Canada geese, they are not measurable which means they arent really dangerous. Nevertheless, they do garner water dirty, which will still be a huge problem to humans.Lots of solutions are thought of to get rid of the geese without hurting them in any way. People try to make loud noises, spray the grass with some chemicals, and even make plastic owls to scare them. On the market, there are dozens of deterrents to work against the geese. They make plastic alligators, chemicals, metallic, iridescent streamers and try to use swans. However, nothing lasted for long. Some thought of shipping the geese off to a distant, remote the new home, unmortgaged up the dropping on the lawn and problem would be solved (Bond). They even try to ship them elsewhere but it doesnt work at all. So now a broad, long-term strategy is being develope d. However, there will have to be many more polluted lawns before geese and humans settle into peaceful co-existence. (Bond)Federal wildlife agencies, the companies who reintroduce Canada geese back to wildlife, want to trim the population which is 3.5 million and is still increasing by 1.16 million geese in the coming years. They will start at places where they allow permit lethal means, which means trapping, nest destruction and roundups. (Herbert) Some other companies want to increase hunting geese, which may be a solution but will need lots of money to do so. However, this creates lots of other problems because there are limits to killing geese. The geese are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty of 1916, which limits hunting seasons and the number of geese an individual hunter may kill. (Herbert)Companies who are trying to prevent harming the geese are now trying to work dogs to chase them away. In fact they are the hottest thing in goose management, says an urban biologist J ohn George. Using dogs to chase the geese away will be a good temporary solution. However it wont work for long because geese are smart birds. They will eventually find a solution to not get scared just like humans try to find a solution to eliminate them. (Miller)So after all, reintroducing geese back into the society may be a regret to a lot of people. Yet it is also the humans fault for not watching them closely and carefully enough. Their droppings are infecting the environment, and are destroying crops, and causing disturbances in the neighborhood. They are part of a human problem that has gone wrong but one day, a solution will overcome the geese problem, make both the geese and humans satisfied.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Organizational Profile Pfizer Company Essay
Prior to a corporate wide restructuring effort, the Pfizer Corporation operated with a divisional structure. This divisional organization prevented realization of full organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Although this organizational structure provides for defined accountabilities, insertion of professional development opportunities, and cultivates the process for local performance concern, the divisional structure can take extreme inter-organizational competition, while requiring a duplication of functional specialists and inter-division personnel by dint ofout each divisional argona (Iqbal, 2008).Pfizer recently transitioned to a new structure which created an fortune for clearly defined responsibilities and accountabilities, while eliminating the duplication of functionalities throughout divisional beas (Pfizer, 2007). The new structure promotes well defined objectives and additional organizational efficiencies (Iqba, 2008). The hyaloplasm structure is, however, much more complex. Unlike the previous divisional structure, the organization now operates within an integrated model.This new structure creates multi-channel responsibility through sharing of authoritative powers and a general decrease in organizational clarity (Iqba, 2008). Although the Matrix provides many advantages not seen through the Division structure, the organization must resolve structural deficiencies in locate to achieve their defined objectives. Problem Selection and Rationale Pfizers new organizational structure is tributary to their company. The Matrix structure is an ideal structure within reckon-focused organizations (Johnson, 1990).For the Pfizer Corporation, who is driven by consumer demand, the Matrix structure creates an opportunity for flexible use of corporate imaginations. Within the Matrix environment, personnel may transition from one trade union movement to another, as ask (Johnson, 1990). Be pillow slip Pfizers routine stage business activities in volve research leaders to the development and marketplace introduction of new medicines, the demand for human capital within the company varies. The Matrix structure provides opportunity for efficient use of human resources within the organization. The introduction of the Matrix structure resulted in several questionable areas.Within the new environment, the functional director assumes the ultimate roll of authority for the project at drop dead (Johnson, 1990). Unlike alternative structures, this is based on the project at authorise rather than functionality delays in processing, approvals, and so forth are likely to arise through having narrowed executive leadership. Additionally, priorities can become variable leading to misalignment within the group up. Pfizer Corporation has identified a problematic situation in which team members carry impertinent priorities (McKinney Rogers, n. d. ). The integrated structure has caused some concern within the functional teams.While th e project managers priorities remain with the project at hand, the functional manager has often utilized time for training which has been know to consist of several consecutive days (McKinney Rogers, n. d. ). In these instances, the companys authority has conflicting objectives of what should be done first. While the managers priority has been training, the leaders priority remains uttermost of tasks related to the project (McKinney Rogers, n. d. ). This problem has paved the way for ineffective organizational leadership. Use of a matrix structure within Pfizer has significantly impacted organizational leadership.Within the matrix structure, the project manager provides aspire oversight of the project at hand while the functional manager suffers authoritative powers (Johnson, 1990). This can cause confusion amongst the team, as the chain of command becomes diluted. The project managers main concern lies with the fine-looking picture of the project itself while the functional ma nager is accountable for the functionality of completing the job (Iqba, 2008). While the percept seems that these two aspects go hand in hand, the reality is that the seemingly diluted management can create chaos and discontent amongst the team.Identifying these problematic areas is the first step towards enhancing the organizational structure. Each of these areas negatively impacts the organizations productivity, quality, and efficiencies. While the foundation of the matrix structure aligns with Pfizers company, the manner in which it is utilized should be examined. mild modifications to promote effective operations will result in higher levels of productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall efficiency of useable processes. Recommended Solutions and RationaleWhen enhancing an organizational structure, determining solutions to identified challenges is a critical piece of the overall process. Identifying solutions consist of examining ongoing practices, determining challenges, researching solutions, testing hypothesis, and then implementing recommendations. In an effort to overcome the above challenges, research was conducted and solutions uncovered. To overcome the slow response time in things such as decision making and approvals, we recommend the implementation of management maintenance through regularly scheduled meetings.In doing this, it is our hope that Pfizer will be able to maintain a consistent stream of communication, efficiency, and execution. By having regularly scheduled meetings, employees and the management team will generate specific time set aside for things such as decisions needed to be made and approvals needing to be signed off on. To overcome inconsistent priorities throughout the organization, we propose that Pfizer establishes a clear definition of goals and expectations through management.The project manager of who is technically working under the authority of a product and the functional manager should both be given the autho rity to make critical decisions (Thomas, 2006). This would ensure that all involved with the project as well as those working in a functional capacity would have a clear vision set and know that decisions are made based on that vision. By masking a united team between the two management roles, it should alleviate confusion within the team and priorities should remain consistent if in line with the overall vision.To overcome decreased effectiveness of organizational leadership due to multiple managers overseeing the same project from a contrary aspect we believe that training is needed at the managerial level. This training should be targeted at increasing the managers emotional intelligence in revision to increase their leadership abilities effectively (Harmer, n. d. ). Ilard & Findlay (2006) found that emotional intelligence contributes to team effectiveness and productivity.With Pfizer working in a team environment, this training would provide managers with the tools to assess the emotional intelligence of their team and tap into the different personalities they are working with. A teams prob business leader of success is believed to be reliant upon having members of the team who work well together and each contribute to the overall purpose, goal, or task at hand (Ilard & Findlay, 2006). The usage of emotional intelligence would be beneficial to Pfizer because it would have with everyone being on the same knave and be able to flex their personality style based on the team member that they are working with.The challenges described can all be overcome through dedication to improving Pfizers organizational structure by all employees. In an effort to overcome these challenges, Pfizer will build a strong bond between employees through a process that provides timely responses, consistent priorities throughout the organization, and change magnitude effectiveness of organizational leadership. Solution Evaluation Metrics and Rationale It is common belief that th e companies that are scoop able to manage projects, programs, and portfolios align them with strategic goals (PMI, 2008).In terms of a companys ability to practice this type strategizing in its every day practice is referred to its project management maturity level. Obviously, the companies that are better at predicting their ability to execute are better at meeting their key business objectives. Therefore, Companies with greater maturity should expect to see tangible benefits that include better-performing project portfolios, efficiencies that come with better resource allocation, and increased process stability and repeatability (PMI, 2008).
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Food Essay Paper (in-N-Out vs Mcdonalds
In-N-Out Burger VS McDonalds Within immedi ingestlys modern society we like to concur allthing when we want and adjudge it at any addicted time. Growing with that trend, modern fast food places like McDonalds and In-N-Out Burger have giving their consumers that very thing. still though In and out and McDonalds have been around for years, both vary their menus and the way they call down to their consumers with the change of time. On the west coast, In-N-Out is favored more than it is on the east coast.While McDonalds is a general company, with restaurants open in France, China, Iraq, and also America. Who is the better franchise it is time to find out. The American ground beef is an American classic and the most recognizable menu item in the fast food industry. Even though thither atomic number 18 many different takes on the types of heart and souls, toppings, and dressings used, the hamburger has been a restaurant regular and historic favorite of both children and adults. The hamburger can even bridge cultural and religious divides.It can unite the masses, and with that being said many people agree that all burgers atomic number 18 not created equal. While McDonalds is synonymous with happy childhoods and those long bumpy road trips, In-N-Out caters to the majority of young adults past the age of 14 desires a more sophisticated burger. McDonalds Quarter Pounder with cheese is the most popular hamburger at the far-famed fast food restaurant. Before people try In-N-Out, the Quarter pounder brings as much joy to people as any burger could.The half pound of beef drenched in cheese, stuffed between a sesame seed bun, garnished with thick cut onions, and a squirt of ketchup are a stunning combination for any occasion. Unfortunately, it is also usually waiting for customers before they even have a chance to order it. On an complete day the bread can be stiff, the meat is dry and the cheese is slick. The dehydrated shredded lettuce is poured from plasti c bags daily. Customers plant a way around this by masterminding a creative way to receive fresh food from McDonalds, special order.By requesting a hamburger with spare ketchup, a Filet O Fish with extra tartar sauce, and French hot up with easy salt, consumers have ultimately forced the king of burgers into making fresh food. While this is a tried and true technique, unfortunately it doesnt work one hundred percent of the time. The alternative to gambling with pre-cooked burgers is In-N-Out. With an uncomplicated, no frills menu, In-N-Out Burger specializes in burgers, fires, and their noteworthy shakes. Their one and only focus is burgers-not chicken, fish, or salads it is a carnivores dream.All of the ingredients are made fresh every single burger is made to order. Their signature gristle-free beef is never frozen, the hand leafed lettuce is crisp and fresh, the tomato slices are plentiful, and the buns are always soft and lightly cook on the inside of the bun. The end pub lication is a multi-ingredient masterpiece called a iterate Double that contains 2 juicy beef patties smothered with two pieces of cheese, Thousand Island dressing, crisp lettuce, and plump tomato rings stuffed inside of a fluffy bun.Although In-N-Out burgers are thoroughgoing(a) perfection as is, consumers have been prone to order something that is off the menu (but wellknown) called Animal trend (extra dressing, grilled onions, and pickles). Quite frankly, more than half of their most popular items are off the menu, shrouded in c over and urban legend. On occasion customers have ordered another secret item called the Protein burger, which is a carb-free Double Double wrapped in a full lettuce leaf.Even more secret burgers can be found by exclusively asking about the Three by Three or Four by Four that contains three or four patties and the same amount of cheese on either. The Flying Dutchman is simply two meat patties and two slices of cheese it includes no bun, vegetable, o r spread. Other secret items include grilled cheese sandwiches, meatless burgers, root beer floats and chilies. Comparing McDonalds and In-N-Outs fries, there is one clear victor. In-N-Out fries are peeled and sliced right in the restaurant for your viewing pleasure they are meatier and crisp than their competitors infamous fries.The signature burger, fries, and real ice cream shakes cause traffic jams to the guide where a cashier equipped with a PDA-style device greets you before you even pull into the arrest-thru to head off the onslaught of eager customers. Ironically, both restaurants are competitively priced, but the quality of In-N-Out far surpasses McDonalds famous menus. From a practical standpoint, stripliness is an important part of the fast food industry, not only in the restaurant image, but also health safety of the customer.If customers received a dollar every time they ate or entered a McDonalds, they could probably buy a franchise themselves. Sadly, most McDonald s restaurants from Los Angeles to New York boldness the same, somber and bleak. In stark contrast, In-N-Out Burger painted sterile albumen inside and out, makes their restaurants look refreshingly clean and bright. In-N-Outs fire engine red sign catches customers eyes as they drive along side of the famous restaurant. The employees are super friendly and accommodating at all propagation during the dining experience.McDonalds serves its purpose in the middle of nowhere because of its familiar brand name, but its not usually a true hamburger aficionados first choice. Customers have driven over ten or fifteen miles, passing several McDonalds in order to get to that smallish piece of ecstasy nestled in a piece of wrapping paper and a white envelope. Just the smell of a freshly grilled burger permeates your nose, and drowns your senses. If In-N-Out Burgers are tried just once, there will be no doubt that the consumer will be a couple of times a week. Lee, R. (2007). McDonalds and In- N-Out. Yahoo Voices. Retrieved from http//www. yahoovoices. com
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Dreams and Escapism within Death of a Salesman and Road Essay
destruction of a Salesman was written in 1949 in New York, right on the brink of a consumerist explosion. The Ameri laughingstock Dream that people had spent his life sentence in pursuit of was suddenly altered and became highly worldly- reasoned. This remaining people, such as the character of Willy Loman, questioning their life and feeling secluded from this new wave of materialistic dream and the abandonment of self sufficiency. Along with this, other bouts such as Cartwrights Road was written and set in eighties Britain, in a northern Lancashire town.This was a time of high unemployment, especially in the North, under Thatchers conservative power. The working class were hit hard and m any declined into poverty, any dreams at this point would appear hopeless faced with recession and a government that testifyed no repentance to the characters depicted in Road. Both were faced with times of dramatic change that both sets of characters could not correct to cope with, which i s where outflow is used. In the introduction of the play, Miller proves to his audience that dreaming is evident in remnant of a Salesman.An air of the dream clings to the place, a dream rising out of reality. By utilise the phrase rising out this indicates that this dream is a way of escaping, this sets the scene and tone of the whole play and how Willy is in a constant dream, unable to acknowledge the reality of his existence. The construction of the play is constructed like a stream of consciousness throughout, adding to the overall theme. Parallel to this, the structure within road is fragmented to emphasise the submit of life within Road and as well to represent the broken relationships.The characters within Road make no effort to disguise the misery and reality app arent in their lives and portray it at face appreciate through various monologues, which although are not structurally reality orientated the messages within them are. They are honorable of hopelessness and failed dreams and so for many escapism is taking refuge in sex and alcohol to deaden the despair and even starvation in an extreme case, as being a way out. However, approximately characters experience escapism through hallucination and Skin-Lad turned to religion to resolve his despair. Another form of escapism used is taking refuge in the ago.Willy constantly encloses himself in quondam(prenominal) situation, re-living them and even having conversations with characters that are and apparent in his own mentality. The positioning of scenes such as these let the imagined characters break all boundaries by entering or leaving rooms through walls. This further represents the fragile psychological state of Willy and how his mind has no restrictions and is unable to differentiate reality from creations of his own mind. Willy constantly refers to the past as more desirable, the original time Willy is seen lapsing off into the past is when he encounters Biff after arriving home.The conversation between Willy and Linda reflects Willys disappointment in Biff and what he has become. After failing to deal adequately with his feelings, he escapes into a time when things were better for his family. The fact he is more engrossed with memories than the present day, shows his willingness to escape to the past where his life was once idyllic, and his lack of compassion to stay in reality. This type of escapism can also be identified within Road, particularly in Jerrys monologue where the opening line states I cant get over it. I cant get over the past, how it was. I respectable cant.He goes on to further reveal to the audience about the time he spent in the RAF on national service. Similar to Willy, as he is reminiscing, his dream enters into reality. As he describes certain objects he reaches out to touch them as if they are still there. This device is used to hold a link between past and present and dream and reality. It is obvious both characters use the past to c over the present reality. The language within Road, particularly within the monologues, does not provide a down-to-earth representation of the characters typical vernacular which is usually gutter language.This is used to create a strain against themselves and their lives, another(prenominal) way to separate themselves from their reality. The text adapts a poetic resonance which seems unfitting for the topics being covered. Ive been make by them, it, the crushing sky of ignorance it has a strange beauty, just like road itself. Humour is also present throughout to divert away from what would be considered tragic occurrences however this is occasionally interrupted by graphic realism, such as Claire and Joeys untimely death through starvation.But true to the structure of the play, it is quickly overlooked by the narrator, Scullery who simply states Hey, wes gonna miss last orders which would not be considered a realistic reaction. However, within Death of a Salesman the language wh ich is used is typical of the characters. It is the context in which it is presented that provides the difference, particularly Willys conversations with characters which are not present. The end of Road depicts a group of characters chanting together in some way a somehow a somehow Might escape.This is an unrealistic technique used to reestablish the hope and dreams that had been diminished throughout the entirety of the play. It also re-assures the audience that there might be in some way out of this squalid existence that has been portrayed, and that even after everything, there is underlying hope. However, in complete contrast to this Death of a Salesmans closing scenes portrays Willys funeral. His constant dream-like existence is finally exposed to show Willy for who he really was.The reality is enforced and everything dream-related has died with Willy, leaving the harsh truth. In both plays, dreams and escapism are used thoroughly to uplift the tragic reality of the era in which the plays are set. Although, different strategies in both are used to cope with harsh realities they both provide a form of escapism for the characters and audience alike. Whether this is the humour, drink, sex and drugs present in Road or the constant reliance on the past and denial of present reality featured in Death of a Salesman.
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